
第十章 国际时事



ABM (antiballistic missile) [军] Antiballistic Missile, 反弹道导弹

absolutism n. 专制主义

ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) n. 美国公民自由协会

Affirmative Action n. 平权措施

[详析] as in Affirmative Action & Equal Opportunity (AAEO )-- laws mandating increased numbers of women and minorities, especially in employment.

a nightmarish day 噩梦般的一天

aerosol spray n. (用以自卫的)喷雾剂

air base n. 空军基地

air raid n. 空袭

airborne n. 空降部队

[详析]:Soldiers trained to attack from the air, by parachute or helicopter aircraft carrier 航母

air force one 美国空军一号

[详析]:any airplane carrying the president

air marshal 为预防劫机而在客机上设的随机军官

[详析]:a federal marshal who rides commercial flights, armed to prevent hijackings aircraft carrier n. 航空母舰

air piracy n. 劫机

air strike n. 空袭

all-out attack n. 全面进攻

[例句]:The United States and its partners have been urging the opposition to avoid launching an all-out attack on Kabul until a broad-based government can be formed to replace the Taliban.

amendment n. 宪法、法案等修正案

anarchism n. 无政府主义

anarchist n. 无政府主义者

Andean Summit 安第斯集团峰会 (拉美国家)

Anthrax n. 炭疽

anonymity n. 匿名

armada n. 舰队

armistice n. 停战协议

artillery n. 大炮; 炮兵部队

assassination n. 暗杀, 行刺

asymmetrical warfare n. 不对等作战

[详析]:battle between different forces, such as terrorists vs. conventional forces. attorney general n. 首席检察官, 司法部长

autocracy n. 独裁政治, 独裁政府

axis of evil n. 邪恶轴心

[详析] 可指以下两方面:

1. countries to be attacked; Bush administration hitlist (currently includes Iran, North Korea, and possibly now Syria -threatening moves against Cuba and Venezuela also made by this regime) 布什政府袭击的黑名单

2. Bush-Cheney-Rumsfield administration 指以布什-切尼-拉姆斯非德为核心的 „邪恶轴心‟


ballistic missile n. 弹道飞弹

battalion n. 军营;军队

bestial act n. 兽行

bigotry n. 偏见、偏执 、持偏见的行为[态度]等

bill n. 法案、议案

Bill of Rights n. 权利和自由法案,美国宪法前十条修正案

biochemterrorism n. 生化恐怖主义

biological weapons n. 生物武器

biometrics n. 生物测定

[详析]:the measurement of biological characteristics such as fingerprints or iris scans bioterrorism n. 生物恐怖主义

bioterrorism preparedness n. 生物恐怖预防

bipartisan (=bipartizan) adj. [美] 两党的; 代表两党的; 得到两党支持的 blitz n. 闪电战(尤指空袭)

[例句]:Britain joined U.S.-led attacks on Afghanistan, using submarines to launch a cruise missile blitz against Osama bin Laden and his Taliban protectors.

body scan 人身扫描

[详析]:"soft" x-ray scan that does not penetrate the body, but reveals its contours, allowing screeners to spot plastic or ceramic weapons a passenger is carrying


cabinet n. 内阁、政府

capitalism n. 资本主义

Camp David 位于马里兰州的总统度假地戴维营

cannon n. 大炮;v. 炮轰

cargo planes n. 运输机

[例句]:U.S. Air Force C-17 cargo planes flying from Ramstein Air Base, Germany, were dropping food and medical supplies inside Afghanistan as part of President Bush 's effort to aid displaced civilians.

carpet bomb v. 地毯式轰炸

[例句]: U.S. planes carpet-bombed Taliban front lines north of Kabul on Wednesday and attacked the Muslim militia's powerbase of Kandahar in southeast Afghanistan, hitting a clinic.

carrier n. 航空母舰

catastrophic success [ ] 灾难性胜利, 指大规模、绝对性的胜利,并不是造成灾难的意思

casualties n. 伤亡人员

[例句]: the city's hospitals were swamped with casualties.

cavalry n. 原指骑兵;现指(需要借助车直升机快速移动的)突击部队

[详析]:Cavalry is an army component using motor vehicles or helicopters and assigned to combat missions that require great mobility.

cease-fire n. 停战

censorship n. 审查制度

[详析]:suppressing books, plays, music, newspapers, speech, etc. because they are considered morally or politically objectionable.

chancellor n. 长官、大臣、(德国)总理

chaos n. 混乱

chemical weapons n. 化学武器

chemterrorism n. 化学恐怖主义

CIA (central intelligence agency) 美国中央情报局

circuit court n. 巡回法庭

civil rights 公民权 (基于公民权而属于个人的权利,尤指由美国宪法第十三次和第十四次修正案及后续的国会法令所保证的基本自由和权利,包括公民自由、正当手续、法律平等保护和不受歧视)

civil war n. 内战

Chinook n. “支奴干”运输直升机, 世界着名的重型运输直升机

[详析]:Chinook is one of the most easily identified helicopters in the world. cluster bomb n. 集束炸弹, 又称子母弹

collapse v./ n. 倒塌

[例句]: At the pentagon, the symbol and command center for the nation's military force, one‟s idea of the building collapsed as smoke billowed over the Potomac river. collateral damage n. 附带损害,尤指的是在冲突中无辜百姓的死亡;施瓦辛格同名电影

[详析]:Civilian casualties and civilian property damage in an attack on a military target.

collectivism n. 集体主义

commander-in-chief n. 司令官

commando n. 突击队

[例句]:Taliban's troops hit as allies plan for commando raids.

Communism n. 共产主义

congress n. (代表)大会

Congress n. (美国等国的)国会, 议会

conscription n. 征兵强迫征募,尤指军队;征兵

conservatism n. 保守主义, 守旧性

[详析]: an ideology that advocates balance and order, tradition, individualism, and natural law.

conspiracy n. 阴谋,共谋

The Constitution n. 宪法

conventional disarmament 常规裁军

counterterrorism n. 反恐,反暴行

cruise missile n. 巡航导弹

[详析]:missile with a guidance system to deliver it to a specified target

cyberterrorism n. 网络恐怖主义


death toll n. 死亡人数

debris n. 碎片, 残骸

debunk vt.揭穿, 拆穿假面具

Declaration of Independence [美] 独立宣言

decriminalization n. 合法化

D-Day 作战行动的发起日

S-Day 特种部队投入战斗的那一天

G-Day 地面部队开始参战日

A-Day 大规模空袭行动之日

deliberate and deadly terrorist acts 有预谋的、致命的恐怖主义行动

[例句]:Today, our fellow citizens, our way of life, our very freedom came under attack in a series of deliberate and deadly terrorist acts.

