关键词:公路安全 车载信息系统 驱动程序的行为
人类因素 知觉 分心 注意避免事故
技术 手持无线装置 听觉显示美国
美国国家运输安全委员会调查交通事故在所有形式的旅游高速公路,航空,船舶,铁路,和管道。重要的是要认识到,安全委员会是独立的监管机构在美国交通部(usdot )。这样的安排是精心构造确保美国调查和安全通告是公正的。许多政府在世界各地都有类似的组织。
相比之下, 美国有大约43300国道及250万人受伤死亡事故从去年的近600万
[1]。每一天, 超过16000的事故发生在美国的高速公路。一个拥有约3亿人口的, 我们已有超过2.5亿名注册的车辆。汽车工业是一个主要的经济力量在美国, 但公路伤害和死亡是对经济拖引擎。机动车事故在美国估计花费每年超过2300亿美元[2]。
相关介面的功能的语音识别和互动; 自主导航,个人通讯游戏实现我们可以展开新的DSP 的功能应该平衡的反对战略的问题,“但是如果我们当前吗?”“是的,我们可以开发高效的系统。
最近5年各种运输方式平均每年的死亡人数是海上774人,铁路806人,航空752人,高速公路42731人,管道14人 。
总的说来,开车是一个简单的任务,它必须,因为几乎每个人都能够做到,从经验不足的16岁开始,一直到70 -80岁的老年人,司机有广泛的能力。然而,相比以前的一代,汽车的新汽车电子稳定控制,移动地图显示,蓝牙手机连接处,iPod 的驱动音响,现在,乘客的视频显示器数组中的一个复杂的控制任务。作为我们要努力改善与整合这些电子系统和添加的功能,给下一代的高速公路的车辆,我们需要谨慎考虑司机的这个角色,从安全的角度,错误会很昂贵。
以用户为中心的设计理念[ 3 ]车载系统的开发正成为规范,而不是例外。设计师首先问:什么是我们解决问题?用于车载系统,应该是驱动问题。
鉴于大量需求,推动地方视觉感知,这是审慎考虑替代显示方式[ 9]。不同的感知通道视觉处理,听觉感知是不超载在驾驶的任务。
这是,事实上,很少使用[ 10]。虽然听觉显示研究的领域是有限的,结果是正面的。听觉路线指导信息已与更有效的驱动,按时间和距离[ 11];听觉路线制导装置导致更少的导航错误[ 12 ];和驱动程序已发现的反应更快,用更少的错误使用听觉信息系统而非视觉系统[ 13]。皮革年龄界定一套准则选择听觉或视觉展示渠道的特点的基础上的信息,环境,和任务[ 14]。使用这些指导方针,听觉介绍信息是适当的,当邮件(1)简短,和短暂的;(2)需要立即行动;和(3)以后没有被涉及到。
然而, 系统界面解并不是简单的“听觉代替视觉“信息显示。系统的工作量与取决于信息复杂性的回场车显示是有关系的,互动要求需要操纵系统, 并且时间压缩和对信息的压缩是有关系的。举个简单的例子, 有一个认知能力的限制是独立的知觉模式。即使视觉和听觉感性通道都没有超载输入的讯息, 然而大量的信息舒服依然可以创造出一种认知过程的瓶颈。这就导致了系统的反应减缓, 就像“隧道效应”那样分散并且使重点缩小, 最终导致信息遗失。
一直以来, 研究人员发现它在分类不同类型的驾驶活动是非常有用的[15],而我们现在的区别, 通常是指控制、指导、导航任务。例如, 驾驶与旅行规划和导航相关的活动有一个弹性的时间可能会或可能不会影响车辆的控制窗口。许多导航方面的信息可以被推迟,直到交通情况容许才能考虑所呈现的资讯, 这就避免认知负荷的超载。然而, 从设计的角度来看, 最好是在不调用驱动程序分配一个实时的层次结构,认知要求的方式来约束系统。
基于集成化车辆的安全系统是一个新的USDOT 车辆安全倡议建立和实地测试的综合碰撞预警系统,以防止轻型车和重型商用卡车追尾,变道,和巷道碰撞。这些系统也正在汽车中部署。
1.6 司机的注意力分散
提高车辆安全5A 最近自然驾驶由国家公路交通安全管理局和弗吉尼亚理工大学运输研究所进行的研究产生了现实世界的数据对驾驶员的行为[17]。大规模的,检测的车辆研究包括约43,000 小时241司机,行驶2万英里的数据。早期的结果表明,视觉注意力不集中和从事次要任务作出贡献,导致60%的撞车。更具体地说,寻找前进道路超过2秒崩溃的几率增加一倍。证据清楚地表明,任务需要更长,更频繁的目光远离道路,而这是不利于安全驾驶的[18]。还应当指出,即使警方的报告肯定低估了问题的严重性,注意力不集中有三分之一会导致追尾和变道事故[19]。
100车的研究结果表明拨打手持无线设备,增加2.8倍的风险,但风险不只是操纵手机,通话或听免提装置增加了三分之一的风险(1.3)。这和早期的研究是一致的。 2005年,公路安全保险研究所发现,使用手机的澳大利亚车手卷入一场严重的事故中概率是没用手机的四倍。不管他们是否使用免提听筒或扬声器电话等设备使用免提耳机或说话者设备,如电话。
1. 国家公路安全管理局(NHTSA )2006年的初步数据,USDOT 国家公路交通安全局发出的新闻稿,2007年6月1日。
2. 美国运输部国家公路运输安全管理局,美国车祸经济的影响,2000年,DOT - HS - 809 - 446(华盛顿特区:国家公路交通安全管理局,2002年)。
3. 诺曼,D. ,日常事物的心理学(纽约:基本图书,1988)。
4. 杜瓦,可再生能源,在车辆信息和司机超载。国际车辆设计,9,第557-564页(1988年)。
5. Zwahlen,HT ,DeBald ,DP ,安全等方面先进的车辆信息显示和控制。诉讼中的人为因素和人类工效学学会,第604-609页(1986)第30届年会。
6. 发件人,JW ,克里斯托弗森,AB ,列文森,WH ,迪特里希,连续,区,巨浪,汽车驾驶的注意需求。公路研究,195,第15-33页(1967)。
7. 治疗,JR ,Tumbas ,NS ,麦当劳,DT ,拿地,休谟,路,迈耶,路Stansifer ,RL ,Castallen ,新泽西州,三电平的交通意外的成因研究。号报告书“DOT - HS - 034 - 3 - 535 - 77,交通运输部(1977年)。
