

这些经典句式在英语作文中可以作为亮点!与大家一起分享。 "I"-centered patterns

1) I am fully convinced that...

2) as far as I am concerned...

3) I am greatly in favor of the idea that...

4) let me take a closer look at the picture.

5) I dare say that...

6) This is something we should give more thought to.

7) It is my firm belief that...

8) my opinion about ...is that...

9) I am of the opinion that...

10)my argument to the point is that...

"It"-centered patterns

1) it is necessary for ...to take some measures to control this tread.

2) It goes without saying that...

3) It is obvious that.../It is clear that.../It is true that...

4) it must be admitted that... /It can’t be denied that...

5) it’s high time that ... (sb)made concerned efforts to put an end to this situation.

6) Odd as it sounds, it can be seen and heard everywhere in our country.

7) It is imperative for us to take drastic measures.

8) it is generally believed that...

9) it tell us a simple truth:.../it indicates that...

10)it must be pointed out that...

11)it has long been known that

12)it is quite common to hear assertions of the kind"..."

13)it is not difficult to explain that.../it is no exaggeration to say that... "As"-centered patterns

1) as we can see from the pictures,.../as depicted in the pictures,...

2) as a matter of fact,...

3) as is well-known to the public,...

4) as is often the case,...

5) so far as we know,..

6) as it is/as the things stand /as the situation goes


1) there is no denying that...

2) there is no question in my mind that...

3) there is no doubt that...

4) there is no need to get around the point that...

5) there is certainly some truth on both sides.


1) to my mind,.../to the best of my knowledge...

2) to be sure.../to my surprise,...

3) to tell the truth.../to be honest,...

4) to put it in another way,.../Simply put,.../to be more exact,...

5) to cut a long story short,.../to conclude,...


I. 用於文章主題句

1. 不用說¸…

It goes without saying = (It is) needless to say = It is obvious

= Obviously, S. + V.


2. …是不可能的 無法…

There is no Ving

= There is no way of Ving.

= There is no possibility of Ving.

= It is impossible to V.

= It is out of the question to V.

= No one can V.

= We cannot V.


body and mind.

3. 我深信…


4. 在各種…之中¸…

Among various kinds of …, …

= Of all the …, …


5. …是很容易證明的。


6. …無論如何強調都不為過

… cannot be overemphasized

例︰交通安全的重要性無論如何強調都不為過。 7. 就我的看法¸…;我認為…

In my opinion, …

= To my mind, ….

= As far as I am concerned, …

= I am of the opinion

例︰就我的看法¸打電動玩具既花費時間也有害健康。 harmful to health.

8. (A) 每個人都知道…

(B) 就我所知¸…

As far as my knowledge is concerned, …


are of great help to me.

9. 毫無疑問地¸…

例︰毫無疑問地¸近視在我國的年輕人中是一個嚴重的問題。 the youth of our country.

10. 根據我個人經驗¸…

According to my personal experience, …

= Based on my personal experience, …


of good.

11. 在我認識的人當中¸也許沒有一個人比…更值得我尊敬。

Of all the people I know, perhaps non deserves my respect more than …


12. 在我的求學過程中¸我忘不了…

In the course of my schooling. I will never forget …

例︰在我的求學過程中¸我忘不了學習英文所遭到的大困難。 the great difficulty I encountered in learning English.

13. (A) 隨著人口的增加¸…

With the increase/growth of the population, …

(B) 隨著科技的進步, …

With the advance of science and technology, …

例︰隨著台灣經濟的快速發展¸許多社會問題產生了。 have come to pass.

14. (A) 在這資訊的年代¸…扮演重要的角色。

In the age of information and communication, … plays an important role.

(B) 在今日工業社會中¸…是生命不可或缺的。

In todays industrial society, … is insispensable to life.


exptemely important role.

15. 在討論…¸一個人不得不承認…。

In dealing with …, one cannot but admit


important to decide ones future career as early as possible.

