
There are five peas in a bean pod. When they are mature, a small boy picks it and opens it.


The small boy puts the first one into an air gun.


"Ping" …the pea is shot out. It says happily: I will fly to the sky!


The small boy asks the second one: where do you want to go?


The second pea says: I want to fly to the Sun.


So, the second one is shot out, who says: I will fly to the sun!


The third one and the forth one are afraid to be put into the air gun. They scoot away.


The small boy gets out the fifth one and asks it: where do you want to go?


The fifth one says: I want to go to a place where I can bring happiness to others.


The small boy puts it into the air gun and says: you are considerate! He pulls the trigger and the pea flies into a flower pot. The flower pot's owner is poor. The mother has a sick daughter, who has been ill for years. The girl is very weak and looks miserable.


One day, Mum goes out to work. The little girl lies by the flowers pots on the balcony in the sun. The bud stretches out its leaves, which seem to dance and it tells the little girl: you will get better!


When Mum comes back, the little girl says: mum, I found a little shoot. Mum says: oh, it is a little pea shoot. How do you feel today? I feel mush better! In the sun, I feel warm and comfortable. I will soon be well. Mum says happily: I hope my daughter will grow up as this little pea shoot! So, mum puts a bamboo stick there and ties a string so that the shoot can grow along it.


From then on, the little girl lies beside the little pea plant, talks with it and sings songs for it. The pea plant grows day by day. Little by little the girl also recovers.


Finally, the pea plant blooms. It has a brilliant pink flower. The little girl kisses it. She smiles healthily and happily; her eyes shine; she thanks God for sending her the beautiful angel—the pea flower. Mum says: thank you, pea flower! You made my daughter happy and help her fight the sickness and get well!


Then, the little boy passes by the window. The pea flower waves its branches, and seems to say: Look! I fulfilled my promise. I am such a happy flower!


There are five peas in a bean pod. When they are mature, a small boy picks it and opens it.


The small boy puts the first one into an air gun.


"Ping" …the pea is shot out. It says happily: I will fly to the sky!


The small boy asks the second one: where do you want to go?


The second pea says: I want to fly to the Sun.


So, the second one is shot out, who says: I will fly to the sun!


The third one and the forth one are afraid to be put into the air gun. They scoot away.


The small boy gets out the fifth one and asks it: where do you want to go?


The fifth one says: I want to go to a place where I can bring happiness to others.


The small boy puts it into the air gun and says: you are considerate! He pulls the trigger and the pea flies into a flower pot. The flower pot's owner is poor. The mother has a sick daughter, who has been ill for years. The girl is very weak and looks miserable.


One day, Mum goes out to work. The little girl lies by the flowers pots on the balcony in the sun. The bud stretches out its leaves, which seem to dance and it tells the little girl: you will get better!


When Mum comes back, the little girl says: mum, I found a little shoot. Mum says: oh, it is a little pea shoot. How do you feel today? I feel mush better! In the sun, I feel warm and comfortable. I will soon be well. Mum says happily: I hope my daughter will grow up as this little pea shoot! So, mum puts a bamboo stick there and ties a string so that the shoot can grow along it.


From then on, the little girl lies beside the little pea plant, talks with it and sings songs for it. The pea plant grows day by day. Little by little the girl also recovers.


Finally, the pea plant blooms. It has a brilliant pink flower. The little girl kisses it. She smiles healthily and happily; her eyes shine; she thanks God for sending her the beautiful angel—the pea flower. Mum says: thank you, pea flower! You made my daughter happy and help her fight the sickness and get well!


Then, the little boy passes by the window. The pea flower waves its branches, and seems to say: Look! I fulfilled my promise. I am such a happy flower!



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