




1. 教师针对教学内容进行教学设计

由于新课程理念的引入,学生接受知识的途径和方式发生了改变,尤其是高中化学教师的教学模式发生了极大程度的变化,因此,需要教师付出更多的精力和努力。对此,教师要对教材进行更深层次的分析,根据不同的化学教学内容制定相应的教学方案。比如说,在高一化学教材中省略了Na 和可以与其反应的盐溶液等知识点,但是在新课程观念的引入下,化学教师应该多讲解此类知识点,从而加强学生对此类知识点的认识。同时,教师还可以根据学生能接触到的实际情况对课程进行设计,因为高中教材中的很多知识都与日常生活有关联。对此,化学教师可以依据教材中的知识内容,结合日常的实际情况,设计出相应的实验教学。比如说,在讲解乙烯时,化学教师可以拿水果让学生完成催熟水果这样的一个实验,不仅能够很好地完成实验教学,还能让学生从实际应用中感受化学知识的应用,加深对知识的了解程度,从而提升学生的学习兴趣。

2. 提升对实验教学的重视度


3. 加强校际教师之间的交流



Due to the introduction of the concept of new curriculum and further development, the current high school chemistry classroom teaching mode has changed a lot, and the teacher began to renew the idea, changing the traditional teaching mode for the new curriculum teaching mode. In high school chemistry classroom, scientific and reasonable to introduce new course mode, can make a large impact on chemistry classroom teaching atmosphere. As a result, the new curriculum teaching mode in the reasonable application of chemical class, the current high school chemistry curriculum reform and development has inestimable significance. Next, on high school chemistry teaching under the new curriculum teaching mode into the basic model for analysis.

One, the model of the new curriculum

With the in-depth development of the new curriculum concept, today's high school chemistry classroom on the application of new curriculum mode has a small achievement, especially in some high schools have done to a number of teaching reform and experiment, the results show that the introduction of the new curriculum idea got good teaching effect, good performance. However, due to the introduction of the new curriculum concept, but also to some extent, a challenge to the high school chemistry teachers, summed up for years of chemistry teaching form and teaching structure of knowledge to change. And, as a result of the traditional teaching mode can not completely conversion, also is not completely change the traditional thoughts, new curriculum conception and mode is not yet formed a certain system, therefore, the current high school chemistry teaching still exist some problems. Finally, due to the high school chemistry teachers' overall teaching quality is low, is not conducive to the healthy development of students. Therefore, to perfect the new teaching model, change the current status of high school chemistry teaching, it is necessary to update thinking, abandon the traditional teaching mode, trying to create a set of effective and reasonable system of chemistry teaching, achieve the real application of new tutorial mode, improve the students' interest and enthusiasm.

Second, the high school chemistry teaching mode under the new curriculum idea transformation

1. The teachers' teaching design for teaching content

Due to the introduction of the new curriculum concept, ways and means to students accept

knowledge changed, especially in the high school chemistry teachers' teaching mode has changed greatly, therefore, requires teachers pay more attention and effort. To this, the teacher wants to make deeper analysis to the teaching material, according to the different chemical teaching content to establish the corresponding teaching scheme. Omitted in senior chemistry teaching material, for example, Na and can react with salt solution, such as knowledge, but under the introduction of www.dgalbuy.com www.jion8.netthe new curriculum concept, chemistry teacher should explain such knowledge, more to strengthen students' awareness of such knowledge. At the same time, the teacher can also according to the actual situation of students have access to curriculum design, because the high school teaching material of a lot of knowledge associated with everyday life. The chemistry teacher can be based on the knowledge in the teaching material content, combined with the actual situation of daily, design the corresponding experiment teaching. When, for example, in the interpretation of the ethylene, chemistry teacher can take a fruit to let students complete ripening fruit such an experiment, not only is able to complete the experiment teaching, also can let students experience from the practical application of the application of chemical knowledge, deepen the understanding of the knowledge degree, to improve the students' interest in learning.