8. Mollenhauer,M. ,李,赵,光,赫尔斯,M. ,&Dingus ,T. ,感觉方式和信息优先签署车辆和信息系统的影响。人为因素和人类工效学学会,1072至77年(1994年)第38届年会。
9. 麦克奈特,AJ ,亚当斯,BB ,驱动教育的任务分析,第1卷:任务说明报告。 DOT HS 800 367(1970),交通运输部。
10. 斯特里特,洛杉矶,Vitello ,D. ,Wonsiewicz ,SA ,如何告诉人们去哪里比较航标。人机学国际期刊,22,第549-562页(1985年)
11. 沃克,J. Alicandri,E. ,Sedney ,C &罗伯茨,K ,车内导航系统的设备:安全驾驶性能的影响。技术报告FHWA - RD - 90 - 053,交通运输部(1990年)
12. Srinivansan,R. ,&Jovanis ,PP ,影响驾驶员的反应时间选择在车辆路线指引系统。人的因素,39(2),第200-215页(1997)。
13. B.H. Deatherage,“听觉和其他感官的信息介绍,EDS 形式。 H.P. 凡COTT 和R.G. Kinkade,人类工程设备的设计指南“(华盛顿特区:美国政府印刷局,1972年)。
14. Lunenfeld,H. ,&亚历山大,GJ ,公路设计和交通运营中的人为因素。中国交通运输工程,110(2),第150(1984年3月)。
15. 提高车辆安全716。 Michon,JA ,一个驱动程序的行为模式的重要观点:我们知道些什么,我们应该怎样做呢?“L.埃文斯和RC 施维英(合编)人类行为和交通安全(纽约:全会出版社,1985)。
16. Dingus,K. ,尼尔,体育,李英才,等。,100车的自然主义的驾驶研究,2006年。
17. 美国运输部Near-Crash/Crash风险的影响,驾驶员注意力不集中,国家公路运输安全管理局:使用100的自然主义的汽车驾驶研究数据,分析的DOT - HS - 810 - 594(华盛顿特区:国家公路交通安全管理局, 2006年)。
18. 美国运输部国家公路运输安全生产监督管理局,国家崩溃的数据库崩溃的贡献因素检查,DOT - HS - 809 - 664(华盛顿特区:国家公路交通安全管理局,2003年)。
19. B.桂冠,作为剧院(波士顿,MA :Addison - Wesley 出版专业,1993年)的计算机。
Improved Vehicle Safety and How Technology Will Get Us There, Hopefully
Bruce and Deborah Bruce
Abstract :The successful deployment of new technologies in highway vehicles hinges on the driver’s ability to safely use those systems. This chapter calls on the engineering community to give full consideration to the usability problems associated with in-vehicle systems designed to engage/communicate with drivers. Such interactions may contain information about the vehicle, the roadway, other vehicles, the route, or the weather, or they may be of personal entertainment interest. There is considerable evidence that drivers are in visual overload, and the delivery of additional information via auditory displays is warranted, but there is cognitive workload associated with driving activities regardless of the perceptual channel involved. The distraction costs for naturalistic speech interaction may be less than for the visual dashboard display of information, but there are many human factors issues to address in order to ensure improved driver performance and safety.
Keywords : Highway safety In-vehicle information systems Driver behavior
Human factors Attention Perception Distraction Crash avoidance
Technology Hand-held wireless device Auditory displays NTSB
1.1 Introduction
