
See Me or Not

王猛 1100610328

Good afternoon,my dear tutor and classmates. Today I would like to talk about a poem,See Me Or Not. Firstly, I want to correct a mistake about the poem’s writer. It is generally thought that the writer is Tsangyang Gyatso, who is the 6th Dalai Lama of Tibet. In fact, a modern female poet ,Tashi Lahm Duoduo wrote it in 2007.I didn’t know this famous poem from the writer or the movie If You Are The One, but it attracts me as a song from the Chinese TV series Gong. If you like it, I can play the song later. All right, Let’s have a love journey by appreciating the poem.

In my opinion, the poem describes a girl’s loyalty to love. Sometimes, love is very sensitive and a tiny action may results a big quarrel or even the end of the relationship. But the girl in the poem seems to be stubborn or kind of attractive. She doesn’t care about the boy seeing her or not, thinking of her or not, coming to her or not,even loving her or not, but what she wants is just letting her live in the boy’s hea rt and having a silent love,halcyon happy. It reminds me of the theme music of Titanic that the girl’s heart will go on and on. In terms of her, the love must be loyal despite the change of everything. The safest way to stay forever with the boy is to let him live in the girl’s heart.Then, the girl will fear nothing, just like the poem said,“Come to me,or come to me not,My hand is here,in yours without fear.”

I have to say, this kind of love is a fantasy of the girl in the poem. Personally, it is good and I want to be that boy. But, let’s just face the reality that if you don’t love a guy, just leave.

See Me or Not

王猛 1100610328

Good afternoon,my dear tutor and classmates. Today I would like to talk about a poem,See Me Or Not. Firstly, I want to correct a mistake about the poem’s writer. It is generally thought that the writer is Tsangyang Gyatso, who is the 6th Dalai Lama of Tibet. In fact, a modern female poet ,Tashi Lahm Duoduo wrote it in 2007.I didn’t know this famous poem from the writer or the movie If You Are The One, but it attracts me as a song from the Chinese TV series Gong. If you like it, I can play the song later. All right, Let’s have a love journey by appreciating the poem.

In my opinion, the poem describes a girl’s loyalty to love. Sometimes, love is very sensitive and a tiny action may results a big quarrel or even the end of the relationship. But the girl in the poem seems to be stubborn or kind of attractive. She doesn’t care about the boy seeing her or not, thinking of her or not, coming to her or not,even loving her or not, but what she wants is just letting her live in the boy’s hea rt and having a silent love,halcyon happy. It reminds me of the theme music of Titanic that the girl’s heart will go on and on. In terms of her, the love must be loyal despite the change of everything. The safest way to stay forever with the boy is to let him live in the girl’s heart.Then, the girl will fear nothing, just like the poem said,“Come to me,or come to me not,My hand is here,in yours without fear.”

I have to say, this kind of love is a fantasy of the girl in the poem. Personally, it is good and I want to be that boy. But, let’s just face the reality that if you don’t love a guy, just leave.


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