摘要:本文以开放式基金营销为背景,借鉴美国等共同基金产业发达的国家基金营销的方法,结合我国开放式基金的发展进入了营销竞争时代的现状, 引进国外成熟市场的理念, 形成以银行、券商、保险公司及其他基金经纪机构共存的销售方式, 实现营销渠道的多元化。
China ’s Open-end Funds on Marketing Channels
Chen Xiaodan
(China’s Financial Research Center, Southwest University of Finance; Yunnan University of Finance Institute)Abstract: In this paper, with an open-end funds for marketing background, the Common Fund from the United Statesand other developed countries fund industry ’s marketing methods, open-end fund with China ’s development has entered theera of competition in the marketing status quo, the introduction of the concept of mature markets abroad, a bank, coupons,insurance companies and other funds coexistence of sales agents, to achieve the diversification of marketing channels.
Key Words: open-end fund; marketing; channels
摘要:本文以开放式基金营销为背景,借鉴美国等共同基金产业发达的国家基金营销的方法,结合我国开放式基金的发展进入了营销竞争时代的现状, 引进国外成熟市场的理念, 形成以银行、券商、保险公司及其他基金经纪机构共存的销售方式, 实现营销渠道的多元化。
China ’s Open-end Funds on Marketing Channels
Chen Xiaodan
(China’s Financial Research Center, Southwest University of Finance; Yunnan University of Finance Institute)Abstract: In this paper, with an open-end funds for marketing background, the Common Fund from the United Statesand other developed countries fund industry ’s marketing methods, open-end fund with China ’s development has entered theera of competition in the marketing status quo, the introduction of the concept of mature markets abroad, a bank, coupons,insurance companies and other funds coexistence of sales agents, to achieve the diversification of marketing channels.
Key Words: open-end fund; marketing; channels