The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) investigates highway accidents in order to make recommendations to improve highway safety. It is from that perspective that this chapter considers digital signal processing (DSP) for mobile and vehicular systems. Highway safety programs seek to improve safety either by preventing crashes or by increasing crash survivability. US public policy has reached some practical limits in occupant protection and crash mitigation; consequently, new programs, such as intelligent transportation systems (ITS), focus on crash avoidance to improve safety.
exceptions, like stability control systems, technologies for crash avoidance involve the driver as a critical control element in the system’s performance.
This chapter looks at the human factors influences on in-vehicle system designs.
1.2 Highway Safety
The NTSB investigates transportation accidents in all modes of travel —highway, aviation, marine, rail, and pipeline. It is important to realize that the Safety Board is independent of the regulators in the US Department of Transportation (USDOT). That arrangement was carefully constructed to ensure that NTSB investigations and NTSB safety recommendations are unbiased. Many governments around the world have similar organizations.
There are many ways to measure safety, but no one can argue that the bottom line is fatalities. With the exception of highway travel, most modes oftransportation in the United States experience between 700 and 800 fatalities per year.
The number of fatalities in the marine mode each year is approximately 800; the vast majority of those drown in recreational boating accidents.
About the same number of fatalities occurs in rail accidents annually, where majority are trespassers and rail workers, not passengers. In aviation, the average is about 750 fatalities each year, almost all associated with private pilots in small general-aviation aircraft. We also have about a dozen pipeline fatalities each year from gas explosions.
By comparison, the United States had approximately 43,300 highway fatalities and 2.5 million injuries from nearly 6 million crashes last year [1]. Every day, more than 16,000 crashes occur on American highways. With a population of about 300 million, we have over 250 million registered vehicles. The automotive industry is a major economic force in the United States, but highway injuries and fatalities are a drag against that economic engine. Motor vehicle crashes in the United States are estimated to cost more than $230 billion per year [2].