16. 世上沒有什麼比…更令我高興。

Nothing in the world can delight me so much as …


having hamburgers in fast-food restaurants.

17. … 是必要的 It is necessary … 是重要的 It is important/essential … 是適當的 It is proper … 是緊急的 It is urgent


18. 每當我聽到…¸我就忍不住感到興奮。Whenever I hear …, I cannot but feel excited.

每當我做…¸ 我就忍不住感到悲傷。 Whenever I do …, I cannot but feel sad.

每當我想到…¸我就忍不住感到緊張。Whenever I think of …, I cannot but feel nervous.

每當我遭遇…¸我就忍不住感到害怕。Whenever I meet with …, I cannot but feel frightened.

每當我看到… 我就忍不住感到驚訝。Whenever I see …, I cannot but feel surprised.

例︰每當我想到我家附近那一條清澈的小溪¸我就忍不住感到悲傷。 = the clean brook near my home, feeling sad.

19. 據說… It is said

一般認為… It is thought 大家都知道… It is known

據報導… It is reported 一般預料… It is expected 一般估計… It is estimated 一般相信… It is believed 例︰一般相信閱讀增加我們的知識、擴大我們的心胸。

(that) reading increases our knowledge and broadens our mind.

20. …的主要理由是

The main reason why ….. is


the juveniles commit crimes that social environment is becoming worse.

21. 俗語說得好:「…」。

Well goes an old saying, "…"

= As an old saying goes(runs, says), "…"

= An old saying goes, "…"

= Its an old saying


22. (A) …用下列方法… … in the following ways.

(B) …有三個主要理由。 … for three major reasons.

(C) 要…¸至少我們可做三件事。

To …, there are at least three things we can do.

例︰(A) 我用下列方法增加信心。

(B) 人們學外語有三個理由。

(C) 為了維護健康¸我們每天至少可做三件事。

II. 用於文章承轉句

23. 那就是(說)…;亦即…

That is to say, … = That is, … = Namely, …


We need to live a regular life. we can keep good hours and refrain from smoking and drinking in the daily activities.

24. (A) 基於這個理由¸… For this reason, …

(B) 為了這個目的¸… For this purpose, … 例︰基於這個理由¸我已決定把行醫作為未來的職業。

future career.

25. 我們有理由相信…



26. 事實上¸…

As a matter of fact, … = In fact, …


27. (A) 例如¸… For example, …

(B) 拿…做例子 Take … for example.

例︰例如¸我們盲目地提高生活水準¸卻降低生活品質。 we elevate the living standards blindly, but lower the quality of life.

28. 此外¸我們不應忽視…

Besides (In addition), we should not neglect …

例︰此外¸我們不應忽視每個人都想要一個溫馨祥和的社會。 peaceful society.

29. 相反地¸… on the contrary, … = by contrast, …

例︰相反地¸少數學生似乎還在鬼混。 30. 另一方面¸… on the other hand, …


The government should enforce laws strictly. the public also should develop the good habit of reducing pollution.

31. 然而¸很可惜的是…

However, it is a pity 例︰然而¸很可惜的是他總是臨時抱佛腳。

32. 換言之¸… in other words, … = to put it differently 例︰換言之¸我會盡最大的努力達成我的目標。

32. 別人可能認為這是事實¸但我不是。我認為…

It may be true as assumed by others, but I dont. I believe 子句


have strong determination and perseverance, the success will certainly come to you in the end.

33. 從此之後¸我已發現…

Ever since then, I have found 例︰從此之後¸我已發現…

conflicts in our daily lives.

35. 這樣說來¸假如...¸當然毫無疑問地…。

In this light, if…, there can surely be no doubt


36. 更嚴重的是¸…。

What is more serious is 例︰更嚴重的是¸我們不珍惜野生動物。

37. 鑒於社會的實際需要¸…。

In view of the practical need of society, ….


there are more and more people interested in learning English.

