

时间状语:(already , just ,ever ,never , before ,since ,yet , once )

already just 用于肯定句

never/ yet 用于否定句疑问句

ever 用于肯定句和疑问句

A 现在完成时的肯定句

I have ever bought lots of books about Western customs.

He has ever been to the Great Wall already

They have seen the film already.

B 现在完成时的否定句

The Sam have never been to Canada since the day they left.

Eric hasn't got his air-tickets yet.

C 现在完成时的一般疑问句

Have you ever read the magazines ?

Yes , I have .

No, I haven't.

Has he killed Snow White yet ?

Yes, he has.

No ,he hasn't.

D 现在完成时的特殊疑问句

How long have you been here ?

How many times have you been to the Great Wall?

Which book have you read ?


A 表示过去开始,持续到现在,而且还可能继续下去的动作或状态。常和表示一段时间的状语连用。 this week/month lately in the past few days

these days since during the last two weeks

since then since 2 days ago So far for a long time

up to now till /until now

1 I 've known him since my childhood.

2 She has been in this school since 2007.

3 He has lived in Beijing for 3 years.

4 I have stayed in the hotel for two weeks so far .

B 表示从过去到现在之间曾经历过的事情。常和以下的词连用。

often never ever once twice since before three times

He has never ill in his life .

I have been to the Summer Palace twice .

We have visited your school before .


A 现在完成时与一般过去时

现在完成时与一般过去时都表示在过去做的动作,但现在完成时强调这动作与现在的关系,如现在产生的结果、影响等。而一般过去时则只表示过去的事实,不表示和现在的关系。所以 ,一些表示过去固定时间的状语只能与一般过去时连用,而不能与现在完成时连用。如句中有ago ,last 或 有when 引起的问句都不能与完成时连用。


I have cleaned my room three days ago. ×

I have cleaned my room three days ago. √

I have visited your school before. √

I bought a red car. (过去时)

I have bought a red car . (现在完成时态)

B when 不能和现在完成时连用时连用

When have you bought the red car ? ×

When did you buy the red car ? √

C 关于终止性动词


(arrive begin borrow buy come die go join leave lose marry stop )

D have /has been to 与have/ has gone to

1 终止性动词与延续性动词用法正误列举

I 've left Shanghai for 3 days . ×

I 've been away from Shanghai for 3 days . √

2 终止性动词的否定式


He hasn't left home for a month.

I haven't seen you for a long time.

3 have/ has been to 与 have /has gone to

have/ has been to 表示“去过某地”是某人的一次经历

have /has gone to 表示去“某地了”,说话时此人已经离开此地,在去某地的路上或已经在某地。 He has gone to the park twice.×

He has been to the park twice. √ He has gone to the park . √


1. Have you eaten your breakfast?

A . Yes I have. B . Yes I do. C . No I’m not.

2. Look the light in his office.

I’m afraid he____his work yet.

A . dosen’t finish B . didn’t finish C . hasn’t finished

3. He____the bike for 10 years, but it is still new.

A . has bought B . has borrowed C . has had

4. I____to Beijing so I know nothing about it.

A . don't travel B . haven’t traveled C . won’t travel

5. Lucy ____you____your book?

Not yet.

A . did ., find B . have , found C . has , found

6. I____this book for two weeks, I have to return it now.

A . borrowed B . have borrow C . have kept

7. Henry speaks Chinese well, He____in China since 2003.

A . stays B . stayed C . has stayed

8. How long____you____the bike?

A . have , bought B . have , had C . do , buy

9. Mr. Li isn’t at home, He____to the library.

A . has gone B . has been C . had gone

10. I’m sorry, I____your computer for a long time. Never mind.

A . have borrowed B . have kept C. have lent


1. He has_______(旅行) to many countries in Europe so far.

2. We have________(看)the film before.

3. They haven’t________(完成)their homework yet.

4. I have________ (借)the book for two weeks.

5. Tom has just________(吃)breakfast.


1. look--- 2. stop--- 3. run--- 4. put---

6. go--- 7. come--- 8. cook--- 9. study---


1. Daming________just________(do) his homework.

2. She_________(not see) the film before.

5. do--- 10. dance---

3. Miss Gao________(teach) English for ten years.

4. We_________already________(be) to Beijing twice.

5. _________you_________(make) dumplings?

No, never.

6. How many songs________you________(learn) so far?

7. I hear your father________(be) to Canada once.

Yes, He________(go) last year.

8. They________just________(leave) the farm’

9. ________you________(see) a tiger? Yes . I have.

