



The entire river is polluted. 整条河都被污染了。

My new bicycle has been stolen too. 我的新自行车也被盗了。

All the rooms are cleaned regularly. 所有的房间都定期打扫。


I don’t know when the book will be published. 我不知道这本书什么时候出版。

The project will be finished next year. 这个计划将于明年完成。

Fresh fruit is sold in this market. 新鲜水果该市场有售。


The hero appeared, and was warmly applauded by the students. 英雄来到,学生们为其热烈鼓掌。


Customers are requested not to touch the exhibits. 顾客被要求勿触摸陈列品。

He was considered to be a computer genius. 他被认为是个计算机天才。

5)正式的公告、 通知、 报纸标题等

No books are to be taken out of the reading room. 书籍不得带出阅览室。(公告)

You are asked to be punctual for the examination. 大家务必准时到达考场。(通知)

Some people kidnapped!平民遭绑架!(报纸标题)

6)It +be+过去分词+that从句

这是一种惯用结构,常用的动词有:say, report, expect, assume, claim, consider, estimate, find, know, say, prove, realize, hope, observe, suppose, think, understand等。

It is reported that this medicine is effective against lung cancer. 据报道,这种药物对治疗肺癌很


It is expected that prices will go down. 期望物价会下跌。

It was not known whether there was gold left in the mine. 不知道矿里是否还留有黄金。

可以这样用的还有那些表示建议、要求、命令的动词,如arrange, demand. desire, insist, order, propose, recommend, request, require, suggest等。

It was required that I (should) give evidence. 我被要求提供证据。

It is suggested that we (should) do with the problem in another way.我们被建议用另一种方式处理这个问题。


如:be born in(出生于),be located in(位于),be taken in(受骗,上当),be supposed to do something(应该,被期望),be intended for something ( somebody)/ to do something (旨在)等。

He was born in Shanghai. 他出生在上海。

We are supposed to meet at the gate at 7:00. 我们应该七点在大门口见面。

The book is intended for beginners. 本书是为初学者编写的。



a: 某些感官动词和系动词构成的系表结构是主动结构表示被动意义。

如:taste, look, smell, feel, prove, wear, sound, photograph等。

The flower smells sweet. 花闻起来很香。

The meal tastes delicious. 饭菜吃起来很可口。

That sounds very reasonable. 那听起来似乎很合理。

The stones have worn smooth. 石头都磨得光滑了。

b: 某些行为动词后加副词(有些可不加副词)也可以表示被动意义。

如:wash, write, sell, read, cut, lock, pack, open, play, act, clean, draw, iron, keep, shut, split等,常用的副词有easily, well, quickly, smoothly 等。

The book sells well. 这本书销路很好。

The meat cuts easily. 肉容易切。

The work does not pay. 这项工作是没有报酬的。

Her voice does not record well. 她的声音录下来不好听。

He does not photograph well. 他不上照。

He has not been photographed well. 他的相没有照好。

The door opened. 门开了。 (强调门自身开了)

The door was opened. 门被打开了。(强调被人打开了)

c: 动名词的主动形式表示被动意义

在want, need, require, repay, deserve, stand, take , won’t bear, worth等词的后面可以用动名词的主动形式表示被动意义。这时,动名词同句中的主语有动宾关系,若动名词是不及物动词,应加上适当的介词。

The book is worth reading. 这本书值得一读。

The children need looking after. 孩子们需要照顾。

That won’t bear thinking of. 那是不堪想象的。

The coat requires mending. 大衣需要补了。

d: 不定式做表语(或宾补)形容词的状语时的主动态表示被动意义


Some books are interesting to read, but boring to learn.有些书读起来很有趣,但学起来很厌烦。

I found the subject hard to understand. 我发现这个题目很难理解。

Vegetables are cheap to buy when they are in season. 蔬菜在当令时便宜。

e: 不定式做表语,可用主动形式表示被动意义。

She is to blame. 她应受到责备。

Something is still to find out. 有些事情还有待查明。

Little remains to do. 没有什么可做的了。


不及物动词不能用于被动语态,但一些及物动词如cost(花费),leave(离开), beg(请求),

contain(包含), hold(容纳), equal(相等), fail(不及格), fit(合适), have(有),

possess(拥有), resemble(相似),lack (缺少),look like(看起来像), consist of (组成)等表示状态时,也不能用于被动语态。

The book contains five sections. 这本书包括五个部分。

We have friends all over the world. 我们的朋友遍天下。

The color fits you. 这个颜色适合你。

He resembles his father closely. 他和他父亲一模一样。



We have finished our homework. →Our homework has been finished.

They have bought some books. →Some books have been bought by them.


I showed them my pictures.

A)They was shown of my pictures.(由间接宾语变来)

B)My pictures were shown to them.(由直接宾语作主语)

My uncle give me(间接宾语) a birthday present.(直接宾语)

I was given a birthday present by my uncle.

