
第五部分:书面表达 (满分25分)

阅读下面短文, 然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。

It was 7:30 in the morning. As usual I was on the subway to school. It was so crowded with people that it felt like the air conditioner wasn't working. I was standing there looking around. Then, I saw an old lady get on the train with a 7-year-old child who seemed to be her grandson.

A warm-hearted gentleman generously offered his seat to the old lady. Instead of sitting down herself, however, the old lady called her grandson over and told him to sit.

Sooner or later, children mature and step into the complicated world. Love is necessary in the early development of children, yet, to the disappointment of many, too much love definitely prevents children from learning the rules of the real world. Teaching the child about the rules of society within the family helps the child to achieve success later. By giving up seats to their children, grandparents may destroy kids' best chance for character development.











This passage tells us that during the process of children growing, parents should teach their children to learn some rulers of society, prepared for achieving success later. They shouldn’t do everything for children, offering too much love and influencing children for character development.

Nowadays, many parents have a common sense that their children so precious to them that they often try their best to offer their children too much love and do everything for them, especially the old, afraid of the children being harmed and influencing their growing. Never to do anything. As a result/Consequently. children are turning in to "little princesses" and "little princes" in today's society. What’s worse/still worse, they are self-centered. This is definitely not the outcome

we would love to see. Once they enter the society and face reality, they will find many hardships and difficulties in life.

As for my part, parents love their children by nature, but they should take everything they need into consideration. Children should be given more space and freedom to do something so that they may train themselves to develop a sense of independence as well as responsibility rather than laziness. Furthermore, it is also a good way to let children face something by their own, such as, the relationship with friends, their study and everyday life and so on. A good case point, parents may encourage children to do something that they can do. Thus children may become more independent, brave and responsible, adapting society better for the future.

第五部分:书面表达 (满分25分)

阅读下面短文, 然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。

It was 7:30 in the morning. As usual I was on the subway to school. It was so crowded with people that it felt like the air conditioner wasn't working. I was standing there looking around. Then, I saw an old lady get on the train with a 7-year-old child who seemed to be her grandson.

A warm-hearted gentleman generously offered his seat to the old lady. Instead of sitting down herself, however, the old lady called her grandson over and told him to sit.

Sooner or later, children mature and step into the complicated world. Love is necessary in the early development of children, yet, to the disappointment of many, too much love definitely prevents children from learning the rules of the real world. Teaching the child about the rules of society within the family helps the child to achieve success later. By giving up seats to their children, grandparents may destroy kids' best chance for character development.











This passage tells us that during the process of children growing, parents should teach their children to learn some rulers of society, prepared for achieving success later. They shouldn’t do everything for children, offering too much love and influencing children for character development.

Nowadays, many parents have a common sense that their children so precious to them that they often try their best to offer their children too much love and do everything for them, especially the old, afraid of the children being harmed and influencing their growing. Never to do anything. As a result/Consequently. children are turning in to "little princesses" and "little princes" in today's society. What’s worse/still worse, they are self-centered. This is definitely not the outcome

we would love to see. Once they enter the society and face reality, they will find many hardships and difficulties in life.

As for my part, parents love their children by nature, but they should take everything they need into consideration. Children should be given more space and freedom to do something so that they may train themselves to develop a sense of independence as well as responsibility rather than laziness. Furthermore, it is also a good way to let children face something by their own, such as, the relationship with friends, their study and everyday life and so on. A good case point, parents may encourage children to do something that they can do. Thus children may become more independent, brave and responsible, adapting society better for the future.


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