Delta Force (美国专门用来进行反恐怖行动的)" 三角洲" 特种部队

[详析]:Delta Force is one of the u.s. military's elite special units, drawing members from all military branches.

dictator n. 独裁者

disinformation n. 故意的假情报

doublespeak n. 故弄玄虚的言词,欺人之谈

doublethink n. 思想矛盾

DIA (defense intelligence agency) 美国国防情报局

disarmament 裁军

disastrous attacks 灾难性的袭击

drastic changes in eastern Europe 东欧剧变

dumb bomb 自由下落炸弹; 普通炸弹;傻瓜炸弹


election n. 选举

embedded reporters - reporters who are absorbed into an advancing military unit, and who may even dress like soldiers, so that they can make realtime reports from the front line.

emergency teams 紧急救援队

East Turkistan terrorist " 东突" 恐怖分子

escape route 脱险路线

Eurocorps n. 欧洲军团

evacuate v. 疏散;使(所有人)撤离

[例句]:Not knowing if more attacks were on the way, authorities evacuated key landmarks like the white house, the fire-damaged pentagon, the sears tower in Chicago, the CIA building and the Walt Disney theme parks.

evolution n. 进展,演变,发展

executive branch n. [美] 行政部门

[详析]:one of the three main branches of the U.S. government which consists of 10 offices and 14 departments which are led by the President.

[扩展]: judicial branch n. [美] 司法部门

legislative branch n. [美] 立法部门

expeditionary force 远征军

express condolence to somebody 向某人表示哀悼

[例句]:Chinese president Jiang Zemin expressed deep sympathy to bush and to the US government and people for the terrorist attacks against the us. He also expressed condolences to the family members of the victims.

extremist n. 极端分子


fascism n. 法西斯主义, 极端的国家主义

FBI (federal bureau of investigations) 美国联邦调查局

FCC ( Federal Communications Commission) (美国)通信委员会

Federal Reserve System (美国)联邦备银行制度

[详析]:the U.S. federal banking system that is under the control of a central board of governors (Federal Reserve Board) with a central bank (Federal Reserve Bank) in each of the 12 districts. It has wide powers in controlling credit and the flow of money. field hospital n. 野战医院

fighter helicopter n. 战斗直升机

fighter wing n. 战斗机联队

fire mission n. 射击任务

first aid n. 急救

flare n. 照明弹;信号弹

fleet n. 舰队

flight refueling n. 空中加油

fly a flag at half-mast 降半旗

food police n. 食品警察

[详析]:individuals or groups who use a political bias as a standard to determine what is, and is not, healthy or appropriate for human consumption.

foray n. / v. 突袭

forced landing n. 迫降

fortification 防御工事

fox hole n. 散兵坑

free speech n. 言论自由


Gestapo n.盖世太保, 纳粹秘密警察

genocide n. 有计划的种族灭绝

genocide by attrition 缓慢种族灭绝

genocide n. 灭绝种族者

gentlemen's agreement n. 君子协定

grand jury n. 大陪审团

[详析]: a jury designated to inquire into alleged illegalities to determine whether or not there is sufficient evidence to warrant a trial.

gravitas n. 庄严的举止, 庄严

grenade n. 手榴弹

Ground zero 常规导弹瞄准的目标或核设备爆炸点,美国9·11恐怖袭击事件中指当初世贸中心姊妹楼矗立的地方已变成了一堆废墟。

[详析]:the nickname quickly assigned to the cleanup site at the world trade center. the phrase initially meant the site right below where a nuclear weapon detonates H

hand over 交出,移交

[例句]:In the days following the strikes at the World Trade Center and Pentagon, the president had issued a series of demands for the Taliban to hand over bin Laden. hard-line Islamists n. 强硬派伊斯兰教徒

homicide bombers - terrorists who kill themselves while murdering others. This term is used as a harsher way to describe a suicide bomber.

hate crimes n. 处于仇恨的犯罪

hesperophobia (fear of the west) n. 对西方的恐惧

high seas n. 公海

highest alert n. 一级戒备

[例句]:The U.S. military went on highest alert today after the worst terrorist attacks in the nation's history crippled New York‟s financial center and struck at the heart of the federal government in Washington.

hijack vt. 劫持

[例句]:The hijacked planes destroyed twin towers.

hit targets n. 攻击目标

holy warriors n. 圣斗士

homeland security n. 国土安全

hostage n. 人质

hostile forces n. 敌对势力


ICBM (InterContinental Ballistic Missile) 洲际弹道导弹

impeachment n. 弹劾, 指摘

[详析]:a formal accusation in Congress or state legislature against a public official and the resulting trial.

Isolationism n. 孤立主义,一种避免与其它国家建立政治或经济关系的国家政策 IRS (Internal Revenue Service) n. 美国国税局

infantry n. 步兵团

INS immigration and naturalization service 美国移民归化局

international common practice n. 国际惯例

international tribunal n. 国际法庭

IW (information warfare) n. 信息战

K, L

kamikaze attack 神风式飞机的攻击--二战时期日本与对手同归于尽的自杀性飞行攻击

[例句]:minutes later came the report of a third kamikaze attack on the pentagon. kneecap 一种打穿膝盖骨的惩罚,常被北爱尔兰IRA (共和军)用于跟英国政府合作的 “叛徒”。

[详析]:Kneecap is a punishment common in northern Ireland by the IRA for those accused of being collaborators with the British. It involves either the shooting or breaking of the accused's kneecap.

labour party n. 工党

[详析]:a political party in Great Britain, formed in 1900 and characterized chiefly by broad social reforms.

labor union (or simply „union‟) n. 工会

land mines n. 地雷阵

launch strikes 发动进攻

[例句]:U.S. and Britain has launched Afghan strikes.

libertarian n. 自由意志主义者,行动自由论者

[详析]:a person who advocates freedom from despotic government rule and who believes in free will; every person has the absolute right to control his own property, life, thoughts, body, speech, conduct, etc. and is obliged to respect these same rights of others.

lobbyist n. 活动议案通过者, 说客

[详析]:one who is to promote (as a project) or secure the passage of (as legislation) by influencing public officials


martyrdom n. 殉教, 殉道, 牺牲

[详析]:Hamas spiritual leader Yassin, killed in a recent Israeli missile attack, once said: “We do not fear death threats. We are seekers of martyrdom.”

martyr n. 殉教者,烈士

maneuvers n. 大型战术训练演习

mass rescue n. 大规模援救

[例句]: New York begins massive rescue effort.

metal detectors 机场安检处)金属探测器

[例句]:Metal detectors would not prevent hijackers from bringing ceramic or plastic weapons onto a plane.

