


These two girls are Lucy and Lily. They are twins(双胞胎). They are 9. This is the twins' room. It's a nice room. The walls are white. The two beds look the same. They're red. They have one desk and two chairs. Lucy's hat is on her bed. Lily's hat is on the clothes tree. The books and pencil cases are in the desk. The bags are behind the chairs. The room is very nice.

(D)1. Lucy and Lily are ___________.

【详解】从文中第二、三句可知:They are twins. They are 9.

A) six B) seven C) eight D) nine

(B)2. Where is Lily's hat?


A) On the bed. C) On the chair. D) On the desk.

(A)3. Where are the books and pencil cases?


A) In the desk. B) On the desk. C) In the bag. D) Behind the chairs.

(C)4. The room is ___________.


A) white B) red C) nice D) not nice

(C)5. Lucy and Lily are ___________.


A) boys B) brothers C) sisters D) friends

(A)6. This is a picture of a ___________.


A) bedroom B) classroom C) kitchen D) dining-room


I have a small room. In my room I have a bed, a desk, two chairs and a bookcase. The bed is near the wall. The desk is near the window. One chair is at the desk and the other is near the bed. The bookshelf is beside the desk and I have many Chinese books and one English book on the bookshelf. I have also a good picture. It is on

the wall near the bed. My doll(娃娃)is on the bed and my ball is on the floor near the bookshelf. My room is small, but it is clean and tidy (整洁). I like it very much.

(F)1. There is a bed, a desk, two chairs and a book in my room.

【详解】bookcase .n.书橱.

(T)2. The bed is near the wall and the desk is near the window.


(F)3. There are many Chinese books and some English books on the bookcase.


(F)4. My doll and ball are on the floor.


(F)5. My room is clean and big.




These two girls are Lucy and Lily. They are twins(双胞胎). They are 9. This is the twins' room. It's a nice room. The walls are white. The two beds look the same. They're red. They have one desk and two chairs. Lucy's hat is on her bed. Lily's hat is on the clothes tree. The books and pencil cases are in the desk. The bags are behind the chairs. The room is very nice.

(D)1. Lucy and Lily are ___________.

【详解】从文中第二、三句可知:They are twins. They are 9.

A) six B) seven C) eight D) nine

(B)2. Where is Lily's hat?


A) On the bed. C) On the chair. D) On the desk.

(A)3. Where are the books and pencil cases?


A) In the desk. B) On the desk. C) In the bag. D) Behind the chairs.

(C)4. The room is ___________.


A) white B) red C) nice D) not nice

(C)5. Lucy and Lily are ___________.


A) boys B) brothers C) sisters D) friends

(A)6. This is a picture of a ___________.


A) bedroom B) classroom C) kitchen D) dining-room


I have a small room. In my room I have a bed, a desk, two chairs and a bookcase. The bed is near the wall. The desk is near the window. One chair is at the desk and the other is near the bed. The bookshelf is beside the desk and I have many Chinese books and one English book on the bookshelf. I have also a good picture. It is on

the wall near the bed. My doll(娃娃)is on the bed and my ball is on the floor near the bookshelf. My room is small, but it is clean and tidy (整洁). I like it very much.

(F)1. There is a bed, a desk, two chairs and a book in my room.

【详解】bookcase .n.书橱.

(T)2. The bed is near the wall and the desk is near the window.


(F)3. There are many Chinese books and some English books on the bookcase.


(F)4. My doll and ball are on the floor.


(F)5. My room is clean and big.



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