

1. As is vividly depicted in the picture, two workers are trying to build the railway, with sweats running down their faces. However, their boss is angry with what they have built, because the railway is of disconnection to the track in the distance.

The drawing mirrors a common social phenomenon and contains profound wisdom behind it. As we know, workers try their best to finish their work, which is not wrong. Nevertheless, they do not recognize what they should do clearly. A goal is necessary while doing things. Besides, doing the thing without a clear goal means that you have to waste a great number of efforts. In addition, for you don’t know what you should do.

All in all, a clear goal is of great significance to doing everything, and you can reach the goal quickly, provided that you find it before you start. 李世博

2. As is vividly depicted in the picture, two railway workers are busy building a part of the track at the wrong place. A man stands on the end of one part of the railway and is astonished that the two parts are separated.

The drawing mirrors a common social phenomenon and contained profound wisdom behind it. While we are working hard to expect to succeed, we often ignore the original goals we set ourselves. Life is such a long way that if we haven’t got a certain destination,we reach it no matter how much effort we have poured into. The only way to success is to set the goal before we start so that we can take the proper way. 赵白

3. This is a simple but meaningful picture. In it, a team of workers are sweating hard to construct a railway. To their surprise, their efforts have been wasted due to the fact that the new railway does not connect with the original way.

The drawing mirrors a common social phenomenon and contains profound wisdom behind it. In life, many of us struggle to achieve our goals before taking our time to plan it out carefully. Sadly, what often happens to us is not unlike what the picture shows. We find to our great disappointment that our sweat and hard work have achieved nothing. In my opinion, to prevent this, we should not spare time planning beforehand. In truth, this planning often ensures that we are working in the right direction and our efforts will pay off. So take a lesson from these workers, take your time to plan carefully and then put your heart and soul into it, and you will certainly succeed. 范舟

4. As can be illustrated vividly from the thought-provoking picture above, two workers are working hard while another finds they have got the wrong direction. They have just missed the right railway! Though the two workers work hard, what they do would turn to nothing.

The two workers are just like us. We work or study hard every day, trying to finish our tasks as soon as possible. But never can we see the road and the right direction. As a result, we miss the right way which leads to success. We always complain we do too much work and these efforts never seem to pay off. Like these two men, we forget the direction and the way to success. What we do every day may turn to nothing, just like the railways that those two workers build.

Before making efforts, please find the right way towards the goal first. And then, all the efforts you make would pay off. 丁捷

5. As is vividly depicted in the illustration provided above, two workers exert themselves so hard to build the railway with sweats streaming down their faces while, in a striking contrast, a man finds out in surprise that they make two railways from different directions separated by mistake.

The drawing does mirror a compelling and common phenomenon and is really thought-provoking. The implied meaning of the drawing is that a group of individuals, who merely keep themselves working so hard, regardless of the final target they extremely expect, failing to achieve a satisfactory result in the end, however. In my course of schooling, some of the students spare no effort to study all the time, but without a clear goal in fact. So they could not receive good grades. My assessment of those people boils down to being blind.

From my perspective, I assume it is imperative for us that we should make up our minds to what we really want at first. Otherwise, we’ll only feel exhausted while working without any effort. 冯熙迪


1. As is vividly depicted in the picture, two workers are trying to build the railway, with sweats running down their faces. However, their boss is angry with what they have built, because the railway is of disconnection to the track in the distance.

The drawing mirrors a common social phenomenon and contains profound wisdom behind it. As we know, workers try their best to finish their work, which is not wrong. Nevertheless, they do not recognize what they should do clearly. A goal is necessary while doing things. Besides, doing the thing without a clear goal means that you have to waste a great number of efforts. In addition, for you don’t know what you should do.

All in all, a clear goal is of great significance to doing everything, and you can reach the goal quickly, provided that you find it before you start. 李世博

2. As is vividly depicted in the picture, two railway workers are busy building a part of the track at the wrong place. A man stands on the end of one part of the railway and is astonished that the two parts are separated.

The drawing mirrors a common social phenomenon and contained profound wisdom behind it. While we are working hard to expect to succeed, we often ignore the original goals we set ourselves. Life is such a long way that if we haven’t got a certain destination,we reach it no matter how much effort we have poured into. The only way to success is to set the goal before we start so that we can take the proper way. 赵白

3. This is a simple but meaningful picture. In it, a team of workers are sweating hard to construct a railway. To their surprise, their efforts have been wasted due to the fact that the new railway does not connect with the original way.

The drawing mirrors a common social phenomenon and contains profound wisdom behind it. In life, many of us struggle to achieve our goals before taking our time to plan it out carefully. Sadly, what often happens to us is not unlike what the picture shows. We find to our great disappointment that our sweat and hard work have achieved nothing. In my opinion, to prevent this, we should not spare time planning beforehand. In truth, this planning often ensures that we are working in the right direction and our efforts will pay off. So take a lesson from these workers, take your time to plan carefully and then put your heart and soul into it, and you will certainly succeed. 范舟

4. As can be illustrated vividly from the thought-provoking picture above, two workers are working hard while another finds they have got the wrong direction. They have just missed the right railway! Though the two workers work hard, what they do would turn to nothing.

The two workers are just like us. We work or study hard every day, trying to finish our tasks as soon as possible. But never can we see the road and the right direction. As a result, we miss the right way which leads to success. We always complain we do too much work and these efforts never seem to pay off. Like these two men, we forget the direction and the way to success. What we do every day may turn to nothing, just like the railways that those two workers build.

Before making efforts, please find the right way towards the goal first. And then, all the efforts you make would pay off. 丁捷

5. As is vividly depicted in the illustration provided above, two workers exert themselves so hard to build the railway with sweats streaming down their faces while, in a striking contrast, a man finds out in surprise that they make two railways from different directions separated by mistake.

The drawing does mirror a compelling and common phenomenon and is really thought-provoking. The implied meaning of the drawing is that a group of individuals, who merely keep themselves working so hard, regardless of the final target they extremely expect, failing to achieve a satisfactory result in the end, however. In my course of schooling, some of the students spare no effort to study all the time, but without a clear goal in fact. So they could not receive good grades. My assessment of those people boils down to being blind.

From my perspective, I assume it is imperative for us that we should make up our minds to what we really want at first. Otherwise, we’ll only feel exhausted while working without any effort. 冯熙迪


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