militant adj.好战的, 积极从事或支持使用武力的

military n. 武装力量

[详析] U.S. armed forces comprised of the Navy, Army, Air Force, and Marines. military advisory team n. 军事顾问团

military buildup n. 军事集结

[例句]: The United States has sent some 1,000 soldiers to Uzbekistan as part of its biggest military buildup since the 1991 Gulf War.

military capabilities n. 军事能力

monarchy n 君主政体, 君主政治, 君主国

multinational peace-keeping force 多国维持和平部队

mustard gas n. 芥子气,一种毒气,对皮肤和粘膜有腐蚀性,并能引起严重的甚至是致命的呼吸道损害。它是一战期间作为一种战争化学武器被引入的。


neutral country / state n. 中立国

not undertake to renounce the use of force 不承诺放弃使用武器

nuclear arsenal n 核军火库

nationalism n. 民族主义, 民族独立运动

Nazi n. 纳粹党人 adj. 纳粹的, 专横的

Neocon (Neo-conservative ) [美] n.新保守主义者, 新保守派

[详析]:Jewish-Americans, formerly as far left as to be socialist/communist, , who have moved over to the political right. One of its main tenets is the vital importance of Israel as a strategic partner to the U.S.

New World Order n. 新世界秩序

[详析]:a conspiracy theory regarding an extremely powerful and influential doomsday cult, generally referred to as the Illuminati.

non-aggressive stance n. 非暴力政策

Nostradamus 诺斯卑达穆斯 (法国医生和占星家)

[详析]:16th century French physician, astrologer and poet who is viewed by some as a prophet. lines of some of his poems were pulled out of context and strung together, along with some verses Nostradamus never wrote, to suggest he had predicted the Sept. 11 attack.

NOW (National Organization for Women) n. 国家妇女组织

[详析]:An American organization that seeks to promote equal rights for women and end discrimination against women in all areas of employment, education, the military, social organizations, etc.


outlays n. 费用

operation n. 军事行动


Operation Eagle Claw 鹰爪行动1980年, 伊朗

Operation Just Cause 正义事业行动,1989-1990年, 巴拿马

Operation Desert Shield / Storm 沙漠盾牌/风暴行动,1990-1991年从科威特驱逐伊拉克部队

Operation Restore Hope 重拾希望行动,1991-1993年, 索马里人道主义和维和行动。 Operation Enduring Freedom持久自由行动(原名为无限正义行动,Operation Infinite Justice ) 2001年, "9·11"" 事件之后在阿富汗的作战行动

Operation Iraqi Freedom自由伊拉克行动,2003年, 美军向伊拉克发起进攻 Operation Shock and Awe 震慑行动, 2003年, 对伊拉克高密度轰炸动

Opium n. 鸦片

[例句]:Afghanistan is the world's largest producer of opium.

ordnance n.军火,军械战备

[详析]:military materiel, such as weapons, ammunition, combat vehicles, and equipment.

P, Q

P5 联合国安全理事会五个常任理事国

[详析]:the permanent five members of the UN Security Council: China, England, France, Russia, And The U.S.A.

parliament n. 国会, 议会

partizan n. 党羽, 某个党派、事业、派系、人或思想的狂热的支持者或反对者 Patriot missile n. “爱国者 ”导弹

pay a price 付出代价

[例句]: "Now the Taliban will pay a price," Bush vowed. perjury n. 伪誓, 伪证 PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) n. 美国人道对待动物协会

[详析]:A group that supports animal "rights" by protesting medical testing on animals and the use of animals to make clothing, cosmetics, and other consumables including food. piracy n. 侵犯版权, 非法翻印, 盗版

platoon n. [军] 排

plutocracy n. 富豪统治

political unrest n. 政治动荡局面

post-traumatic stress disorder (由于战伤, 恐怖等原因所引起的)外伤性神经失调症

[详析]:common ailment for survivors and rescue workers in disasters

pound v. 猛烈轰炸

[例句]: U.S. air strikes pound Afghan homes.

Presidential election n. 总统选举

adverse election results 不利的选举结果

ballot v. 投票;选举/ 拉选票 n. 选票

campaign v./n.竞选活动,从事竞选活动

candidate n. 候选人

canvass v. 游说、拉选票

charisma n. 领袖魅力

controversy n. 争议, 论战

Democratic party (美)民主党派

electorate n. 全体选民

eloquent adj. 口才很好的

gracious loser n. 输得起的人; 有风度的输家

heavy poll n. 得票率高

impeachment n. 弹劾

jubilant victory celebration n. 胜利的欢庆场面

nominee n. 候选人; 被提名者

opinion poll n. 民意测验

poll n./v. 投票; 投票数

poll station / the poll 投票站

Republican Party (美)共和党

TV debate n. 电视辩论

voter n. 选民

neck and neck adj. 并驾齐驱;不分上下

landslide n. 占绝对优势的选举; 压倒多数的选票

landslide victory n. 巨大的胜利

proliferation n. 扩散

proposal n. 倡议书

pullback n./ v. 撤军

[例句]: Palestinians said the pullback should be carried out unconditionally, and the United States kept up its pressure to end the operation, which is Israel's most intensive in 13 months of fighting.

quota n. 配额, 限额

[详析]:the number of persons of a specific race or gender required to be enrolled in a college, to be hired by a company, to be admitted to a club, etc.


recall [美](投票)罢免

recession n. 工商业之衰退, 不景气

reinforcements n. 援军,増援

rescue n./ v. 营救

rescue crews / workers 救援人员

retaliation n. 报复

retaliatory attacks n. 报复性袭击

revenue enhancement n. 税收增加

[详析]: a term used to describe a tax increase, without having to call it a tax increase. "roadmap" peace plan for the Middle East 中东和平“路线图”

rubble n. 碎石,废墟


Safe House n. (间谍、恐怖分子的)藏身房,安全房

sarin n. 沙林, 一种用作神经性毒气的化学剂

sea change 海洋式转变, 巨大变化,源自莎士比亚的剧本台词。

[详析]:cliché often used to describe the vast change in international relations or u.s. outlook caused by the terrorist attack. from Shakespeare's "the Tempest": "nothing of him that doth fade but doth suffer a sea-change into something rich and strange."

secede vi. 正式脱离或退出, 分离

secret ballot 不记名投票

Secret Service (政府的)特务机关,情报机关

Security Council n. 联合国安全理事会

shrapnel n. 流霰弹

[例句]:He said a bomb or missile had exploded nearby and shrapnel landed on his house.

