
从电视剧看中国女性主义思想发展 As feminist ideals are moving forward in China, the images of heroines in

Chinese popular TV dramas are changing.


The latest example is Princess Weiyang. The TV drama, starring actress Tang Yan, tells a story of a princess’ revenge after her royal family was killed in a conspiracy for power.

最近的一个例子是《锦绣未央(Princess Weiyang)》。这部电视剧由唐嫣出演,讲述了一个公主在其皇室家人于一场阴谋篡权事件中被杀之后的复仇故事。

Unlike the quintessential female characters of shabaitian, which translates

literally to an innocent, white and sweet girl, Weiyang appears sophisticated and cunning and tactfully eradicates all her foes. Of course, she wins the love of the prince for her beauty and wisdom.


Weiyang’s traits gratify the appetite of a modern female audience. The image is a fusion of Snow White and Princess Diana (the superhero from Wonder

Woman). They are born into prestigious families that bestow them respectable temperaments, and their active pursuit for self-empowerment and their brave fight to survive and prosper, are considered virtues to today’s women.


It is a positive change that the personalities of heroines are becoming more multi-layered. However, in my opinion, the female characters of today’s

Chinese dramas still lack of feminism representation. For example, TV dramas like Princess Weiyang are still set against the background of a male-dominated society where the prince saves Weiyang’s life several times. Such storylines prevail in most dramas set in China’s ancient times.


One aspect of feminism ideals is to emphasize that women have equal power to shape the world. While true love should be treasured, the unrealistic Mary Sue plot (heroine unreasonably wins love from many male characters) leads the story back to the ideology of men dominating the word.


In the cultural industry, China is still in need of screenwriters who can break the shackles to make a real difference in shaping heroines. In 2016, TV drama Ode to Joy gained its highest ratings from the young Chinese audience, who often compares domestic dramas with their Western counterparts.

在文化产业方面,中国仍然需要可以打破束缚、在塑造女主角方面做出真正改变的编剧。2016年,《欢乐颂( Ode to Joy)》从中国年轻观众那里获得了最高收视率,而这些人经常把国产剧和西方的电视剧放在一起比较。

The images of four female characters in the drama are more realistic, exuberant and attractive and even their personality flaws, vulgar sides, fears and twists are showcased.


The ideas of feminism should not be depicted in the way fairytales are written. 女性主义思想不应该用编写童话故事的方式来描绘。

从电视剧看中国女性主义思想发展 As feminist ideals are moving forward in China, the images of heroines in

Chinese popular TV dramas are changing.


The latest example is Princess Weiyang. The TV drama, starring actress Tang Yan, tells a story of a princess’ revenge after her royal family was killed in a conspiracy for power.

最近的一个例子是《锦绣未央(Princess Weiyang)》。这部电视剧由唐嫣出演,讲述了一个公主在其皇室家人于一场阴谋篡权事件中被杀之后的复仇故事。

Unlike the quintessential female characters of shabaitian, which translates

literally to an innocent, white and sweet girl, Weiyang appears sophisticated and cunning and tactfully eradicates all her foes. Of course, she wins the love of the prince for her beauty and wisdom.


Weiyang’s traits gratify the appetite of a modern female audience. The image is a fusion of Snow White and Princess Diana (the superhero from Wonder

Woman). They are born into prestigious families that bestow them respectable temperaments, and their active pursuit for self-empowerment and their brave fight to survive and prosper, are considered virtues to today’s women.


It is a positive change that the personalities of heroines are becoming more multi-layered. However, in my opinion, the female characters of today’s

Chinese dramas still lack of feminism representation. For example, TV dramas like Princess Weiyang are still set against the background of a male-dominated society where the prince saves Weiyang’s life several times. Such storylines prevail in most dramas set in China’s ancient times.


One aspect of feminism ideals is to emphasize that women have equal power to shape the world. While true love should be treasured, the unrealistic Mary Sue plot (heroine unreasonably wins love from many male characters) leads the story back to the ideology of men dominating the word.


In the cultural industry, China is still in need of screenwriters who can break the shackles to make a real difference in shaping heroines. In 2016, TV drama Ode to Joy gained its highest ratings from the young Chinese audience, who often compares domestic dramas with their Western counterparts.

在文化产业方面,中国仍然需要可以打破束缚、在塑造女主角方面做出真正改变的编剧。2016年,《欢乐颂( Ode to Joy)》从中国年轻观众那里获得了最高收视率,而这些人经常把国产剧和西方的电视剧放在一起比较。

The images of four female characters in the drama are more realistic, exuberant and attractive and even their personality flaws, vulgar sides, fears and twists are showcased.


The ideas of feminism should not be depicted in the way fairytales are written. 女性主义思想不应该用编写童话故事的方式来描绘。


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