When ________you________(see) it? Last Sunday.

10. You________(not find) your book, haven’t you?


1. Daming hasn’t had breakfast this morning. ________________________________.

2. They have been to Dalian ago. _________________________________.

3. Xiao Li isn’t here. He has been to Beijing. _________________________________.

4. Did you travelled to Tianshan mountain before? _____________________________.

5. Martin with his parents have gone to the library. So they aren’t at home.



1. has a he car bought.


2. long you learnt how have English.


3. haven’t the yet we work finished.


4. ever you been have there.


5. sofar has two thousand he collected stamps.




______ ______ ______ ______ he been to the library?

2. (划线提问)

Where ______ she ______ before?

3.Have you ever studied with your friends?(肯定句)

______ ______ ______.

4.______ ______ ______ Meimei had the job?

5.It’s five years since he became a football player.(同义句)

He ______ ______ a football player for five years.

6.I have been to many places in America.(改一般问句)

______ ______ ______ to many places in Acerica?


1.你曾经读过这部小说吗? ______you ______the nevel?

2.我刚刚浇完花。 I have just______the flowers.

3.小明从来没去过美国。 Xiaoming ______never______to England.

4.以前我的姐姐吃西瓜。 My sister______never______ watermelons before.


Now it’s 9:00 in the evening. My father is watching TV, but he hasn’t_______ the newpaper.My mothe r is washing clothes. But she hasn’t________ her clothes. My sister is playing computer games, but she hasn’t _______her work yet. My grandma has_______the living room so she is watching TV. I haven’t_______ my homework, so I am studying hard.

( ) A read B reads C reading

( ) A washing B washed C washes

( ) A finish B finished C finishing

( ) A clean B cleans C cleaned

( ) A finish B finished C finishing


Jenny is an English girl. She’s 15 years old. Though she is young, she has to many places in the world. She’s been to some European countries, such as Germany and France. And she has been to some Asian countries such as India. Japan and China. In China she has been to many places of interest., and she loves Chinese people and Chinese food very much. And she can speak Chinese very well. Now she lives in Beijing with her parents. They’ll stay there for 2 years.

( ) 1. Has she been to Japan?

A. Yes, she has B. No she hasn’t C. Yes she did

( ) 2. What does Jenny like about China?

A. many places of interest B. English food C. Chinese people and food

( ) 3. Can she speak English?

A. Yes she can B. No she can’t C. No she doesn’t

( ) 4. Where does she live now?

A. In Beijing B. In India C. In Germany

( ) 5. How long will they stay in Beijing?

A. For ten years B. For two years C. For 15 years




一. 单选。

1---5 A C C B B 6---10 C C B A B


1.Traveled ( travelled ) 2. seen / washed 3. finished

4. kept 5. eaten / had


1. looked 2. stopped 3. run 4. put 5. done

6. gone 7. come 8. cooked 9. studied 10. danced

四.1. has---done 2. hasn’t seen 3. has tought 4. have , been 5. Have , made

6. have , learnt / learned 7. has been 8. have , left 9. Have . seen . did , see

10. haven’t found


1.改法1:可将this morning去掉或改为yet 改法2:将hasn’t had改为didn’t have

2. ago改 before 3. been 改has 4. Did改 Have 5. have 改has

六.1. Has he bought a car?

2. How long have you learnt English?

3. We haven’t finish the work yet.

4. Have you ever been there?

5. He has colected two thousand stamps so far. (so far放在句首也可以)


1.How many times has 2. has been 3. Yes I have

4. How long has 5. has been 6. Have you been

八.1.Have read 2. waited 3. has been 4. has eaten / had

九.1---5 A B C C B


1---5 A C A A B


1. 定义不同:现在完成时表示现在已经完成的动作,或者过去发生的动作或存在的状态一直持续


1) She was very naughty when she was 10 years old. 她十岁的时候十分淘气。这里用过去时说明她


2) He went to the park yesterday. 他昨天去公园了。这里用过去时说明过去(昨天)发生的动作(去


3) She has finished her homework. 她已经完成她的作业。这里要用完成时说明完成作业这个动作


4) She has been here for ten years.她已经住在这里十年了。这里要用完成时说明她住在这里这个动


2. 强调重点不同,现在完成时强调现在,强调现在已经完成的动作或持续到现在的状态和动作;


