
Today ,I want to introduce a film to you,High School Musical, I see it because I hear the music in this film by accident ,the music attract me very much ,so I also have some interests in this film.The movie is about dream and youth. Troy Bolton and Gabriella Montez are two totally different teenagers who meet at a party while singing karaoke on New Years Eve. One week later Troy goes back to his high school, East High, in New Mexico to find that Gabriella is a new student there. They quickly become close, really good friends and accidentally audition for the school musical. After getting a callback, drama queen, Sharpay Evans and her sidekick brother, Ryan are furious. Then Chad, Troy's best friend and basketball teammate, think Troy should focus on the basketball team because Troy is captain in his basketball team. and Taylor, Gabriella's new friend on the decathlon team also think Gabriella is just an academic girl. They try to find out a way to make Gabriella hate Troy. But After seeing that Troy and Gabriella sad about not talking, they think maybe they are wrong because people should not be define in the field that other people think reasonable ,so they soon support Tory and Gabriella's choices and let them "break free". At last,support by their friend ,Troy and Gabriella get the leading parts in the school musical and perform the song "Breaking Free".

Today ,I want to introduce a film to you,High School Musical, I see it because I hear the music in this film by accident ,the music attract me very much ,so I also have some interests in this film.The movie is about dream and youth. Troy Bolton and Gabriella Montez are two totally different teenagers who meet at a party while singing karaoke on New Years Eve. One week later Troy goes back to his high school, East High, in New Mexico to find that Gabriella is a new student there. They quickly become close, really good friends and accidentally audition for the school musical. After getting a callback, drama queen, Sharpay Evans and her sidekick brother, Ryan are furious. Then Chad, Troy's best friend and basketball teammate, think Troy should focus on the basketball team because Troy is captain in his basketball team. and Taylor, Gabriella's new friend on the decathlon team also think Gabriella is just an academic girl. They try to find out a way to make Gabriella hate Troy. But After seeing that Troy and Gabriella sad about not talking, they think maybe they are wrong because people should not be define in the field that other people think reasonable ,so they soon support Tory and Gabriella's choices and let them "break free". At last,support by their friend ,Troy and Gabriella get the leading parts in the school musical and perform the song "Breaking Free".


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