A birthday present was given to me by my uncle.


He told the news to me. →The news was told to me.

He reminded me of tomorrow's meeting(介词短语).

I was reminded of tomorrow's meeting.


The woman left the boy alone in the room(形容词作宾语补语).→The boy was left alone in the room.

I want you to buy me some books.(不定式作宾语补语) →You are wanted to buy me some books.




I made him do homework at home. He was made to do homework at home.

B)表感官的动词。如see,look at, watch,notice, observe,hear,listen to,feel.

I heard her cry in the room She was heard to cry in the room.

I saw him playing computer games in his bedroom(现在分词作宾语补语). →He was seen playing computer games in his bedroom.

I had my homework finished(过去分词作宾语补语) last night. →My homework was finished last night.

We elected(选举)him president(总统) of America.(名词作宾语补语) →He was elected president of America.




Mary will look after you. You will be looked after by Mary.

Mary will laugh at you if you do such a thing. You will be laughed at by Mary if you do such a thing.


Account for说明。。原因

Agree to

Deal with处理,应付

Break into 破门而入

Arrive at

Care about关心

See through看穿

Talk about

Care for照顾(某人)

Listen to

Look after

Look at

Attend to照料


When was the hospital set up?

Mary has put on her white dress. The white dress has been put on by Mary.


The Chinese people all look up to the great national hero,Yuefei. →The great hero,Yuefei, is looked up to by the Chinese people all.


People paid attention to the 9.11 terrorist attack.

9.11 terrorist attack was paid attention by people.(介词后的名词作被动句主语)

Attention was paid to the 9.11 terrorist attack.(动词后的名词作被动句主语)


Catch sight of看见

Make a fuss of 对。。大惊小怪

Take account of 考虑。。。

Keep an eye on留意

Make a mess of把。。。弄乱

Take advantage of利用

Keep pace with跟上

Drow one's attention to使对


Take care of照顾

Take hold of控制住

Make an attempt to试图做。。

Take notes of sth把。。记录下来

Put emphasis on强调

Put an end to结束。。

6)含有宾语从句的主动结构变为被动结构时,通常用it作为被动结构的先行主语,从句放在句子后面;也可采用另一种形式。可以这样转换为被动结构的动词有know,say,believe,find,think,report, expect, fear, feel, assume(设想),understand等。

如: People believe that he is ill.→It is believed that he is ill.(或:He is believed to be ill.)

People expect that he will come. It is expected that he will come.(或:He is expected to come.)




The entire river is polluted. 整条河都被污染了。

My new bicycle has been stolen too. 我的新自行车也被盗了。

All the rooms are cleaned regularly. 所有的房间都定期打扫。


I don’t know when the book will be published. 我不知道这本书什么时候出版。

The project will be finished next year. 这个计划将于明年完成。

Fresh fruit is sold in this market. 新鲜水果该市场有售。


The hero appeared, and was warmly applauded by the students. 英雄来到,学生们为其热烈鼓掌。


Customers are requested not to touch the exhibits. 顾客被要求勿触摸陈列品。

He was considered to be a computer genius. 他被认为是个计算机天才。

5)正式的公告、 通知、 报纸标题等

No books are to be taken out of the reading room. 书籍不得带出阅览室。(公告)

You are asked to be punctual for the examination. 大家务必准时到达考场。(通知)

Some people kidnapped!平民遭绑架!(报纸标题)

6)It +be+过去分词+that从句

这是一种惯用结构,常用的动词有:say, report, expect, assume, claim, consider, estimate, find, know, say, prove, realize, hope, observe, suppose, think, understand等。

It is reported that this medicine is effective against lung cancer. 据报道,这种药物对治疗肺癌很


It is expected that prices will go down. 期望物价会下跌。

It was not known whether there was gold left in the mine. 不知道矿里是否还留有黄金。

可以这样用的还有那些表示建议、要求、命令的动词,如arrange, demand. desire, insist, order, propose, recommend, request, require, suggest等。

It was required that I (should) give evidence. 我被要求提供证据。

It is suggested that we (should) do with the problem in another way.我们被建议用另一种方式处理这个问题。


如:be born in(出生于),be located in(位于),be taken in(受骗,上当),be supposed to do something(应该,被期望),be intended for something ( somebody)/ to do something (旨在)等。

He was born in Shanghai. 他出生在上海。

We are supposed to meet at the gate at 7:00. 我们应该七点在大门口见面。

The book is intended for beginners. 本书是为初学者编写的。



a: 某些感官动词和系动词构成的系表结构是主动结构表示被动意义。

如:taste, look, smell, feel, prove, wear, sound, photograph等。

The flower smells sweet. 花闻起来很香。

The meal tastes delicious. 饭菜吃起来很可口。

That sounds very reasonable. 那听起来似乎很合理。

The stones have worn smooth. 石头都磨得光滑了。

b: 某些行为动词后加副词(有些可不加副词)也可以表示被动意义。

如:wash, write, sell, read, cut, lock, pack, open, play, act, clean, draw, iron, keep, shut, split等,常用的副词有easily, well, quickly, smoothly 等。