1) The old man died yesterday. 那老人昨天死了。强调死亡发生在昨天。

2) The old man has died. 那老人已经死了。强调死亡成为事实,die 这个动作已经完成。

3) The old man has been dead for about 20 hours. 那老人死了大约20个小时了。强调be dead 这个


3. 所接的时间状语不一样,现在完成时跟模糊的时间状语连用或不用时间状语;过去时通常跟具


1) 常跟现在完成时用的时间状语有:so far, till, until, In the past ten years, up to now, since… ago,

for…, now, already, yet, ever, never, before, recently, lately等 。

2) 常跟过去时的时间状语:yesterday, last week, last year, last month, the day before yesterday, just

now, in 1980等过去的时间。

3) 常见的同时可以用在过去时和完成时的时间状语:this morning, tonight, before, recently, lately.


✧ I have had 10 dictionaries up to now.

✧ She has finished her test in past years.

✧ I haven’t seen you before.

✧ They have been there for a long time.

✧ Now he has grown up.

✧ I finished my homework this morning.

✧ I have finished my homework this morning.

✧ She was 1.5 meters last year. Now she has been much taller.

● 注意:现在完成时通常不跟过去时间连用。如果句子中出现yesterday, last week等过去时间,


✧ She has died yesterday. (错)

✧ She died yesterday.(对)

✧ I have seen him last week.(错)

✧ I saw him last week. (对)

✧ I have seen him there before. (对)

✧ I saw him there before. (对)

4. 现在完成时使用时易错的地方:

● 过去分词规则变化和不规则变化弄错,不规则动词要特别记忆;

● 现在完成时不跟过去时间状语连用,除通用时间状语外。

● 现在完成时中终止性动词(非延续性动词)不跟一段时间连用,使用时要转化成延续性动


● 现在完成时部分时间状语用法和位置搞错:

Ever 曾经,用于肯定句或一般疑问句,放在句中;

Never 从不,带有否定意思,相当于not ,放在句中;

Just 刚刚,用于肯定句中,放在句中;

Already 已经,用于肯定句中,放在句中;

Yet 用于疑问句中是“已经”的意思,用于否定句中是“尚(否定)”的意思,都放在句子


● Now (现在)和just now(刚才)搞错,now 用于完成时或现在进行时,just now 用于过去


● Have beet to, have gone to, have been in 区别不开。


时间状语:(already , just ,ever ,never , before ,since ,yet , once )

already just 用于肯定句

never/ yet 用于否定句疑问句

ever 用于肯定句和疑问句

A 现在完成时的肯定句

I have ever bought lots of books about Western customs.

He has ever been to the Great Wall already

They have seen the film already.

B 现在完成时的否定句

The Sam have never been to Canada since the day they left.

Eric hasn't got his air-tickets yet.

C 现在完成时的一般疑问句

Have you ever read the magazines ?

Yes , I have .

No, I haven't.

Has he killed Snow White yet ?

Yes, he has.

No ,he hasn't.

D 现在完成时的特殊疑问句

How long have you been here ?

How many times have you been to the Great Wall?

Which book have you read ?


A 表示过去开始,持续到现在,而且还可能继续下去的动作或状态。常和表示一段时间的状语连用。 this week/month lately in the past few days

these days since during the last two weeks

since then since 2 days ago So far for a long time

up to now till /until now

1 I 've known him since my childhood.

2 She has been in this school since 2007.

3 He has lived in Beijing for 3 years.

4 I have stayed in the hotel for two weeks so far .

B 表示从过去到现在之间曾经历过的事情。常和以下的词连用。

often never ever once twice since before three times

He has never ill in his life .

I have been to the Summer Palace twice .

We have visited your school before .


A 现在完成时与一般过去时

现在完成时与一般过去时都表示在过去做的动作,但现在完成时强调这动作与现在的关系,如现在产生的结果、影响等。而一般过去时则只表示过去的事实,不表示和现在的关系。所以 ,一些表示过去固定时间的状语只能与一般过去时连用,而不能与现在完成时连用。如句中有ago ,last 或 有when 引起的问句都不能与完成时连用。


I have cleaned my room three days ago. ×

I have cleaned my room three days ago. √

I have visited your school before. √

I bought a red car. (过去时)

I have bought a red car . (现在完成时态)

B when 不能和现在完成时连用时连用

When have you bought the red car ? ×

When did you buy the red car ? √

C 关于终止性动词


(arrive begin borrow buy come die go join leave lose marry stop )

D have /has been to 与have/ has gone to

1 终止性动词与延续性动词用法正误列举

I 've left Shanghai for 3 days . ×

I 've been away from Shanghai for 3 days . √

2 终止性动词的否定式


He hasn't left home for a month.