1.3 Drivers
DSP development work focuses on many different aspects of in-vehicle information systems, including biometric-based authentication; telematics and the associated interface functionality of speech recognition and interaction; autonomous navigation; and personal communications. The technical realization that we can deploy new DSP functionality should always be balanced against
the strategic question of ‘‘but should we?’’ Yes, we can develop robust system performance under a variety of environmental conditions and at an acceptable
Recent 5-year averages of annual fatalities by transportation mode are marine 774, rail 806, aviation 752, highway 42,731, and pipeline 14.
B. Magladry and D. Brucecost, but whether we should is a value question predicated on a hierarchy of driving tasks. Will the new system directly improve vehicle control? Will it assistin navigation?
Will it better inform travelers without negatively impacting driver performance?
The driving environment is defined by many different interactive factors, such as type of vehicle, route, time of day, weather, amount of traffics plus a whole host of activities that go on inside the vehicle —monitoring children, eating, listening to music, making phone calls, etc. Drivers receive a basic licensing test; but they undergo no recurrent training, they receive no medical evaluation, and their education and language skills vary widely. Drivers may be totally inexperienced in their vehicle type, may have conducted no trip planning, and may view driving as secondary to other personal activities in the car. Furthermore, many drivers do not take the time to understand their cars, do not understand how their driving habits affect their safety, and have not read their owner’s manuals.
By and large, driving is a simple task; it must be, because nearly everyone is able to do it. Beginning with inexperienced 16-year-olds all the way through 70- to 80-year-old senior citizens, drivers exhibit a wide range of abilities. However, compared to cars of a generation ago, new vehicles with electronic stability control, moving map displays, bluetooth phone connections, iPod-driven stereos, and passenger video displays present an array of complicated control tasks. As we work to improve and integrate those electronic systems and add functionality to the next generation of highway vehicles, we need to cautiously consider the role of the driver. From a safety vantage point, mistakes can be really costly.
1.4 Attention, Perception, and System Interfaces
The Safety Board has a 50-year history of investigating human performance in transportation accidents. During that time, we have benefited from advances in the sciences of human factors and cognitive ergonomics. The influence of human factors engineering throughout the design process has resulted in early prototyping, task mapping, designing for error management, and exploiting the use of system constraints to enhance safety.
A user-centered design philosophy [3] for in-vehicle system development is becoming the norm, rather than the exception. Designers first ask: what problem are we solving? For in-vehicle systems, that should be a driving problem.
To do this effectively, we need to test the validity of the assumptions that we incorporate into the design —particularly assumptions about the driver and a wide range of behavioral, cognitive, perceptual, and psychodynamic factors.
These individual differences are the very distinctions exploited by DSP driver recognition systems. Drivers are quite often operating beyond their visual or perceptual capabilities in a number of key driving situations, including when overtaking another vehicle, when joining or crossing high-speed roads, or when responding to a number of nighttime situations.
Given the heavy demand that driving places on visual perception, it is prudent to consider alternative display modalities [9]. Unlike the perceptual channel for visual processing, auditory perception is not overloaded during the driving task.
It is, in fact, rarely used [10]. Although auditory display research in the driving domain is somewhat limited, the results are generally positive. Auditory route guidance information has been associated with more efficient driving, as measured by time and distance [11]; auditory route guidance devices result in fewer navigational errors [12]; and drivers have been found to react faster and with fewer errors using auditory information systems instead of visual systems [13].
