必修五 第二单元单词串烧

必修五 Unit2 单词串烧

The UK consists of four countries. They are Wales, England, Scotland plus Northern Ireland. As we know, the Union Jack left out Wales. You can clarify it if you study British history. Nationwide, they have the world-famous football teams. The UK was accomplished without conflict. But the southern parts of Ireland was unwilling and broke away to form its own government. To their credit, the four countries do work together in the currency, but they have different institutions and educational system.

For convenience, England, the largest country, is divided roughly into three zones. London is the centre of national government and its administration. It has art collections and the oldest port. Its historical architecture attracts visitors.

If you want an enjoyable trip to the British countryside, you can find a furnished house with fax according to the description on the Internet. What’s more, you can have a possibility to arrange your wedding in British. Of course, in order to avoid quarrels, make sure that your car won’t break down on the way to British, because the girls in the world are alike.




必修五 Unit2 单词串烧

The UK consists of four countries. They are Wales, England, Scotland plus Northern Ireland. As we know, the Union Jack left out Wales. You can clarify it if you study British history. Nationwide, they have the world-famous football teams. The UK was accomplished without conflict. But the southern parts of Ireland was unwilling and broke away to form its own government. To their credit, the four countries do work together in the currency, but they have different institutions and educational system.

For convenience, England, the largest country, is divided roughly into three zones. London is the centre of national government and its administration. It has art collections and the oldest port. Its historical architecture attracts visitors.

If you want an enjoyable trip to the British countryside, you can find a furnished house with fax according to the description on the Internet. What’s more, you can have a possibility to arrange your wedding in British. Of course, in order to avoid quarrels, make sure that your car won’t break down on the way to British, because the girls in the world are alike.





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