I haven't seen you for a long time.

3 have/ has been to 与 have /has gone to

have/ has been to 表示“去过某地”是某人的一次经历

have /has gone to 表示去“某地了”,说话时此人已经离开此地,在去某地的路上或已经在某地。 He has gone to the park twice.×

He has been to the park twice. √ He has gone to the park . √


1. Have you eaten your breakfast?

A . Yes I have. B . Yes I do. C . No I’m not.

2. Look the light in his office.

I’m afraid he____his work yet.

A . dosen’t finish B . didn’t finish C . hasn’t finished

3. He____the bike for 10 years, but it is still new.

A . has bought B . has borrowed C . has had

4. I____to Beijing so I know nothing about it.

A . don't travel B . haven’t traveled C . won’t travel

5. Lucy ____you____your book?

Not yet.

A . did ., find B . have , found C . has , found

6. I____this book for two weeks, I have to return it now.

A . borrowed B . have borrow C . have kept

7. Henry speaks Chinese well, He____in China since 2003.

A . stays B . stayed C . has stayed

8. How long____you____the bike?

A . have , bought B . have , had C . do , buy

9. Mr. Li isn’t at home, He____to the library.

A . has gone B . has been C . had gone

10. I’m sorry, I____your computer for a long time. Never mind.

A . have borrowed B . have kept C. have lent


1. He has_______(旅行) to many countries in Europe so far.

2. We have________(看)the film before.

3. They haven’t________(完成)their homework yet.

4. I have________ (借)the book for two weeks.

5. Tom has just________(吃)breakfast.


1. look--- 2. stop--- 3. run--- 4. put---

6. go--- 7. come--- 8. cook--- 9. study---


1. Daming________just________(do) his homework.

2. She_________(not see) the film before.

5. do--- 10. dance---

3. Miss Gao________(teach) English for ten years.

4. We_________already________(be) to Beijing twice.

5. _________you_________(make) dumplings?

No, never.

6. How many songs________you________(learn) so far?

7. I hear your father________(be) to Canada once.

Yes, He________(go) last year.

8. They________just________(leave) the farm’

9. ________you________(see) a tiger? Yes . I have.

When ________you________(see) it? Last Sunday.

10. You________(not find) your book, haven’t you?


1. Daming hasn’t had breakfast this morning. ________________________________.

2. They have been to Dalian ago. _________________________________.

3. Xiao Li isn’t here. He has been to Beijing. _________________________________.

4. Did you travelled to Tianshan mountain before? _____________________________.

5. Martin with his parents have gone to the library. So they aren’t at home.



1. has a he car bought.


2. long you learnt how have English.


3. haven’t the yet we work finished.


4. ever you been have there.


5. sofar has two thousand he collected stamps.




______ ______ ______ ______ he been to the library?

2. (划线提问)

Where ______ she ______ before?

3.Have you ever studied with your friends?(肯定句)

______ ______ ______.

4.______ ______ ______ Meimei had the job?

5.It’s five years since he became a football player.(同义句)

He ______ ______ a football player for five years.

6.I have been to many places in America.(改一般问句)

______ ______ ______ to many places in Acerica?


1.你曾经读过这部小说吗? ______you ______the nevel?

2.我刚刚浇完花。 I have just______the flowers.

3.小明从来没去过美国。 Xiaoming ______never______to England.

4.以前我的姐姐吃西瓜。 My sister______never______ watermelons before.


Now it’s 9:00 in the evening. My father is watching TV, but he hasn’t_______ the newpaper.My mothe r is washing clothes. But she hasn’t________ her clothes. My sister is playing computer games, but she hasn’t _______her work yet. My grandma has_______the living room so she is watching TV. I haven’t_______ my homework, so I am studying hard.

( ) A read B reads C reading

( ) A washing B washed C washes

( ) A finish B finished C finishing

( ) A clean B cleans C cleaned

( ) A finish B finished C finishing


Jenny is an English girl. She’s 15 years old. Though she is young, she has to many places in the world. She’s been to some European countries, such as Germany and France. And she has been to some Asian countries such as India. Japan and China. In China she has been to many places of interest., and she loves Chinese people and Chinese food very much. And she can speak Chinese very well. Now she lives in Beijing with her parents. They’ll stay there for 2 years.

( ) 1. Has she been to Japan?

A. Yes, she has B. No she hasn’t C. Yes she did

( ) 2. What does Jenny like about China?

