
Paragliding for a Publishing Deal

An Australian writer --- and paraglider --- tried in front of Buckingham Palace last December to help him land a publishing deal.

In what looked like a scene from a James Bond movie, the paraglider, 36-year-old Brett de la Mare, was through the skies of central London by a police helicopter as he toward the palace -- the London home of Queen Elizabeth II. The royal family was not

at the time, but police took the incident seriously, all the same. The helicopter tried to force the paraglider away, but in the end, he in landing on the

palace grounds. Police there promptly him.

This was no terrorist, however , as police had feared. He was,

rather , a writer trying to gain publicity to help a book, called "Canine Dawn". Unable to get publishers interested in the book, he tried some new ways to get .

After the incident, de la Mare explained what

to reporters. "I came in over the fence, and I landed in the forecourt here, and the crowd started . And I was arrested and dragged off." De la Mare said police had difficulty deciding what to him with: "They initially... they arrested me for attempted burglary... of ... Buckingham Palace... and of

course, they that. I mean, attempted burglary! I mean, it's hardly a discreet method of burglary..." They later charged him with breaches of the Air Navigation Order.

De la Mare left a message on his cell phone for callers: "Hi, this is Brett. I'm sorry you missed

me. I am incarcerated right now or something. Please leave me a message, and I'll to you as soon as I am free."



Correct answer landing followed headed present succeeded arrested publish attention happened cheering (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)





(14) charge dropped humorous get back

Paragliding for a Publishing Deal

An Australian writer --- and paraglider --- tried in front of Buckingham Palace last December to help him land a publishing deal.

In what looked like a scene from a James Bond movie, the paraglider, 36-year-old Brett de la Mare, was through the skies of central London by a police helicopter as he toward the palace -- the London home of Queen Elizabeth II. The royal family was not

at the time, but police took the incident seriously, all the same. The helicopter tried to force the paraglider away, but in the end, he in landing on the

palace grounds. Police there promptly him.

This was no terrorist, however , as police had feared. He was,

rather , a writer trying to gain publicity to help a book, called "Canine Dawn". Unable to get publishers interested in the book, he tried some new ways to get .

After the incident, de la Mare explained what

to reporters. "I came in over the fence, and I landed in the forecourt here, and the crowd started . And I was arrested and dragged off." De la Mare said police had difficulty deciding what to him with: "They initially... they arrested me for attempted burglary... of ... Buckingham Palace... and of

course, they that. I mean, attempted burglary! I mean, it's hardly a discreet method of burglary..." They later charged him with breaches of the Air Navigation Order.

De la Mare left a message on his cell phone for callers: "Hi, this is Brett. I'm sorry you missed

me. I am incarcerated right now or something. Please leave me a message, and I'll to you as soon as I am free."



Correct answer landing followed headed present succeeded arrested publish attention happened cheering (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)





(14) charge dropped humorous get back


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