

Unit 1 Unit 3 一、1. there 在那边 2. in 用英语 3. friend 我最一、1. How 2. How many 3. How old 4. What 5. 好的朋友4. young 小动物 5. very 非常 6. baby Where 6. Whose 7. What 8. Who 一只小马 7. baby 一头小牛 8. look 朝…看 二、1. We often borrow books from the library. 二、1. It’s a foal 2. I call it a calf. 3. Yes, I do. 2. Welcome to our school. 4. I’m from China.5. He works in a bank 6. It’s 3. They like making things. 3. Our girls play volleyball and hockey.

4. There is a mini-library in our class. 5. My school is famous for its sports. Unit 5

一.1. Can I have a look at this one ? 2. Do you want anything else ? Peter’s. 三、1. C 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. C 6. C 四、1. Is that a cow over there ? 2. It is her video camera. 3. Do you like English story ? 4. What do we call it in English ? 五、1. girls 2. babies 3. people4. sheep 5. children 6. pupils7. boxes 8. bikes 9. foals 六、1. What time 2. it isn’t 3. Is this 4. What do you 5. They are, teachers 6. What is that 七、1. This kangaroo has a jowy. 2. Look at that small lion.3. Is there a baby sheep nearby? 4. Does your mother work in a hospital ? Unit 2 一、1. C 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. C 6. B 二、1. are some geese 2. are those 3. These are goslings 4. They are policemen 三、1. They can’t swim well. 2. Are they playing with their mother ?3. They are chicks and hens. 4. I am in Class One, Grade Five. 四、1. chicks 2. piglets 3. watches 4. puppies 5. men 6. kittens 五、1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. A 6. C 7.A 8. C 9. B 六、1. colour 2. What’s 3. baby 4. where 5. There is 6. up

4. Do you often read stories ? 5. This is not my English book. 6. Let me show you around. 三、1. have 2. making 3. read 4. jump 5. singing 6. works

四、1. Do you often read in your language lab ? 2. They often have three science classes. 3. Wash your hands first. 4. Let me introduce my new friend to you. 5. Who is your English teacher ? 五.1. do 2. ride 3. playing 4. those 5. yours 6. music 六.1. play the piano 2. listen to music 3. draw a picture 4. play the violin 5. have a meeting 6. have an art class 七.1. B 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. B 7. A 8. C 9. A 10. C Unit 4 一.1. us 2. do 3. your 4. storybooks 5. likes 6. Tom’s 二.1. at 2. of 3. to 4. at 5. from 6. in 三.1. B 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. A 四.1.play football 2. play volleyball 3. play basketball 4. play hockey5. play rugby 6. do exercise 7. speak English 8. ride a bike 五.1. Are there any ball games for boys ? 2. Where do you play football ?

3. There are some tigers in the zoo. 4. I want to buy a yellow lamp.

二.1. Whose storybooks are these ? 2. How much is it ?

3. What do you want to buy ? 4. Is there any water in the mug ?

三.1. C 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. A 7. B 四.1. to 2. from 3. about 4. in 5. on 6. at 五1. them 2. Chinese 3. jogging 4. are 5. shoes 6. His

六.1. Can you show me shoes trousers ?

2. He needs a new pair of sports shoes and sandals. 3. How much are the blue jeans ? 4. Can I try them on ? Unit 6 一.1. feel 2. speak 3. or 4. bad cold 5. worry 6. don’t 二.1. I can not go to school today. 2. My mum will take me to the hospital. 3. Lisa has a bad cold.

4. Do you often go to the music club on Sunday ? 5. Take good care of your little sister. 三.1. Do you have a bad cold ? 2. I am not ill today. 3. Those are knives.


4. How much are the shoes ? 5. I have a headache.

四.1. in 2. drink 3. with 4. get 5. take 五.1. A 2. A 3. A 4. B 六.1. C 2. C 3. A 4. A

七.1. flowers 2. cherries 3. countries 4. strawberries 5. sheep 6. people 7. mice 8. boxes 9. buses 10. cameras 11. belts 12. grades 八.1. for 2. with 3. about 4. to 5. of 九.1. What is wrong with the bike ? 2. They will help me with my maths. 3. How are you feeling today ? 4. Here are some grapes for her.

十.1. A 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. C 6. B 7. A 8. C 十一.