Deather age defined a set of guidelines for selecting auditory or visual display channels based on the characteristics of the message, the environment, and the task [14]. Using these guidelines, auditory presentation of information is appropriate when messages (1) are simple, short, and temporal in nature;
关键词:公路安全 车载信息系统 驱动程序的行为
人类因素 知觉 分心 注意避免事故
技术 手持无线装置 听觉显示美国
美国国家运输安全委员会调查交通事故在所有形式的旅游高速公路,航空,船舶,铁路,和管道。重要的是要认识到,安全委员会是独立的监管机构在美国交通部(usdot )。这样的安排是精心构造确保美国调查和安全通告是公正的。许多政府在世界各地都有类似的组织。
相比之下, 美国有大约43300国道及250万人受伤死亡事故从去年的近600万
[1]。每一天, 超过16000的事故发生在美国的高速公路。一个拥有约3亿人口的, 我们已有超过2.5亿名注册的车辆。汽车工业是一个主要的经济力量在美国, 但公路伤害和死亡是对经济拖引擎。机动车事故在美国估计花费每年超过2300亿美元[2]。
相关介面的功能的语音识别和互动; 自主导航,个人通讯游戏实现我们可以展开新的DSP 的功能应该平衡的反对战略的问题,“但是如果我们当前吗?”“是的,我们可以开发高效的系统。
最近5年各种运输方式平均每年的死亡人数是海上774人,铁路806人,航空752人,高速公路42731人,管道14人 。
总的说来,开车是一个简单的任务,它必须,因为几乎每个人都能够做到,从经验不足的16岁开始,一直到70 -80岁的老年人,司机有广泛的能力。然而,相比以前的一代,汽车的新汽车电子稳定控制,移动地图显示,蓝牙手机连接处,iPod 的驱动音响,现在,乘客的视频显示器数组中的一个复杂的控制任务。作为我们要努力改善与整合这些电子系统和添加的功能,给下一代的高速公路的车辆,我们需要谨慎考虑司机的这个角色,从安全的角度,错误会很昂贵。
以用户为中心的设计理念[ 3 ]车载系统的开发正成为规范,而不是例外。设计师首先问:什么是我们解决问题?用于车载系统,应该是驱动问题。
鉴于大量需求,推动地方视觉感知,这是审慎考虑替代显示方式[ 9]。不同的感知通道视觉处理,听觉感知是不超载在驾驶的任务。
这是,事实上,很少使用[ 10]。虽然听觉显示研究的领域是有限的,结果是正面的。听觉路线指导信息已与更有效的驱动,按时间和距离[ 11];听觉路线制导装置导致更少的导航错误[ 12 ];和驱动程序已发现的反应更快,用更少的错误使用听觉信息系统而非视觉系统[ 13]。皮革年龄界定一套准则选择听觉或视觉展示渠道的特点的基础上的信息,环境,和任务[ 14]。使用这些指导方针,听觉介绍信息是适当的,当邮件(1)简短,和短暂的;(2)需要立即行动;和(3)以后没有被涉及到。
然而, 系统界面解并不是简单的“听觉代替视觉“信息显示。系统的工作量与取决于信息复杂性的回场车显示是有关系的,互动要求需要操纵系统, 并且时间压缩和对信息的压缩是有关系的。举个简单的例子, 有一个认知能力的限制是独立的知觉模式。即使视觉和听觉感性通道都没有超载输入的讯息, 然而大量的信息舒服依然可以创造出一种认知过程的瓶颈。这就导致了系统的反应减缓, 就像“隧道效应”那样分散并且使重点缩小, 最终导致信息遗失。
一直以来, 研究人员发现它在分类不同类型的驾驶活动是非常有用的[15],而我们现在的区别, 通常是指控制、指导、导航任务。例如, 驾驶与旅行规划和导航相关的活动有一个弹性的时间可能会或可能不会影响车辆的控制窗口。许多导航方面的信息可以被推迟,直到交通情况容许才能考虑所呈现的资讯, 这就避免认知负荷的超载。然而, 从设计的角度来看, 最好是在不调用驱动程序分配一个实时的层次结构,认知要求的方式来约束系统。
基于集成化车辆的安全系统是一个新的USDOT 车辆安全倡议建立和实地测试的综合碰撞预警系统,以防止轻型车和重型商用卡车追尾,变道,和巷道碰撞。这些系统也正在汽车中部署。
1.6 司机的注意力分散
提高车辆安全5A 最近自然驾驶由国家公路交通安全管理局和弗吉尼亚理工大学运输研究所进行的研究产生了现实世界的数据对驾驶员的行为[17]。大规模的,检测的车辆研究包括约43,000 小时241司机,行驶2万英里的数据。早期的结果表明,视觉注意力不集中和从事次要任务作出贡献,导致60%的撞车。更具体地说,寻找前进道路超过2秒崩溃的几率增加一倍。证据清楚地表明,任务需要更长,更频繁的目光远离道路,而这是不利于安全驾驶的[18]。还应当指出,即使警方的报告肯定低估了问题的严重性,注意力不集中有三分之一会导致追尾和变道事故[19]。
100车的研究结果表明拨打手持无线设备,增加2.8倍的风险,但风险不只是操纵手机,通话或听免提装置增加了三分之一的风险(1.3)。这和早期的研究是一致的。 2005年,公路安全保险研究所发现,使用手机的澳大利亚车手卷入一场严重的事故中概率是没用手机的四倍。不管他们是否使用免提听筒或扬声器电话等设备使用免提耳机或说话者设备,如电话。
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11. 沃克,J. Alicandri,E. ,Sedney ,C &罗伯茨,K ,车内导航系统的设备:安全驾驶性能的影响。技术报告FHWA - RD - 90 - 053,交通运输部(1990年)
12. Srinivansan,R. ,&Jovanis ,PP ,影响驾驶员的反应时间选择在车辆路线指引系统。人的因素,39(2),第200-215页(1997)。
13. B.H. Deatherage,“听觉和其他感官的信息介绍,EDS 形式。 H.P. 凡COTT 和R.G. Kinkade,人类工程设备的设计指南“(华盛顿特区:美国政府印刷局,1972年)。
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17. 美国运输部Near-Crash/Crash风险的影响,驾驶员注意力不集中,国家公路运输安全管理局:使用100的自然主义的汽车驾驶研究数据,分析的DOT - HS - 810 - 594(华盛顿特区:国家公路交通安全管理局, 2006年)。
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Improved Vehicle Safety and How Technology Will Get Us There, Hopefully
Bruce and Deborah Bruce