III. 用於文章結論句

38. 如果能實踐這三點¸…。

If one can really put the three points into action(practice), … 例︰如果能實踐這三點¸…。

he will surely be able to live a healthy and happy life.

39. 做這些簡單之事¸我們一定可以…。

By doing these simple things, we surely can ….


and come back home safe every day.

40. 如此¸我相信…。


ride like me.

41. 實踐這些¸…。

By putting them(the above) into practice, ….


I have been able to make constant progress in intellectual education.

42. (A) 唯有符合此三項要求¸我們才能…。

Only by living up to the three requirements, can we ….

(B) 唯有通力合作¸我們才能…。

Only with combined efforts, can we ….


expect Taiwan to take a new face in due course.

43. 最後¸但並非最不重要¸…。

Last but no least, ….


to juvenile delinquency.

44. 這證據顯示~的重要性在怎麼強調都不為過。

This evidence shows that the importance of ~ cannot be overemphasized.


of traffic safety 45. 由於這些理由¸我…。 For these reasons, I ….



46. 總而言之¸…。 In conclusion, … = To sum up, … 例︰總而言之¸好國民應該遵守交通規則。

47. 因此¸我們能下個結論¸那就是…。

We can, therefore, come to the conclusion 例︰因此¸我們能下個結論¸那就是世上自由罪珍貴。

as freedom in the world.

48. 如果我們能做到如上所述¸毫無疑問地¸…。

If we can do as mentioned above, there can be no doubt 例︰如果我們能做到如上所述¸毫無疑問地¸我們就能精通英語。 that we can master English

49. 因此¸這就是…的原因。

Thus, this is the reason why ….


50. 所以¸我們應該了解…。

Therefore, we should realize


that in learning English we cannot do without a dictionary.

51. 因此¸由上列的討論我們可以明瞭…。

We, therefore, can make clear from the above discussion 句

例︰因此¸由上列的討論我們可以明瞭毅力可以克服任何困難。 that perseverance can overcome any difficulty.

52. 1. 從~觀點來看¸…。 From the ~ point of view, ….

2. 根據~的看法¸…。 According to ~ point of view, …. 例︰從政治的觀點來看¸這是一個很複雜的問題。


这些经典句式在英语作文中可以作为亮点!与大家一起分享。 "I"-centered patterns

1) I am fully convinced that...

2) as far as I am concerned...

3) I am greatly in favor of the idea that...

4) let me take a closer look at the picture.

5) I dare say that...

6) This is something we should give more thought to.

7) It is my firm belief that...

8) my opinion about ...is that...

9) I am of the opinion that...

10)my argument to the point is that...

"It"-centered patterns

1) it is necessary for ...to take some measures to control this tread.

2) It goes without saying that...

3) It is obvious that.../It is clear that.../It is true that...

4) it must be admitted that... /It can’t be denied that...

5) it’s high time that ... (sb)made concerned efforts to put an end to this situation.

6) Odd as it sounds, it can be seen and heard everywhere in our country.

7) It is imperative for us to take drastic measures.

8) it is generally believed that...

9) it tell us a simple truth:.../it indicates that...

10)it must be pointed out that...

11)it has long been known that

12)it is quite common to hear assertions of the kind"..."

13)it is not difficult to explain that.../it is no exaggeration to say that... "As"-centered patterns

1) as we can see from the pictures,.../as depicted in the pictures,...

2) as a matter of fact,...

3) as is well-known to the public,...

4) as is often the case,...

5) so far as we know,..

6) as it is/as the things stand /as the situation goes


1) there is no denying that...

2) there is no question in my mind that...

3) there is no doubt that...

4) there is no need to get around the point that...

5) there is certainly some truth on both sides.


1) to my mind,.../to the best of my knowledge...

2) to be sure.../to my surprise,...

3) to tell the truth.../to be honest,...

4) to put it in another way,.../Simply put,.../to be more exact,...

5) to cut a long story short,.../to conclude,...