A. many places of interest B. English food C. Chinese people and food

( ) 3. Can she speak English?

A. Yes she can B. No she can’t C. No she doesn’t

( ) 4. Where does she live now?

A. In Beijing B. In India C. In Germany

( ) 5. How long will they stay in Beijing?

A. For ten years B. For two years C. For 15 years




一. 单选。

1---5 A C C B B 6---10 C C B A B


1.Traveled ( travelled ) 2. seen / washed 3. finished

4. kept 5. eaten / had


1. looked 2. stopped 3. run 4. put 5. done

6. gone 7. come 8. cooked 9. studied 10. danced

四.1. has---done 2. hasn’t seen 3. has tought 4. have , been 5. Have , made

6. have , learnt / learned 7. has been 8. have , left 9. Have . seen . did , see

10. haven’t found


1.改法1:可将this morning去掉或改为yet 改法2:将hasn’t had改为didn’t have

2. ago改 before 3. been 改has 4. Did改 Have 5. have 改has

六.1. Has he bought a car?

2. How long have you learnt English?

3. We haven’t finish the work yet.

4. Have you ever been there?

5. He has colected two thousand stamps so far. (so far放在句首也可以)


1.How many times has 2. has been 3. Yes I have

4. How long has 5. has been 6. Have you been

八.1.Have read 2. waited 3. has been 4. has eaten / had

九.1---5 A B C C B


1---5 A C A A B


1. 定义不同:现在完成时表示现在已经完成的动作,或者过去发生的动作或存在的状态一直持续


1) She was very naughty when she was 10 years old. 她十岁的时候十分淘气。这里用过去时说明她


2) He went to the park yesterday. 他昨天去公园了。这里用过去时说明过去(昨天)发生的动作(去


3) She has finished her homework. 她已经完成她的作业。这里要用完成时说明完成作业这个动作


4) She has been here for ten years.她已经住在这里十年了。这里要用完成时说明她住在这里这个动


2. 强调重点不同,现在完成时强调现在,强调现在已经完成的动作或持续到现在的状态和动作;


1) The old man died yesterday. 那老人昨天死了。强调死亡发生在昨天。

2) The old man has died. 那老人已经死了。强调死亡成为事实,die 这个动作已经完成。

3) The old man has been dead for about 20 hours. 那老人死了大约20个小时了。强调be dead 这个


3. 所接的时间状语不一样,现在完成时跟模糊的时间状语连用或不用时间状语;过去时通常跟具


1) 常跟现在完成时用的时间状语有:so far, till, until, In the past ten years, up to now, since… ago,

for…, now, already, yet, ever, never, before, recently, lately等 。

2) 常跟过去时的时间状语:yesterday, last week, last year, last month, the day before yesterday, just

now, in 1980等过去的时间。

3) 常见的同时可以用在过去时和完成时的时间状语:this morning, tonight, before, recently, lately.


✧ I have had 10 dictionaries up to now.

✧ She has finished her test in past years.

✧ I haven’t seen you before.

✧ They have been there for a long time.

✧ Now he has grown up.

✧ I finished my homework this morning.

✧ I have finished my homework this morning.

✧ She was 1.5 meters last year. Now she has been much taller.

● 注意:现在完成时通常不跟过去时间连用。如果句子中出现yesterday, last week等过去时间,


✧ She has died yesterday. (错)

✧ She died yesterday.(对)

✧ I have seen him last week.(错)

✧ I saw him last week. (对)

✧ I have seen him there before. (对)

✧ I saw him there before. (对)

4. 现在完成时使用时易错的地方:

● 过去分词规则变化和不规则变化弄错,不规则动词要特别记忆;

● 现在完成时不跟过去时间状语连用,除通用时间状语外。

● 现在完成时中终止性动词(非延续性动词)不跟一段时间连用,使用时要转化成延续性动


● 现在完成时部分时间状语用法和位置搞错:

Ever 曾经,用于肯定句或一般疑问句,放在句中;

Never 从不,带有否定意思,相当于not ,放在句中;

Just 刚刚,用于肯定句中,放在句中;

Already 已经,用于肯定句中,放在句中;

Yet 用于疑问句中是“已经”的意思,用于否定句中是“尚(否定)”的意思,都放在句子


● Now (现在)和just now(刚才)搞错,now 用于完成时或现在进行时,just now 用于过去


● Have beet to, have gone to, have been in 区别不开。


  • 2016英语中考考点考纲解析
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  • 2012年思想品德中考备考策略
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