Abstract :The successful deployment of new technologies in highway vehicles hinges on the driver’s ability to safely use those systems. This chapter calls on the engineering community to give full consideration to the usability problems associated with in-vehicle systems designed to engage/communicate with drivers. Such interactions may contain information about the vehicle, the roadway, other vehicles, the route, or the weather, or they may be of personal entertainment interest. There is considerable evidence that drivers are in visual overload, and the delivery of additional information via auditory displays is warranted, but there is cognitive workload associated with driving activities regardless of the perceptual channel involved. The distraction costs for naturalistic speech interaction may be less than for the visual dashboard display of information, but there are many human factors issues to address in order to ensure improved driver performance and safety.
Keywords : Highway safety In-vehicle information systems Driver behavior
Human factors Attention Perception Distraction Crash avoidance
Technology Hand-held wireless device Auditory displays NTSB
1.1 Introduction
The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) investigates highway accidents in order to make recommendations to improve highway safety. It is from that perspective that this chapter considers digital signal processing (DSP) for mobile and vehicular systems. Highway safety programs seek to improve safety either by preventing crashes or by increasing crash survivability. US public policy has reached some practical limits in occupant protection and crash mitigation; consequently, new programs, such as intelligent transportation systems (ITS), focus on crash avoidance to improve safety.
exceptions, like stability control systems, technologies for crash avoidance involve the driver as a critical control element in the system’s performance.
This chapter looks at the human factors influences on in-vehicle system designs.
1.2 Highway Safety
The NTSB investigates transportation accidents in all modes of travel —highway, aviation, marine, rail, and pipeline. It is important to realize that the Safety Board is independent of the regulators in the US Department of Transportation (USDOT). That arrangement was carefully constructed to ensure that NTSB investigations and NTSB safety recommendations are unbiased. Many governments around the world have similar organizations.
There are many ways to measure safety, but no one can argue that the bottom line is fatalities. With the exception of highway travel, most modes oftransportation in the United States experience between 700 and 800 fatalities per year.
The number of fatalities in the marine mode each year is approximately 800; the vast majority of those drown in recreational boating accidents.
About the same number of fatalities occurs in rail accidents annually, where majority are trespassers and rail workers, not passengers. In aviation, the average is about 750 fatalities each year, almost all associated with private pilots in small general-aviation aircraft. We also have about a dozen pipeline fatalities each year from gas explosions.