I. 用於文章主題句

1. 不用說¸…

It goes without saying = (It is) needless to say = It is obvious

= Obviously, S. + V.


2. …是不可能的 無法…

There is no Ving

= There is no way of Ving.

= There is no possibility of Ving.

= It is impossible to V.

= It is out of the question to V.

= No one can V.

= We cannot V.


body and mind.

3. 我深信…


4. 在各種…之中¸…

Among various kinds of …, …

= Of all the …, …


5. …是很容易證明的。


6. …無論如何強調都不為過

… cannot be overemphasized

例︰交通安全的重要性無論如何強調都不為過。 7. 就我的看法¸…;我認為…

In my opinion, …

= To my mind, ….

= As far as I am concerned, …

= I am of the opinion

例︰就我的看法¸打電動玩具既花費時間也有害健康。 harmful to health.

8. (A) 每個人都知道…

(B) 就我所知¸…

As far as my knowledge is concerned, …


are of great help to me.

9. 毫無疑問地¸…

例︰毫無疑問地¸近視在我國的年輕人中是一個嚴重的問題。 the youth of our country.

10. 根據我個人經驗¸…

According to my personal experience, …

= Based on my personal experience, …


of good.

11. 在我認識的人當中¸也許沒有一個人比…更值得我尊敬。

Of all the people I know, perhaps non deserves my respect more than …


12. 在我的求學過程中¸我忘不了…

In the course of my schooling. I will never forget …

例︰在我的求學過程中¸我忘不了學習英文所遭到的大困難。 the great difficulty I encountered in learning English.

13. (A) 隨著人口的增加¸…

With the increase/growth of the population, …

(B) 隨著科技的進步, …

With the advance of science and technology, …

例︰隨著台灣經濟的快速發展¸許多社會問題產生了。 have come to pass.

14. (A) 在這資訊的年代¸…扮演重要的角色。

In the age of information and communication, … plays an important role.

(B) 在今日工業社會中¸…是生命不可或缺的。

In todays industrial society, … is insispensable to life.


exptemely important role.

15. 在討論…¸一個人不得不承認…。

In dealing with …, one cannot but admit


important to decide ones future career as early as possible.

16. 世上沒有什麼比…更令我高興。

Nothing in the world can delight me so much as …


having hamburgers in fast-food restaurants.

17. … 是必要的 It is necessary … 是重要的 It is important/essential … 是適當的 It is proper … 是緊急的 It is urgent


18. 每當我聽到…¸我就忍不住感到興奮。Whenever I hear …, I cannot but feel excited.

每當我做…¸ 我就忍不住感到悲傷。 Whenever I do …, I cannot but feel sad.

每當我想到…¸我就忍不住感到緊張。Whenever I think of …, I cannot but feel nervous.

每當我遭遇…¸我就忍不住感到害怕。Whenever I meet with …, I cannot but feel frightened.

每當我看到… 我就忍不住感到驚訝。Whenever I see …, I cannot but feel surprised.

例︰每當我想到我家附近那一條清澈的小溪¸我就忍不住感到悲傷。 = the clean brook near my home, feeling sad.

19. 據說… It is said

一般認為… It is thought 大家都知道… It is known

據報導… It is reported 一般預料… It is expected 一般估計… It is estimated 一般相信… It is believed 例︰一般相信閱讀增加我們的知識、擴大我們的心胸。

(that) reading increases our knowledge and broadens our mind.

20. …的主要理由是

The main reason why ….. is


the juveniles commit crimes that social environment is becoming worse.

21. 俗語說得好:「…」。

Well goes an old saying, "…"

= As an old saying goes(runs, says), "…"

= An old saying goes, "…"

= Its an old saying


22. (A) …用下列方法… … in the following ways.

(B) …有三個主要理由。 … for three major reasons.

(C) 要…¸至少我們可做三件事。

To …, there are at least three things we can do.