1. There is not a pig over there.

2. The baby lions are playing with their mother. 3. Do you have two science classes a week? 4. I want to buy a big TV.

5. We can buy some puddings from a cake shop. 6. How are you feeling today ? 7. How do you like art field trip ?



Unit 1 Unit 3 一、1. there 在那边 2. in 用英语 3. friend 我最一、1. How 2. How many 3. How old 4. What 5. 好的朋友4. young 小动物 5. very 非常 6. baby Where 6. Whose 7. What 8. Who 一只小马 7. baby 一头小牛 8. look 朝…看 二、1. We often borrow books from the library. 二、1. It’s a foal 2. I call it a calf. 3. Yes, I do. 2. Welcome to our school. 4. I’m from China.5. He works in a bank 6. It’s 3. They like making things. 3. Our girls play volleyball and hockey.

4. There is a mini-library in our class. 5. My school is famous for its sports. Unit 5

一.1. Can I have a look at this one ? 2. Do you want anything else ? Peter’s. 三、1. C 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. C 6. C 四、1. Is that a cow over there ? 2. It is her video camera. 3. Do you like English story ? 4. What do we call it in English ? 五、1. girls 2. babies 3. people4. sheep 5. children 6. pupils7. boxes 8. bikes 9. foals 六、1. What time 2. it isn’t 3. Is this 4. What do you 5. They are, teachers 6. What is that 七、1. This kangaroo has a jowy. 2. Look at that small lion.3. Is there a baby sheep nearby? 4. Does your mother work in a hospital ? Unit 2 一、1. C 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. C 6. B 二、1. are some geese 2. are those 3. These are goslings 4. They are policemen 三、1. They can’t swim well. 2. Are they playing with their mother ?3. They are chicks and hens. 4. I am in Class One, Grade Five. 四、1. chicks 2. piglets 3. watches 4. puppies 5. men 6. kittens 五、1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. A 6. C 7.A 8. C 9. B 六、1. colour 2. What’s 3. baby 4. where 5. There is 6. up

4. Do you often read stories ? 5. This is not my English book. 6. Let me show you around. 三、1. have 2. making 3. read 4. jump 5. singing 6. works

四、1. Do you often read in your language lab ? 2. They often have three science classes. 3. Wash your hands first. 4. Let me introduce my new friend to you. 5. Who is your English teacher ? 五.1. do 2. ride 3. playing 4. those 5. yours 6. music 六.1. play the piano 2. listen to music 3. draw a picture 4. play the violin 5. have a meeting 6. have an art class 七.1. B 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. B 7. A 8. C 9. A 10. C Unit 4 一.1. us 2. do 3. your 4. storybooks 5. likes 6. Tom’s 二.1. at 2. of 3. to 4. at 5. from 6. in 三.1. B 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. A 四.1.play football 2. play volleyball 3. play basketball 4. play hockey5. play rugby 6. do exercise 7. speak English 8. ride a bike 五.1. Are there any ball games for boys ? 2. Where do you play football ?

3. There are some tigers in the zoo. 4. I want to buy a yellow lamp.

二.1. Whose storybooks are these ? 2. How much is it ?

3. What do you want to buy ? 4. Is there any water in the mug ?

三.1. C 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. A 7. B 四.1. to 2. from 3. about 4. in 5. on 6. at 五1. them 2. Chinese 3. jogging 4. are 5. shoes 6. His

六.1. Can you show me shoes trousers ?

2. He needs a new pair of sports shoes and sandals. 3. How much are the blue jeans ? 4. Can I try them on ? Unit 6 一.1. feel 2. speak 3. or 4. bad cold 5. worry 6. don’t 二.1. I can not go to school today. 2. My mum will take me to the hospital. 3. Lisa has a bad cold.

4. Do you often go to the music club on Sunday ? 5. Take good care of your little sister. 三.1. Do you have a bad cold ? 2. I am not ill today. 3. Those are knives.


4. How much are the shoes ? 5. I have a headache.

四.1. in 2. drink 3. with 4. get 5. take 五.1. A 2. A 3. A 4. B 六.1. C 2. C 3. A 4. A

七.1. flowers 2. cherries 3. countries 4. strawberries 5. sheep 6. people 7. mice 8. boxes 9. buses 10. cameras 11. belts 12. grades 八.1. for 2. with 3. about 4. to 5. of 九.1. What is wrong with the bike ? 2. They will help me with my maths. 3. How are you feeling today ? 4. Here are some grapes for her.

十.1. A 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. C 6. B 7. A 8. C 十一.

1. There is not a pig over there.

2. The baby lions are playing with their mother. 3. Do you have two science classes a week? 4. I want to buy a big TV.

5. We can buy some puddings from a cake shop. 6. How are you feeling today ? 7. How do you like art field trip ?



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