龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn
作者:王康周 江志斌 林文进 谢文明
中图分类号:C939;F272 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-8409(2013)05-0093-03 Study on the Hybrid Supply Chain Management of
Service-oriented Manufacturing
WANG Kang-zhoua,c ,JIANG Zhi-binb,c ,LIN Wen-jinb,c ,XIE Wen-minga,c (a.Sino-US Global Logistics Institute;b.Department of Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management ;
c.Research Center for Service Science and Enterprise Innovation,Shanghai Jiao Tong University ,Shanghai 200240)
Abstract:This paper operations management of service-oriented manufacturing supply chain is discussed.Specifically ,the differences between the supply chains of service-oriented manufacturing firm and traditional manufacturing and service firm are presented.Then,supply chain management problems such as bullwhip effect and capacity management are discussed,the corresponding solutions are also proposed.Lastly,the impacts of service on the service-oriented manufacturing supply chain are analyzed.
Key words:service-oriented manufacturing;supply chain management;bullwhip effect;capacity management
一、 引言
龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn
作者:王康周 江志斌 林文进 谢文明
中图分类号:C939;F272 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-8409(2013)05-0093-03 Study on the Hybrid Supply Chain Management of
Service-oriented Manufacturing
WANG Kang-zhoua,c ,JIANG Zhi-binb,c ,LIN Wen-jinb,c ,XIE Wen-minga,c (a.Sino-US Global Logistics Institute;b.Department of Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management ;
c.Research Center for Service Science and Enterprise Innovation,Shanghai Jiao Tong University ,Shanghai 200240)
Abstract:This paper operations management of service-oriented manufacturing supply chain is discussed.Specifically ,the differences between the supply chains of service-oriented manufacturing firm and traditional manufacturing and service firm are presented.Then,supply chain management problems such as bullwhip effect and capacity management are discussed,the corresponding solutions are also proposed.Lastly,the impacts of service on the service-oriented manufacturing supply chain are analyzed.
Key words:service-oriented manufacturing;supply chain management;bullwhip effect;capacity management
一、 引言