例︰(A) 我用下列方法增加信心。

(B) 人們學外語有三個理由。

(C) 為了維護健康¸我們每天至少可做三件事。

II. 用於文章承轉句

23. 那就是(說)…;亦即…

That is to say, … = That is, … = Namely, …


We need to live a regular life. we can keep good hours and refrain from smoking and drinking in the daily activities.

24. (A) 基於這個理由¸… For this reason, …

(B) 為了這個目的¸… For this purpose, … 例︰基於這個理由¸我已決定把行醫作為未來的職業。

future career.

25. 我們有理由相信…



26. 事實上¸…

As a matter of fact, … = In fact, …


27. (A) 例如¸… For example, …

(B) 拿…做例子 Take … for example.

例︰例如¸我們盲目地提高生活水準¸卻降低生活品質。 we elevate the living standards blindly, but lower the quality of life.

28. 此外¸我們不應忽視…

Besides (In addition), we should not neglect …

例︰此外¸我們不應忽視每個人都想要一個溫馨祥和的社會。 peaceful society.

29. 相反地¸… on the contrary, … = by contrast, …

例︰相反地¸少數學生似乎還在鬼混。 30. 另一方面¸… on the other hand, …


The government should enforce laws strictly. the public also should develop the good habit of reducing pollution.

31. 然而¸很可惜的是…

However, it is a pity 例︰然而¸很可惜的是他總是臨時抱佛腳。

32. 換言之¸… in other words, … = to put it differently 例︰換言之¸我會盡最大的努力達成我的目標。

32. 別人可能認為這是事實¸但我不是。我認為…

It may be true as assumed by others, but I dont. I believe 子句


have strong determination and perseverance, the success will certainly come to you in the end.

33. 從此之後¸我已發現…

Ever since then, I have found 例︰從此之後¸我已發現…

conflicts in our daily lives.

35. 這樣說來¸假如...¸當然毫無疑問地…。

In this light, if…, there can surely be no doubt


36. 更嚴重的是¸…。

What is more serious is 例︰更嚴重的是¸我們不珍惜野生動物。

37. 鑒於社會的實際需要¸…。

In view of the practical need of society, ….


there are more and more people interested in learning English.

III. 用於文章結論句

38. 如果能實踐這三點¸…。

If one can really put the three points into action(practice), … 例︰如果能實踐這三點¸…。

he will surely be able to live a healthy and happy life.

39. 做這些簡單之事¸我們一定可以…。

By doing these simple things, we surely can ….


and come back home safe every day.

40. 如此¸我相信…。


ride like me.

41. 實踐這些¸…。

By putting them(the above) into practice, ….


I have been able to make constant progress in intellectual education.

42. (A) 唯有符合此三項要求¸我們才能…。

Only by living up to the three requirements, can we ….

(B) 唯有通力合作¸我們才能…。

Only with combined efforts, can we ….


expect Taiwan to take a new face in due course.

43. 最後¸但並非最不重要¸…。

Last but no least, ….


to juvenile delinquency.

44. 這證據顯示~的重要性在怎麼強調都不為過。

This evidence shows that the importance of ~ cannot be overemphasized.


of traffic safety 45. 由於這些理由¸我…。 For these reasons, I ….



46. 總而言之¸…。 In conclusion, … = To sum up, … 例︰總而言之¸好國民應該遵守交通規則。

47. 因此¸我們能下個結論¸那就是…。

We can, therefore, come to the conclusion 例︰因此¸我們能下個結論¸那就是世上自由罪珍貴。

as freedom in the world.

48. 如果我們能做到如上所述¸毫無疑問地¸…。

If we can do as mentioned above, there can be no doubt 例︰如果我們能做到如上所述¸毫無疑問地¸我們就能精通英語。 that we can master English

49. 因此¸這就是…的原因。

Thus, this is the reason why ….


50. 所以¸我們應該了解…。

Therefore, we should realize


that in learning English we cannot do without a dictionary.