skyjacking n. 劫机

[详析]:the hijacking of an airliner by terrorists

smallpox n. 天花

[例句]:Within 48 hours, smallpox could travel from New York to Italy to Baghdad. socialism n. 社会主义, 社会主义运动

special forces n. 特种部队

spiritual leader n. 精神领袖

squad n. [军]班,分队, 小组, 小队

suicide squad 敢死队

stealth n.秘密行动

strip the citizenship 取消国籍

stronghold n. 要塞据点

stun gun 眩晕枪

[例句]: President Bush has proposed arming pilots with stun guns. The airline pilots association wants pilots armed with firearms

suicide bombing n. 自杀性爆炸

surgical strike n. 外科手术式袭击,指精确而迅速的袭击,一般为空袭

[详析]:military operation with a limited objective, performed with precision and swiftness, usually from the air

syndicalism [ ] n. 工会组织主义, 职能政府论

symmetrical warfare n. 对称作战

[详析]:battle between like forces: tanks vs. tanks and aircraft vs. aircraft. war on terrorism may be largely asymmetrical


tear gas 催泪弹

terror probe (为预防恐怖活动) 收取情报

terrorism n. 恐怖主义,恐怖行为

terrorist acts n. 恐怖行为, 恐怖活动

terrorist group n. 恐怖组织

terrorist mastermind 恐怖大亨

[例句]: The country's ruling Taliban militia declared the assault a ``terrorist attack'' and said alleged terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden and Taliban leader Mullah Momammed Omar had survived.

the Bush Administration 布什政府

the disintegration of the soviet union 苏联解体

the Middle East peace process 中东和平进程

the World Energy conference 世界能源会议

think tank n. 智囊团

[详析]:a research institute or other organization of scholars, social or physical scientists, etc.

thought police - individuals or groups who use a political bias as a standard to determine what is, and is not, appropriate for others to think or say.

TMD (Theater Missile Defense system) 战区导弹防御体系

to want somebody dead or alive 无论是生是死, 都要将其缉拿

Tory n. 保守党党员, 保皇党人 adj. 保守分子的

[详析]:a member of the conservative party in Great Britain or Canada.

toxin n. 毒素

Twin Towers 姊妹楼, 又称双子座, 美国世贸中心原七座大楼中的主要建筑 tyranny n. 暴政, 苛政, 专治


United Nations n. 联合国

[详析]: an international organization, headquartered in New York City, formed to promote international peace, security, and cooperation under the terms of the charter signed by 51 founding countries in San Francisco in 1945.

UN permanent representative n. 常驻联合国代表

unilateralism n. 单边主义, 单方面裁军

unveil fresh policy 新政策出台


vertical envelopment 垂直包围,依靠空中突击师采用空降的方式将部队部署到敌军的侧翼和后方,发动包夹进攻

victim n. 受害者

visit to the Yasukuni war shrine 参拜靖国神社

W, Z

warplane (military aircraft) n. 军用飞机:

[例句]:Missiles and warplanes streaked through the Afghan night and rocked at least three cities in a U.S.-British attack on Osama bin Laden and his Taliban backers Sunday. Watergate n. 水门事件 (美国政治丑闻)

WMD (weapons of mass destruction) 大规模杀伤性武器

[详析]:WMD would include Chemical, Biological and Nuclear weapons.

WTC (world trade center) 美国世贸中心

wreckage n. 遇难过程或遇难的情况; 残骸,碎片

Zionist n. / adj.犹太人复国主义者 (的)

[详析]:a movement looking toward the segregation of the Jewish people, specifically seeking a Jewish legal takeover of Palestine.



Afghanistan 阿富汗

Al Qaeda 盖达组织,又称基地组织

Al-fatah 巴勒斯坦民族解放运动(法塔赫), 巴勒斯坦解放组织中实力最强、影响最大的一个,控制和掌握着巴解组织的军事、政治、财务和外交大权。

Al-Jihad "the holy struggle." 简称Jihad n 圣战 (伊斯兰教徒对异教徒的战争) Allah n. (伊斯兰教的)阿拉,真主

Arab League n. 阿拉伯联盟

ascetic n. 禁欲者, 苦行修道者 adj. 修道的, 苦行的

bin "son of." in Arabic …之子(阿拉伯语)

bint "daughter of in Arabic …之女(阿拉伯语)

burqa 信仰伊斯兰教义的阿富汗女人穿的布卡,由一件完整的外套组成,它在背后拖到地面,前面的长度到臀部或上面一点,眼睛的地方有一张网或格子,是一种盖住全身的面纱。

[详析]:a monocolored dress that covers the entire body, including the face. it has a tight mesh over the face allowing air and restricted vision outwards. Women of Afghanistan are currently required to wear a burqa.

Emir 埃米尔 (穆斯林国家的酋长, 贵族, 王公, 领导者)

[详析]: (Arabic amir "commander") a leader, commander or ruler in an Islamic nation.

Eschatology 〈宗〉末世论(研究人类和世界终局的神学)

Gaza 加沙 (西南亚地中海岸港市,巴勒斯坦的一部分)

Haji =hadji n. 赴麦加朝圣过的伊斯兰教徒

hajib (woman head scarf ) 伊斯兰教妇女裹头巾

Hamas “哈马斯”, 巴勒斯坦伊斯兰抵抗运动的简称,它是由“伊斯兰”、“抵抗”、“运动”三个阿拉伯语词的缩写组成。

Hijra = hegiran. 逃亡,离开逃避危险的逃离。回教纪元公元622年穆罕默德从麦加到麦地那的逃亡,标志着伊斯兰教纪元的开始

intifada (Arab ) 起义,暴动

jihad 圣战(伊斯兰教徒对异教徒的战争)

[例句]:The influential and Taliban-sympathetic Afghan Defense Council, based in the eastern Pakistani city of Lahore, issued a call for "jihad,'' or holy war.

Kashmir 克什米尔 (印巴争端多事之地)

[详析]:a mountainous region of northern India and constant source of disputes between Pakistan and India.

Koran. n. (伊斯兰教)可兰经

[详析]:the common English spelling of the holy book of Islam. Most Muslims spell it Qur'an

madrasah 伊斯兰学校; 伊斯兰大学

Mecca 麦加, 伊斯兰教创始人穆罕默德的诞生地,是伊斯兰教最神圣之地

[详析]:the holiest city of Islam, in Saudi Arabia.