2. Improve degree of attention to the experimental teaching

In the process of chemical learning this course, the link is essential, is also test students know the knowledge level of a standard. Students through the chemical experiment teaching, exercise the ability to combine theoretical knowledge with practice, but also deepened the mastery of theoretical knowledge. Therefore, teachers should strengthen the importance of experiment teaching, in the process of experiment teaching, teachers should fully consider the knowledge reserve of the high school students, to detailed explanation of the experiment, and the students are in the process of the whole experiment guidance, gradually improve the students' ability of chemistry experiment. At the same time, to guide students in the experiment to carry on the practice, more experience of the difference between experiment and theory. Between and at the end of the experiment, to make students each other to explore, experiment, in order to avoid students just attracted by the experiment of interest, and does not pay attention to the consolidation of knowledge level.

3. Strengthen the exchange between our school teachers

In order to strengthen the high school chemistry teachers the rapid transformation of the new curriculum idea and practical application, the school may conduct a group discussion activities. In this activity, through the discussion on the application of the new curriculum concept, so as to deepen teachers' awareness of the new curriculum ideas, strengthen the reasonable application of the new curriculum model in teaching class, between the teachers can learn from each other,www.dwqiwn.com www.hndamk.com www.guanran.net to improve teachers' teaching level, enrich teaching methods, etc. At the same time, universities should also learn the interscholastic communication between activities, by participating in other colleges and universities teachers' teaching course, learn from each compound proofread the ways of application of the new curriculum mode to deepen the understanding of the new curriculum ideas. Also allows teachers to communicate between different colleges, learn from each other, 20, so as to achieve mutual promotion, strengthen the teaching quality in universities and make students get a better learning environment and learning mode.

To sum up, the traditional teaching mode can provide students with a good teaching

environment, the application of new curriculum model is very necessary and successful. In high school chemistry teaching course, teachers should according to the requirements of the new curriculum, the teaching in the classroom teaching the students as the center, pay attention to the experimental teaching, let the students from the experiment the deepen the cognition to the chemistry theoretical knowledge, skilled in the actual operation, to strengthen students' practical ability, to meet the new requirements of the teaching mode.





1. 教师针对教学内容进行教学设计

由于新课程理念的引入,学生接受知识的途径和方式发生了改变,尤其是高中化学教师的教学模式发生了极大程度的变化,因此,需要教师付出更多的精力和努力。对此,教师要对教材进行更深层次的分析,根据不同的化学教学内容制定相应的教学方案。比如说,在高一化学教材中省略了Na 和可以与其反应的盐溶液等知识点,但是在新课程观念的引入下,化学教师应该多讲解此类知识点,从而加强学生对此类知识点的认识。同时,教师还可以根据学生能接触到的实际情况对课程进行设计,因为高中教材中的很多知识都与日常生活有关联。对此,化学教师可以依据教材中的知识内容,结合日常的实际情况,设计出相应的实验教学。比如说,在讲解乙烯时,化学教师可以拿水果让学生完成催熟水果这样的一个实验,不仅能够很好地完成实验教学,还能让学生从实际应用中感受化学知识的应用,加深对知识的了解程度,从而提升学生的学习兴趣。

2. 提升对实验教学的重视度


3. 加强校际教师之间的交流



Due to the introduction of the concept of new curriculum and further development, the current high school chemistry classroom teaching mode has changed a lot, and the teacher began to renew the idea, changing the traditional teaching mode for the new curriculum teaching mode. In high school chemistry classroom, scientific and reasonable to introduce new course mode, can make a large impact on chemistry classroom teaching atmosphere. As a result, the new curriculum teaching mode in the reasonable application of chemical class, the current high school chemistry curriculum reform and development has inestimable significance. Next, on high school chemistry teaching under the new curriculum teaching mode into the basic model for analysis.