51. 因此¸由上列的討論我們可以明瞭…。

We, therefore, can make clear from the above discussion 句

例︰因此¸由上列的討論我們可以明瞭毅力可以克服任何困難。 that perseverance can overcome any difficulty.

52. 1. 從~觀點來看¸…。 From the ~ point of view, ….

2. 根據~的看法¸…。 According to ~ point of view, …. 例︰從政治的觀點來看¸這是一個很複雜的問題。


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  • 原典法的学习训练程序详细介绍 原典法的学习训练程序详细介绍 原典英语学习法简略概括包括两个方面:在学习过程上遵循人类语言获得的本原程序,在学习素材上遵循人类语言的经典. 原典英语一体化训练法,是原典英语学习法的核心操作部分,它起点难度稍高, ...查看

  • 评分标准及写作模板)
  • ●紧扣高考英语作文评分标准 高考作文采用总体评分方式,集中在以下四个方面: -覆盖了题目提出的所有内容要点和要求: -应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,内容比较丰富: -在使用复杂结构或高级词汇时允许有些许错误: -有效地使用了语句间的连接成分, ...查看

  • 新概念课程设置
  • 小学新概念精品班 小学版新概念一册 一级  适合学员: ★小学高年级学生或初中一.二年级基础薄弱学生:欲短期内提高口语,应付日常对话的学习者参加PETS一级B和二级考试的考生:已经放下英语多年,但有一定基础,希望重拾英语的学习者.  课 ...查看

  • 2018考研英语作文经典句型:社会公德
  • 2018考研英语作文经典句型:社会公德 文都网校考研频道给2018考研学子分享考研英语作文经典句型,考生可以参考联系,提升自己遣词造句的能力,下面是关于社会公德的一些句式,请2018考研考生认真学习参考. 1)Yet according t ...查看

  • 自考英语二作文模板
  • 写作模板&注意点 大学英语写作基本属于控制命题模式.除了主题被限定以外,每一段的内容也被命题人所限定,所以考生需要做的就是按照固定模式创作.那么大家需要思考的还有段落结构设置,也就是分段的具体问题. 其实,一般采用的都是提纲作文模式 ...查看

  • 四六级作文评分标准
  • 四.六级阅卷老师在语言方面主要从两个方面进行评判: 1.基本正确 四.六级考生的最大问题不是写得太简单,而是严重错误太多.基础一般的同学即使使用小学或中学词汇和句型,只要使用得基本正确,也可以得到及格分数.考生最常犯的语言错误有三类:语法. ...查看

  • 点亮中考英语作文的15个经典句型
  • 中考英语作文想拿高分使用什么样的句子非常重要,如何让这些句子最快速的映入阅卷老师的眼帘呢?现为大家提供15个经典的英语句型,只要使用的准确.时宜,相信一定会为你的写作加分不少! 1.主语+is + the + 最高级+ 名词 +(that) ...查看

  • 怎样提高英语书面表达能力
  • 英语课程标准对英语写作也提出了明确的要求.课标既强调了对学生写作能力的要求,又强调了对外交流信息.表达观点和态度方面的要求.中考对书面表达的要求是:内容充实,要点齐全,语言丰富,文字优美,行文连贯,过渡自然.而赋分也是以其内容.语言.逻辑. ...查看

  • 安徽教师招聘考试英语专业-英语作文常用句型和经典句型
  • 安徽教师招聘考试英语专业-英语作文常用句型和经典句型 一.根据衔接词本身在文章中起到的作用,主要分为以下四类,即"起"."承"."转"."合". (一)表示&q ...查看

  • 高中课本经典句子
  • 慈溪实验高级中学主题教研活动申报表 申报人:张居伟 必修一 课文经典句子赏析及学生的鉴赏能力的培养 英语组高二备课组:叶碧波 英语文章写得好无外乎文字美丽,结构漂亮.那从文章中句子的角度看,怎样的句子才是好句,经典句呢?在我们英语教科书上就 ...查看