Morocco 摩洛哥

Mosque 清真寺

Pakistan 巴基斯坦

Palestine 巴勒斯坦

PLO Palestine Liberation Organization 巴勒斯坦解放组织,巴解组织

Ramadan 斋月, 穆斯林历的第九个月

Shiite 〈伊斯兰〉什叶派教徒

Sunni 〈伊斯兰〉逊尼派教徒

UAE (United Arab Emirates) 阿拉伯联合酋长国, 阿联酋

第十章 国际时事



ABM (antiballistic missile) [军] Antiballistic Missile, 反弹道导弹

absolutism n. 专制主义

ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) n. 美国公民自由协会

Affirmative Action n. 平权措施

[详析] as in Affirmative Action & Equal Opportunity (AAEO )-- laws mandating increased numbers of women and minorities, especially in employment.

a nightmarish day 噩梦般的一天

aerosol spray n. (用以自卫的)喷雾剂

air base n. 空军基地

air raid n. 空袭

airborne n. 空降部队

[详析]:Soldiers trained to attack from the air, by parachute or helicopter aircraft carrier 航母

air force one 美国空军一号

[详析]:any airplane carrying the president

air marshal 为预防劫机而在客机上设的随机军官

[详析]:a federal marshal who rides commercial flights, armed to prevent hijackings aircraft carrier n. 航空母舰

air piracy n. 劫机

air strike n. 空袭

all-out attack n. 全面进攻

[例句]:The United States and its partners have been urging the opposition to avoid launching an all-out attack on Kabul until a broad-based government can be formed to replace the Taliban.

amendment n. 宪法、法案等修正案

anarchism n. 无政府主义

anarchist n. 无政府主义者

Andean Summit 安第斯集团峰会 (拉美国家)

Anthrax n. 炭疽

anonymity n. 匿名

armada n. 舰队

armistice n. 停战协议

artillery n. 大炮; 炮兵部队

assassination n. 暗杀, 行刺

asymmetrical warfare n. 不对等作战

[详析]:battle between different forces, such as terrorists vs. conventional forces. attorney general n. 首席检察官, 司法部长

autocracy n. 独裁政治, 独裁政府

axis of evil n. 邪恶轴心

[详析] 可指以下两方面:

1. countries to be attacked; Bush administration hitlist (currently includes Iran, North Korea, and possibly now Syria -threatening moves against Cuba and Venezuela also made by this regime) 布什政府袭击的黑名单

2. Bush-Cheney-Rumsfield administration 指以布什-切尼-拉姆斯非德为核心的 „邪恶轴心‟


ballistic missile n. 弹道飞弹

battalion n. 军营;军队

bestial act n. 兽行

bigotry n. 偏见、偏执 、持偏见的行为[态度]等

bill n. 法案、议案

Bill of Rights n. 权利和自由法案,美国宪法前十条修正案

biochemterrorism n. 生化恐怖主义

biological weapons n. 生物武器

biometrics n. 生物测定

[详析]:the measurement of biological characteristics such as fingerprints or iris scans bioterrorism n. 生物恐怖主义

bioterrorism preparedness n. 生物恐怖预防

bipartisan (=bipartizan) adj. [美] 两党的; 代表两党的; 得到两党支持的 blitz n. 闪电战(尤指空袭)

[例句]:Britain joined U.S.-led attacks on Afghanistan, using submarines to launch a cruise missile blitz against Osama bin Laden and his Taliban protectors.

body scan 人身扫描

[详析]:"soft" x-ray scan that does not penetrate the body, but reveals its contours, allowing screeners to spot plastic or ceramic weapons a passenger is carrying


cabinet n. 内阁、政府

capitalism n. 资本主义

Camp David 位于马里兰州的总统度假地戴维营

cannon n. 大炮;v. 炮轰

cargo planes n. 运输机

[例句]:U.S. Air Force C-17 cargo planes flying from Ramstein Air Base, Germany, were dropping food and medical supplies inside Afghanistan as part of President Bush 's effort to aid displaced civilians.

carpet bomb v. 地毯式轰炸

[例句]: U.S. planes carpet-bombed Taliban front lines north of Kabul on Wednesday and attacked the Muslim militia's powerbase of Kandahar in southeast Afghanistan, hitting a clinic.

carrier n. 航空母舰

catastrophic success [ ] 灾难性胜利, 指大规模、绝对性的胜利,并不是造成灾难的意思

casualties n. 伤亡人员

[例句]: the city's hospitals were swamped with casualties.

cavalry n. 原指骑兵;现指(需要借助车直升机快速移动的)突击部队

[详析]:Cavalry is an army component using motor vehicles or helicopters and assigned to combat missions that require great mobility.

cease-fire n. 停战

censorship n. 审查制度

[详析]:suppressing books, plays, music, newspapers, speech, etc. because they are considered morally or politically objectionable.

chancellor n. 长官、大臣、(德国)总理

chaos n. 混乱

chemical weapons n. 化学武器

chemterrorism n. 化学恐怖主义

CIA (central intelligence agency) 美国中央情报局

circuit court n. 巡回法庭

civil rights 公民权 (基于公民权而属于个人的权利,尤指由美国宪法第十三次和第十四次修正案及后续的国会法令所保证的基本自由和权利,包括公民自由、正当手续、法律平等保护和不受歧视)

civil war n. 内战

Chinook n. “支奴干”运输直升机, 世界着名的重型运输直升机

[详析]:Chinook is one of the most easily identified helicopters in the world. cluster bomb n. 集束炸弹, 又称子母弹

collapse v./ n. 倒塌

[例句]: At the pentagon, the symbol and command center for the nation's military force, one‟s idea of the building collapsed as smoke billowed over the Potomac river. collateral damage n. 附带损害,尤指的是在冲突中无辜百姓的死亡;施瓦辛格同名电影

[详析]:Civilian casualties and civilian property damage in an attack on a military target.

collectivism n. 集体主义

commander-in-chief n. 司令官

commando n. 突击队

[例句]:Taliban's troops hit as allies plan for commando raids.

Communism n. 共产主义

congress n. (代表)大会

Congress n. (美国等国的)国会, 议会

conscription n. 征兵强迫征募,尤指军队;征兵

conservatism n. 保守主义, 守旧性

[详析]: an ideology that advocates balance and order, tradition, individualism, and natural law.

conspiracy n. 阴谋,共谋

The Constitution n. 宪法

conventional disarmament 常规裁军

counterterrorism n. 反恐,反暴行

cruise missile n. 巡航导弹

[详析]:missile with a guidance system to deliver it to a specified target

cyberterrorism n. 网络恐怖主义


death toll n. 死亡人数

debris n. 碎片, 残骸

debunk vt.揭穿, 拆穿假面具

Declaration of Independence [美] 独立宣言

decriminalization n. 合法化

D-Day 作战行动的发起日

S-Day 特种部队投入战斗的那一天

G-Day 地面部队开始参战日

A-Day 大规模空袭行动之日

deliberate and deadly terrorist acts 有预谋的、致命的恐怖主义行动

[例句]:Today, our fellow citizens, our way of life, our very freedom came under attack in a series of deliberate and deadly terrorist acts.