By comparison, the United States had approximately 43,300 highway fatalities and 2.5 million injuries from nearly 6 million crashes last year [1]. Every day, more than 16,000 crashes occur on American highways. With a population of about 300 million, we have over 250 million registered vehicles. The automotive industry is a major economic force in the United States, but highway injuries and fatalities are a drag against that economic engine. Motor vehicle crashes in the United States are estimated to cost more than $230 billion per year [2].
1.3 Drivers
DSP development work focuses on many different aspects of in-vehicle information systems, including biometric-based authentication; telematics and the associated interface functionality of speech recognition and interaction; autonomous navigation; and personal communications. The technical realization that we can deploy new DSP functionality should always be balanced against
the strategic question of ‘‘but should we?’’ Yes, we can develop robust system performance under a variety of environmental conditions and at an acceptable
Recent 5-year averages of annual fatalities by transportation mode are marine 774, rail 806, aviation 752, highway 42,731, and pipeline 14.
B. Magladry and D. Brucecost, but whether we should is a value question predicated on a hierarchy of driving tasks. Will the new system directly improve vehicle control? Will it assistin navigation?
Will it better inform travelers without negatively impacting driver performance?
The driving environment is defined by many different interactive factors, such as type of vehicle, route, time of day, weather, amount of traffics plus a whole host of activities that go on inside the vehicle —monitoring children, eating, listening to music, making phone calls, etc. Drivers receive a basic licensing test; but they undergo no recurrent training, they receive no medical evaluation, and their education and language skills vary widely. Drivers may be totally inexperienced in their vehicle type, may have conducted no trip planning, and may view driving as secondary to other personal activities in the car. Furthermore, many drivers do not take the time to understand their cars, do not understand how their driving habits affect their safety, and have not read their owner’s manuals.
By and large, driving is a simple task; it must be, because nearly everyone is able to do it. Beginning with inexperienced 16-year-olds all the way through 70- to 80-year-old senior citizens, drivers exhibit a wide range of abilities. However, compared to cars of a generation ago, new vehicles with electronic stability control, moving map displays, bluetooth phone connections, iPod-driven stereos, and passenger video displays present an array of complicated control tasks. As we work to improve and integrate those electronic systems and add functionality to the next generation of highway vehicles, we need to cautiously consider the role of the driver. From a safety vantage point, mistakes can be really costly.
1.4 Attention, Perception, and System Interfaces
The Safety Board has a 50-year history of investigating human performance in transportation accidents. During that time, we have benefited from advances in the sciences of human factors and cognitive ergonomics. The influence of human factors engineering throughout the design process has resulted in early prototyping, task mapping, designing for error management, and exploiting the use of system constraints to enhance safety.
A user-centered design philosophy [3] for in-vehicle system development is becoming the norm, rather than the exception. Designers first ask: what problem are we solving? For in-vehicle systems, that should be a driving problem.
To do this effectively, we need to test the validity of the assumptions that we incorporate into the design —particularly assumptions about the driver and a wide range of behavioral, cognitive, perceptual, and psychodynamic factors.
These individual differences are the very distinctions exploited by DSP driver recognition systems. Drivers are quite often operating beyond their visual or perceptual capabilities in a number of key driving situations, including when overtaking another vehicle, when joining or crossing high-speed roads, or when responding to a number of nighttime situations.
Given the heavy demand that driving places on visual perception, it is prudent to consider alternative display modalities [9]. Unlike the perceptual channel for visual processing, auditory perception is not overloaded during the driving task.
It is, in fact, rarely used [10]. Although auditory display research in the driving domain is somewhat limited, the results are generally positive. Auditory route guidance information has been associated with more efficient driving, as measured by time and distance [11]; auditory route guidance devices result in fewer navigational errors [12]; and drivers have been found to react faster and with fewer errors using auditory information systems instead of visual systems [13].
Deather age defined a set of guidelines for selecting auditory or visual display channels based on the characteristics of the message, the environment, and the task [14]. Using these guidelines, auditory presentation of information is appropriate when messages (1) are simple, short, and temporal in nature;