The book sells well. 这本书销路很好。

The meat cuts easily. 肉容易切。

The work does not pay. 这项工作是没有报酬的。

Her voice does not record well. 她的声音录下来不好听。

He does not photograph well. 他不上照。

He has not been photographed well. 他的相没有照好。

The door opened. 门开了。 (强调门自身开了)

The door was opened. 门被打开了。(强调被人打开了)

c: 动名词的主动形式表示被动意义

在want, need, require, repay, deserve, stand, take , won’t bear, worth等词的后面可以用动名词的主动形式表示被动意义。这时,动名词同句中的主语有动宾关系,若动名词是不及物动词,应加上适当的介词。

The book is worth reading. 这本书值得一读。

The children need looking after. 孩子们需要照顾。

That won’t bear thinking of. 那是不堪想象的。

The coat requires mending. 大衣需要补了。

d: 不定式做表语(或宾补)形容词的状语时的主动态表示被动意义


Some books are interesting to read, but boring to learn.有些书读起来很有趣,但学起来很厌烦。

I found the subject hard to understand. 我发现这个题目很难理解。

Vegetables are cheap to buy when they are in season. 蔬菜在当令时便宜。

e: 不定式做表语,可用主动形式表示被动意义。

She is to blame. 她应受到责备。

Something is still to find out. 有些事情还有待查明。

Little remains to do. 没有什么可做的了。


不及物动词不能用于被动语态,但一些及物动词如cost(花费),leave(离开), beg(请求),

contain(包含), hold(容纳), equal(相等), fail(不及格), fit(合适), have(有),

possess(拥有), resemble(相似),lack (缺少),look like(看起来像), consist of (组成)等表示状态时,也不能用于被动语态。

The book contains five sections. 这本书包括五个部分。

We have friends all over the world. 我们的朋友遍天下。

The color fits you. 这个颜色适合你。

He resembles his father closely. 他和他父亲一模一样。



We have finished our homework. →Our homework has been finished.

They have bought some books. →Some books have been bought by them.


I showed them my pictures.

A)They was shown of my pictures.(由间接宾语变来)

B)My pictures were shown to them.(由直接宾语作主语)

My uncle give me(间接宾语) a birthday present.(直接宾语)

I was given a birthday present by my uncle.

A birthday present was given to me by my uncle.


He told the news to me. →The news was told to me.

He reminded me of tomorrow's meeting(介词短语).

I was reminded of tomorrow's meeting.


The woman left the boy alone in the room(形容词作宾语补语).→The boy was left alone in the room.

I want you to buy me some books.(不定式作宾语补语) →You are wanted to buy me some books.




I made him do homework at home. He was made to do homework at home.

B)表感官的动词。如see,look at, watch,notice, observe,hear,listen to,feel.

I heard her cry in the room She was heard to cry in the room.

I saw him playing computer games in his bedroom(现在分词作宾语补语). →He was seen playing computer games in his bedroom.

I had my homework finished(过去分词作宾语补语) last night. →My homework was finished last night.

We elected(选举)him president(总统) of America.(名词作宾语补语) →He was elected president of America.




Mary will look after you. You will be looked after by Mary.

Mary will laugh at you if you do such a thing. You will be laughed at by Mary if you do such a thing.


Account for说明。。原因

Agree to

Deal with处理,应付

Break into 破门而入

Arrive at

Care about关心

See through看穿

Talk about

Care for照顾(某人)

Listen to

Look after

Look at

Attend to照料


When was the hospital set up?

Mary has put on her white dress. The white dress has been put on by Mary.


The Chinese people all look up to the great national hero,Yuefei. →The great hero,Yuefei, is looked up to by the Chinese people all.


People paid attention to the 9.11 terrorist attack.

9.11 terrorist attack was paid attention by people.(介词后的名词作被动句主语)

Attention was paid to the 9.11 terrorist attack.(动词后的名词作被动句主语)


Catch sight of看见

Make a fuss of 对。。大惊小怪

Take account of 考虑。。。

Keep an eye on留意

Make a mess of把。。。弄乱

Take advantage of利用

Keep pace with跟上

Drow one's attention to使对


Take care of照顾

Take hold of控制住

Make an attempt to试图做。。

Take notes of sth把。。记录下来

Put emphasis on强调

Put an end to结束。。

6)含有宾语从句的主动结构变为被动结构时,通常用it作为被动结构的先行主语,从句放在句子后面;也可采用另一种形式。可以这样转换为被动结构的动词有know,say,believe,find,think,report, expect, fear, feel, assume(设想),understand等。

如: People believe that he is ill.→It is believed that he is ill.(或:He is believed to be ill.)

People expect that he will come. It is expected that he will come.(或:He is expected to come.)


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