Delta Force (美国专门用来进行反恐怖行动的)" 三角洲" 特种部队

[详析]:Delta Force is one of the u.s. military's elite special units, drawing members from all military branches.

dictator n. 独裁者

disinformation n. 故意的假情报

doublespeak n. 故弄玄虚的言词,欺人之谈

doublethink n. 思想矛盾

DIA (defense intelligence agency) 美国国防情报局

disarmament 裁军

disastrous attacks 灾难性的袭击

drastic changes in eastern Europe 东欧剧变

dumb bomb 自由下落炸弹; 普通炸弹;傻瓜炸弹


election n. 选举

embedded reporters - reporters who are absorbed into an advancing military unit, and who may even dress like soldiers, so that they can make realtime reports from the front line.

emergency teams 紧急救援队

East Turkistan terrorist " 东突" 恐怖分子

escape route 脱险路线

Eurocorps n. 欧洲军团

evacuate v. 疏散;使(所有人)撤离

[例句]:Not knowing if more attacks were on the way, authorities evacuated key landmarks like the white house, the fire-damaged pentagon, the sears tower in Chicago, the CIA building and the Walt Disney theme parks.

evolution n. 进展,演变,发展

executive branch n. [美] 行政部门

[详析]:one of the three main branches of the U.S. government which consists of 10 offices and 14 departments which are led by the President.

[扩展]: judicial branch n. [美] 司法部门

legislative branch n. [美] 立法部门

expeditionary force 远征军

express condolence to somebody 向某人表示哀悼

[例句]:Chinese president Jiang Zemin expressed deep sympathy to bush and to the US government and people for the terrorist attacks against the us. He also expressed condolences to the family members of the victims.

extremist n. 极端分子


fascism n. 法西斯主义, 极端的国家主义

FBI (federal bureau of investigations) 美国联邦调查局

FCC ( Federal Communications Commission) (美国)通信委员会

Federal Reserve System (美国)联邦备银行制度

[详析]:the U.S. federal banking system that is under the control of a central board of governors (Federal Reserve Board) with a central bank (Federal Reserve Bank) in each of the 12 districts. It has wide powers in controlling credit and the flow of money. field hospital n. 野战医院

fighter helicopter n. 战斗直升机

fighter wing n. 战斗机联队

fire mission n. 射击任务

first aid n. 急救

flare n. 照明弹;信号弹

fleet n. 舰队

flight refueling n. 空中加油

fly a flag at half-mast 降半旗

food police n. 食品警察

[详析]:individuals or groups who use a political bias as a standard to determine what is, and is not, healthy or appropriate for human consumption.

foray n. / v. 突袭

forced landing n. 迫降

fortification 防御工事

fox hole n. 散兵坑

free speech n. 言论自由


Gestapo n.盖世太保, 纳粹秘密警察

genocide n. 有计划的种族灭绝

genocide by attrition 缓慢种族灭绝

genocide n. 灭绝种族者

gentlemen's agreement n. 君子协定

grand jury n. 大陪审团

[详析]: a jury designated to inquire into alleged illegalities to determine whether or not there is sufficient evidence to warrant a trial.

gravitas n. 庄严的举止, 庄严

grenade n. 手榴弹

Ground zero 常规导弹瞄准的目标或核设备爆炸点,美国9·11恐怖袭击事件中指当初世贸中心姊妹楼矗立的地方已变成了一堆废墟。

[详析]:the nickname quickly assigned to the cleanup site at the world trade center. the phrase initially meant the site right below where a nuclear weapon detonates H

hand over 交出,移交

[例句]:In the days following the strikes at the World Trade Center and Pentagon, the president had issued a series of demands for the Taliban to hand over bin Laden. hard-line Islamists n. 强硬派伊斯兰教徒

homicide bombers - terrorists who kill themselves while murdering others. This term is used as a harsher way to describe a suicide bomber.

hate crimes n. 处于仇恨的犯罪

hesperophobia (fear of the west) n. 对西方的恐惧

high seas n. 公海

highest alert n. 一级戒备

[例句]:The U.S. military went on highest alert today after the worst terrorist attacks in the nation's history crippled New York‟s financial center and struck at the heart of the federal government in Washington.

hijack vt. 劫持

[例句]:The hijacked planes destroyed twin towers.

hit targets n. 攻击目标

holy warriors n. 圣斗士

homeland security n. 国土安全

hostage n. 人质

hostile forces n. 敌对势力


ICBM (InterContinental Ballistic Missile) 洲际弹道导弹

impeachment n. 弹劾, 指摘

[详析]:a formal accusation in Congress or state legislature against a public official and the resulting trial.

Isolationism n. 孤立主义,一种避免与其它国家建立政治或经济关系的国家政策 IRS (Internal Revenue Service) n. 美国国税局

infantry n. 步兵团

INS immigration and naturalization service 美国移民归化局

international common practice n. 国际惯例

international tribunal n. 国际法庭

IW (information warfare) n. 信息战

K, L

kamikaze attack 神风式飞机的攻击--二战时期日本与对手同归于尽的自杀性飞行攻击

[例句]:minutes later came the report of a third kamikaze attack on the pentagon. kneecap 一种打穿膝盖骨的惩罚,常被北爱尔兰IRA (共和军)用于跟英国政府合作的 “叛徒”。

[详析]:Kneecap is a punishment common in northern Ireland by the IRA for those accused of being collaborators with the British. It involves either the shooting or breaking of the accused's kneecap.

labour party n. 工党

[详析]:a political party in Great Britain, formed in 1900 and characterized chiefly by broad social reforms.

labor union (or simply „union‟) n. 工会

land mines n. 地雷阵

launch strikes 发动进攻

[例句]:U.S. and Britain has launched Afghan strikes.

libertarian n. 自由意志主义者,行动自由论者

[详析]:a person who advocates freedom from despotic government rule and who believes in free will; every person has the absolute right to control his own property, life, thoughts, body, speech, conduct, etc. and is obliged to respect these same rights of others.

lobbyist n. 活动议案通过者, 说客

[详析]:one who is to promote (as a project) or secure the passage of (as legislation) by influencing public officials


martyrdom n. 殉教, 殉道, 牺牲

[详析]:Hamas spiritual leader Yassin, killed in a recent Israeli missile attack, once said: “We do not fear death threats. We are seekers of martyrdom.”

martyr n. 殉教者,烈士

maneuvers n. 大型战术训练演习

mass rescue n. 大规模援救

[例句]: New York begins massive rescue effort.

metal detectors 机场安检处)金属探测器

[例句]:Metal detectors would not prevent hijackers from bringing ceramic or plastic weapons onto a plane.

