
The neuropathic man and his song

He is a singer who is sincere in singing and he is not famous for a long time. He composes his own music and he writes his own lyrics. He is very famous and popular now.

He was ever famous for a song called ‘serious snow’ in 2006, but because his brokerage firm was dead-alive, he became has-been quickly. Although his brokerage firm even could not support him in releasing records, he obeyed the contract until it became due. During the seven years, he was ignored by the public, but he had been making great efforts in singing and his songs were better and better. However there were few people listening to his music, which always depressed him. But he had never given up.

Because there was not enough money releasing records, he founded a hot pop inn and online store to earn money and support his singing career. But he thought he was not famous enough and he desperately wanted to be famous. Therefore, he wrote many episodes in micro-blog, some of which were funny but all of which were sincere. He also joined many television variety shows, where he performed like a neuropathy man. What he had done above all for his desire to be famous and his singing career. His final goal is to become a singer of a gleam and surpass a famous singer called ‘Eason Chen’. Now he has made it.

The neuropathic man and his song

He is a singer who is sincere in singing and he is not famous for a long time. He composes his own music and he writes his own lyrics. He is very famous and popular now.

He was ever famous for a song called ‘serious snow’ in 2006, but because his brokerage firm was dead-alive, he became has-been quickly. Although his brokerage firm even could not support him in releasing records, he obeyed the contract until it became due. During the seven years, he was ignored by the public, but he had been making great efforts in singing and his songs were better and better. However there were few people listening to his music, which always depressed him. But he had never given up.

Because there was not enough money releasing records, he founded a hot pop inn and online store to earn money and support his singing career. But he thought he was not famous enough and he desperately wanted to be famous. Therefore, he wrote many episodes in micro-blog, some of which were funny but all of which were sincere. He also joined many television variety shows, where he performed like a neuropathy man. What he had done above all for his desire to be famous and his singing career. His final goal is to become a singer of a gleam and surpass a famous singer called ‘Eason Chen’. Now he has made it.


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