One, the model of the new curriculum

With the in-depth development of the new curriculum concept, today's high school chemistry classroom on the application of new curriculum mode has a small achievement, especially in some high schools have done to a number of teaching reform and experiment, the results show that the introduction of the new curriculum idea got good teaching effect, good performance. However, due to the introduction of the new curriculum concept, but also to some extent, a challenge to the high school chemistry teachers, summed up for years of chemistry teaching form and teaching structure of knowledge to change. And, as a result of the traditional teaching mode can not completely conversion, also is not completely change the traditional thoughts, new curriculum conception and mode is not yet formed a certain system, therefore, the current high school chemistry teaching still exist some problems. Finally, due to the high school chemistry teachers' overall teaching quality is low, is not conducive to the healthy development of students. Therefore, to perfect the new teaching model, change the current status of high school chemistry teaching, it is necessary to update thinking, abandon the traditional teaching mode, trying to create a set of effective and reasonable system of chemistry teaching, achieve the real application of new tutorial mode, improve the students' interest and enthusiasm.

Second, the high school chemistry teaching mode under the new curriculum idea transformation

1. The teachers' teaching design for teaching content

Due to the introduction of the new curriculum concept, ways and means to students accept

knowledge changed, especially in the high school chemistry teachers' teaching mode has changed greatly, therefore, requires teachers pay more attention and effort. To this, the teacher wants to make deeper analysis to the teaching material, according to the different chemical teaching content to establish the corresponding teaching scheme. Omitted in senior chemistry teaching material, for example, Na and can react with salt solution, such as knowledge, but under the introduction of www.dgalbuy.com www.jion8.netthe new curriculum concept, chemistry teacher should explain such knowledge, more to strengthen students' awareness of such knowledge. At the same time, the teacher can also according to the actual situation of students have access to curriculum design, because the high school teaching material of a lot of knowledge associated with everyday life. The chemistry teacher can be based on the knowledge in the teaching material content, combined with the actual situation of daily, design the corresponding experiment teaching. When, for example, in the interpretation of the ethylene, chemistry teacher can take a fruit to let students complete ripening fruit such an experiment, not only is able to complete the experiment teaching, also can let students experience from the practical application of the application of chemical knowledge, deepen the understanding of the knowledge degree, to improve the students' interest in learning.

2. Improve degree of attention to the experimental teaching

In the process of chemical learning this course, the link is essential, is also test students know the knowledge level of a standard. Students through the chemical experiment teaching, exercise the ability to combine theoretical knowledge with practice, but also deepened the mastery of theoretical knowledge. Therefore, teachers should strengthen the importance of experiment teaching, in the process of experiment teaching, teachers should fully consider the knowledge reserve of the high school students, to detailed explanation of the experiment, and the students are in the process of the whole experiment guidance, gradually improve the students' ability of chemistry experiment. At the same time, to guide students in the experiment to carry on the practice, more experience of the difference between experiment and theory. Between and at the end of the experiment, to make students each other to explore, experiment, in order to avoid students just attracted by the experiment of interest, and does not pay attention to the consolidation of knowledge level.

3. Strengthen the exchange between our school teachers

In order to strengthen the high school chemistry teachers the rapid transformation of the new curriculum idea and practical application, the school may conduct a group discussion activities. In this activity, through the discussion on the application of the new curriculum concept, so as to deepen teachers' awareness of the new curriculum ideas, strengthen the reasonable application of the new curriculum model in teaching class, between the teachers can learn from each other,www.dwqiwn.com www.hndamk.com www.guanran.net to improve teachers' teaching level, enrich teaching methods, etc. At the same time, universities should also learn the interscholastic communication between activities, by participating in other colleges and universities teachers' teaching course, learn from each compound proofread the ways of application of the new curriculum mode to deepen the understanding of the new curriculum ideas. Also allows teachers to communicate between different colleges, learn from each other, 20, so as to achieve mutual promotion, strengthen the teaching quality in universities and make students get a better learning environment and learning mode.

To sum up, the traditional teaching mode can provide students with a good teaching

environment, the application of new curriculum model is very necessary and successful. In high school chemistry teaching course, teachers should according to the requirements of the new curriculum, the teaching in the classroom teaching the students as the center, pay attention to the experimental teaching, let the students from the experiment the deepen the cognition to the chemistry theoretical knowledge, skilled in the actual operation, to strengthen students' practical ability, to meet the new requirements of the teaching mode.


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