militant adj.好战的, 积极从事或支持使用武力的

military n. 武装力量

[详析] U.S. armed forces comprised of the Navy, Army, Air Force, and Marines. military advisory team n. 军事顾问团

military buildup n. 军事集结

[例句]: The United States has sent some 1,000 soldiers to Uzbekistan as part of its biggest military buildup since the 1991 Gulf War.

military capabilities n. 军事能力

monarchy n 君主政体, 君主政治, 君主国

multinational peace-keeping force 多国维持和平部队

mustard gas n. 芥子气,一种毒气,对皮肤和粘膜有腐蚀性,并能引起严重的甚至是致命的呼吸道损害。它是一战期间作为一种战争化学武器被引入的。


neutral country / state n. 中立国

not undertake to renounce the use of force 不承诺放弃使用武器

nuclear arsenal n 核军火库

nationalism n. 民族主义, 民族独立运动

Nazi n. 纳粹党人 adj. 纳粹的, 专横的

Neocon (Neo-conservative ) [美] n.新保守主义者, 新保守派

[详析]:Jewish-Americans, formerly as far left as to be socialist/communist, , who have moved over to the political right. One of its main tenets is the vital importance of Israel as a strategic partner to the U.S.

New World Order n. 新世界秩序

[详析]:a conspiracy theory regarding an extremely powerful and influential doomsday cult, generally referred to as the Illuminati.

non-aggressive stance n. 非暴力政策

Nostradamus 诺斯卑达穆斯 (法国医生和占星家)

[详析]:16th century French physician, astrologer and poet who is viewed by some as a prophet. lines of some of his poems were pulled out of context and strung together, along with some verses Nostradamus never wrote, to suggest he had predicted the Sept. 11 attack.

NOW (National Organization for Women) n. 国家妇女组织

[详析]:An American organization that seeks to promote equal rights for women and end discrimination against women in all areas of employment, education, the military, social organizations, etc.


outlays n. 费用

operation n. 军事行动


Operation Eagle Claw 鹰爪行动1980年, 伊朗

Operation Just Cause 正义事业行动,1989-1990年, 巴拿马

Operation Desert Shield / Storm 沙漠盾牌/风暴行动,1990-1991年从科威特驱逐伊拉克部队

Operation Restore Hope 重拾希望行动,1991-1993年, 索马里人道主义和维和行动。 Operation Enduring Freedom持久自由行动(原名为无限正义行动,Operation Infinite Justice ) 2001年, "9·11"" 事件之后在阿富汗的作战行动

Operation Iraqi Freedom自由伊拉克行动,2003年, 美军向伊拉克发起进攻 Operation Shock and Awe 震慑行动, 2003年, 对伊拉克高密度轰炸动

Opium n. 鸦片

[例句]:Afghanistan is the world's largest producer of opium.

ordnance n.军火,军械战备

[详析]:military materiel, such as weapons, ammunition, combat vehicles, and equipment.

P, Q

P5 联合国安全理事会五个常任理事国

[详析]:the permanent five members of the UN Security Council: China, England, France, Russia, And The U.S.A.

parliament n. 国会, 议会

partizan n. 党羽, 某个党派、事业、派系、人或思想的狂热的支持者或反对者 Patriot missile n. “爱国者 ”导弹

pay a price 付出代价

[例句]: "Now the Taliban will pay a price," Bush vowed. perjury n. 伪誓, 伪证 PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) n. 美国人道对待动物协会

[详析]:A group that supports animal "rights" by protesting medical testing on animals and the use of animals to make clothing, cosmetics, and other consumables including food. piracy n. 侵犯版权, 非法翻印, 盗版

platoon n. [军] 排

plutocracy n. 富豪统治

political unrest n. 政治动荡局面

post-traumatic stress disorder (由于战伤, 恐怖等原因所引起的)外伤性神经失调症

[详析]:common ailment for survivors and rescue workers in disasters

pound v. 猛烈轰炸

[例句]: U.S. air strikes pound Afghan homes.

Presidential election n. 总统选举

adverse election results 不利的选举结果

ballot v. 投票;选举/ 拉选票 n. 选票

campaign v./n.竞选活动,从事竞选活动

candidate n. 候选人

canvass v. 游说、拉选票

charisma n. 领袖魅力

controversy n. 争议, 论战

Democratic party (美)民主党派

electorate n. 全体选民

eloquent adj. 口才很好的

gracious loser n. 输得起的人; 有风度的输家

heavy poll n. 得票率高

impeachment n. 弹劾

jubilant victory celebration n. 胜利的欢庆场面

nominee n. 候选人; 被提名者

opinion poll n. 民意测验

poll n./v. 投票; 投票数

poll station / the poll 投票站

Republican Party (美)共和党

TV debate n. 电视辩论

voter n. 选民

neck and neck adj. 并驾齐驱;不分上下

landslide n. 占绝对优势的选举; 压倒多数的选票

landslide victory n. 巨大的胜利

proliferation n. 扩散

proposal n. 倡议书

pullback n./ v. 撤军

[例句]: Palestinians said the pullback should be carried out unconditionally, and the United States kept up its pressure to end the operation, which is Israel's most intensive in 13 months of fighting.

quota n. 配额, 限额

[详析]:the number of persons of a specific race or gender required to be enrolled in a college, to be hired by a company, to be admitted to a club, etc.


recall [美](投票)罢免

recession n. 工商业之衰退, 不景气

reinforcements n. 援军,増援

rescue n./ v. 营救

rescue crews / workers 救援人员

retaliation n. 报复

retaliatory attacks n. 报复性袭击

revenue enhancement n. 税收增加

[详析]: a term used to describe a tax increase, without having to call it a tax increase. "roadmap" peace plan for the Middle East 中东和平“路线图”

rubble n. 碎石,废墟


Safe House n. (间谍、恐怖分子的)藏身房,安全房

sarin n. 沙林, 一种用作神经性毒气的化学剂

sea change 海洋式转变, 巨大变化,源自莎士比亚的剧本台词。

[详析]:cliché often used to describe the vast change in international relations or u.s. outlook caused by the terrorist attack. from Shakespeare's "the Tempest": "nothing of him that doth fade but doth suffer a sea-change into something rich and strange."

secede vi. 正式脱离或退出, 分离

secret ballot 不记名投票

Secret Service (政府的)特务机关,情报机关

Security Council n. 联合国安全理事会

shrapnel n. 流霰弹

[例句]:He said a bomb or missile had exploded nearby and shrapnel landed on his house.

skyjacking n. 劫机

[详析]:the hijacking of an airliner by terrorists

smallpox n. 天花

[例句]:Within 48 hours, smallpox could travel from New York to Italy to Baghdad. socialism n. 社会主义, 社会主义运动

special forces n. 特种部队

spiritual leader n. 精神领袖

squad n. [军]班,分队, 小组, 小队

suicide squad 敢死队

stealth n.秘密行动

strip the citizenship 取消国籍

stronghold n. 要塞据点

stun gun 眩晕枪

[例句]: President Bush has proposed arming pilots with stun guns. The airline pilots association wants pilots armed with firearms

suicide bombing n. 自杀性爆炸

surgical strike n. 外科手术式袭击,指精确而迅速的袭击,一般为空袭

[详析]:military operation with a limited objective, performed with precision and swiftness, usually from the air

syndicalism [ ] n. 工会组织主义, 职能政府论

symmetrical warfare n. 对称作战

[详析]:battle between like forces: tanks vs. tanks and aircraft vs. aircraft. war on terrorism may be largely asymmetrical


tear gas 催泪弹

terror probe (为预防恐怖活动) 收取情报

terrorism n. 恐怖主义,恐怖行为

terrorist acts n. 恐怖行为, 恐怖活动

terrorist group n. 恐怖组织

terrorist mastermind 恐怖大亨

[例句]: The country's ruling Taliban militia declared the assault a ``terrorist attack'' and said alleged terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden and Taliban leader Mullah Momammed Omar had survived.

the Bush Administration 布什政府

the disintegration of the soviet union 苏联解体

the Middle East peace process 中东和平进程

the World Energy conference 世界能源会议

think tank n. 智囊团

[详析]:a research institute or other organization of scholars, social or physical scientists, etc.

thought police - individuals or groups who use a political bias as a standard to determine what is, and is not, appropriate for others to think or say.

TMD (Theater Missile Defense system) 战区导弹防御体系

to want somebody dead or alive 无论是生是死, 都要将其缉拿

Tory n. 保守党党员, 保皇党人 adj. 保守分子的

[详析]:a member of the conservative party in Great Britain or Canada.

toxin n. 毒素

Twin Towers 姊妹楼, 又称双子座, 美国世贸中心原七座大楼中的主要建筑 tyranny n. 暴政, 苛政, 专治


United Nations n. 联合国

[详析]: an international organization, headquartered in New York City, formed to promote international peace, security, and cooperation under the terms of the charter signed by 51 founding countries in San Francisco in 1945.

UN permanent representative n. 常驻联合国代表

unilateralism n. 单边主义, 单方面裁军

unveil fresh policy 新政策出台


vertical envelopment 垂直包围,依靠空中突击师采用空降的方式将部队部署到敌军的侧翼和后方,发动包夹进攻

victim n. 受害者

visit to the Yasukuni war shrine 参拜靖国神社

W, Z

warplane (military aircraft) n. 军用飞机:

[例句]:Missiles and warplanes streaked through the Afghan night and rocked at least three cities in a U.S.-British attack on Osama bin Laden and his Taliban backers Sunday. Watergate n. 水门事件 (美国政治丑闻)

WMD (weapons of mass destruction) 大规模杀伤性武器

[详析]:WMD would include Chemical, Biological and Nuclear weapons.

WTC (world trade center) 美国世贸中心

wreckage n. 遇难过程或遇难的情况; 残骸,碎片

Zionist n. / adj.犹太人复国主义者 (的)

[详析]:a movement looking toward the segregation of the Jewish people, specifically seeking a Jewish legal takeover of Palestine.



Afghanistan 阿富汗

Al Qaeda 盖达组织,又称基地组织

Al-fatah 巴勒斯坦民族解放运动(法塔赫), 巴勒斯坦解放组织中实力最强、影响最大的一个,控制和掌握着巴解组织的军事、政治、财务和外交大权。

Al-Jihad "the holy struggle." 简称Jihad n 圣战 (伊斯兰教徒对异教徒的战争) Allah n. (伊斯兰教的)阿拉,真主

Arab League n. 阿拉伯联盟

ascetic n. 禁欲者, 苦行修道者 adj. 修道的, 苦行的

bin "son of." in Arabic …之子(阿拉伯语)

bint "daughter of in Arabic …之女(阿拉伯语)

burqa 信仰伊斯兰教义的阿富汗女人穿的布卡,由一件完整的外套组成,它在背后拖到地面,前面的长度到臀部或上面一点,眼睛的地方有一张网或格子,是一种盖住全身的面纱。

[详析]:a monocolored dress that covers the entire body, including the face. it has a tight mesh over the face allowing air and restricted vision outwards. Women of Afghanistan are currently required to wear a burqa.

Emir 埃米尔 (穆斯林国家的酋长, 贵族, 王公, 领导者)

[详析]: (Arabic amir "commander") a leader, commander or ruler in an Islamic nation.

Eschatology 〈宗〉末世论(研究人类和世界终局的神学)

Gaza 加沙 (西南亚地中海岸港市,巴勒斯坦的一部分)

Haji =hadji n. 赴麦加朝圣过的伊斯兰教徒

hajib (woman head scarf ) 伊斯兰教妇女裹头巾

Hamas “哈马斯”, 巴勒斯坦伊斯兰抵抗运动的简称,它是由“伊斯兰”、“抵抗”、“运动”三个阿拉伯语词的缩写组成。

Hijra = hegiran. 逃亡,离开逃避危险的逃离。回教纪元公元622年穆罕默德从麦加到麦地那的逃亡,标志着伊斯兰教纪元的开始

intifada (Arab ) 起义,暴动

jihad 圣战(伊斯兰教徒对异教徒的战争)

[例句]:The influential and Taliban-sympathetic Afghan Defense Council, based in the eastern Pakistani city of Lahore, issued a call for "jihad,'' or holy war.

Kashmir 克什米尔 (印巴争端多事之地)

[详析]:a mountainous region of northern India and constant source of disputes between Pakistan and India.

Koran. n. (伊斯兰教)可兰经

[详析]:the common English spelling of the holy book of Islam. Most Muslims spell it Qur'an

madrasah 伊斯兰学校; 伊斯兰大学

Mecca 麦加, 伊斯兰教创始人穆罕默德的诞生地,是伊斯兰教最神圣之地

[详析]:the holiest city of Islam, in Saudi Arabia.

Morocco 摩洛哥

Mosque 清真寺

Pakistan 巴基斯坦

Palestine 巴勒斯坦

PLO Palestine Liberation Organization 巴勒斯坦解放组织,巴解组织

Ramadan 斋月, 穆斯林历的第九个月

Shiite 〈伊斯兰〉什叶派教徒

Sunni 〈伊斯兰〉逊尼派教徒

UAE (United Arab Emirates) 阿拉伯联合酋长国, 阿联酋


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