
  一 .听音,选出你所听到的单词。(10分)

  ( )1、A.school B.bank C.hospital D.bookstore

  ( )2、A.between B.watch C.cinema D.park

  ( )3、A.grocery B.restaurant C.square D. museum

  ( )4、A. eat seafood B.fly a kite C.go boating D. see a film

  ( )5、A.next to B.between C.go straight D.across from


  1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


  ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )



  ( )1.超市 A. Supermarket B. hotel ( )2. the UK A.日本 B.英国

  ( )3.sports centre A. 巴士站 B.体育中心 ( )4.直行 A.go straight B.turn left

  ( )5.长城 A. the Great wall B.restaurant ( )6.十字路口 A.cinema B.crossroads

  ( )7.go camping A. 放风筝 B. 去野营

  二. 词汇:(6分)

  1. want(三单形式) 2.play(动名词) 3. car(复数)

  4.like(三单形式) 5. make(动名词) 6. hobby (复数)


  ( ) 1. –I’m ______. –Can I go swimming ?

  A. cold B. ill C. hot

  ( ) 2. –Are you ill ? – No, ______.

  A. it isn’t B. I amn’t C. I’m not

  ( ) 3. –How is summer in Yancheng? –It’s very ______.

  A. cool B. cold C. hot

  ( ) 4. Bobby _______ some pies for lunch.

  A. have B. would like C. like

  ( ) 5. Here ______ many beautiful flowers.

  A. are B. am C. is

  ( ) 6. Let’s go and play in the park. --_____.

  A.Yes, you do B. Sorry, you’re wrong. C. Sorry, I have a cold.

  ( ) 7. What are these? They are ______ .

  A. my glove B. your skirt C. mother’s jeans

  ( ) 8. – Are you ill, Taotao? Yes, I want to ______.

  A. have some cake B. come to school C. see the doctor

  ( ) 9. – Tim ______ draw, but he ______ skate

  A. can, can B. can , can’t C. can’t, can’t

  ( ) 10. ______ coat is this?

  A. Whose B. whose C. Who’s


  ( )1. I want seafood . A. to eat B.eat C. eats

  ( )2. Joy in Canada. A.live B. lives C. to live

  ( )3.I want to go to Hangzhou my parents . A. to B. for C.with

  ( )4.My hobby is chess . A. playing B.play C. to play

  ( )5. is the bookstore? A.How B.what C.Where.

  ( )6.别人第一次来中国时,你应该说: . A.Goodbye. B.Welcome to China. C.Yes, you are right.

  ( )7、你在打扰别人之前,应先说: . A.Excuse me . B.Ok C.Sorry .

  ( )8、-- Thank you . -- . A.Thank you. B.You’re welcome . C.That’s wrong .

  ( )9.Is there a gallery in your city? A.Yes ,there is. B.Yes, I do. C.Yes,I am .

  ( )10. can I get to the cinema ? Go straight and turn left the first crossroads .

  A.Where ,to B. How , to C. How ,at.


  I am Dick from the USA . I like visiting museums . I go to the museums in my city once a week .My friend (朋友), Bill,is from the UK .He likes playing chess .He plays it twice a week. He wants to plays chess with his teacher . My sister, Joy ,is from Australia .She likes traveling.She goes traveling twice a year (年)。

  Name From Hobby (爱好) How often

  Dick traveling

  the UK

  twice a year


  1.There is a gallery in the city.(变一般疑问句)

  2. want; visit ; to; the Mogao Caves ;I (连句)

  3.How ;to ; get ;the sports centre ; I ;can (连句)

  4. It’s between the bookstore and the grocery. (译成汉语)

  5. I like reading and dancing . (译成汉语)

  6. They are from Canada. (对划线部分提问) are you ?

  7. I want go to West Lake with my parents . (改错)

  一 .听音,选出你所听到的单词。(10分)

  ( )1、A.school B.bank C.hospital D.bookstore

  ( )2、A.between B.watch C.cinema D.park

  ( )3、A.grocery B.restaurant C.square D. museum

  ( )4、A. eat seafood B.fly a kite C.go boating D. see a film

  ( )5、A.next to B.between C.go straight D.across from


  1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


  ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )



  ( )1.超市 A. Supermarket B. hotel ( )2. the UK A.日本 B.英国

  ( )3.sports centre A. 巴士站 B.体育中心 ( )4.直行 A.go straight B.turn left

  ( )5.长城 A. the Great wall B.restaurant ( )6.十字路口 A.cinema B.crossroads

  ( )7.go camping A. 放风筝 B. 去野营

  二. 词汇:(6分)

  1. want(三单形式) 2.play(动名词) 3. car(复数)

  4.like(三单形式) 5. make(动名词) 6. hobby (复数)


  ( ) 1. –I’m ______. –Can I go swimming ?

  A. cold B. ill C. hot

  ( ) 2. –Are you ill ? – No, ______.

  A. it isn’t B. I amn’t C. I’m not

  ( ) 3. –How is summer in Yancheng? –It’s very ______.

  A. cool B. cold C. hot

  ( ) 4. Bobby _______ some pies for lunch.

  A. have B. would like C. like

  ( ) 5. Here ______ many beautiful flowers.

  A. are B. am C. is

  ( ) 6. Let’s go and play in the park. --_____.

  A.Yes, you do B. Sorry, you’re wrong. C. Sorry, I have a cold.

  ( ) 7. What are these? They are ______ .

  A. my glove B. your skirt C. mother’s jeans

  ( ) 8. – Are you ill, Taotao? Yes, I want to ______.

  A. have some cake B. come to school C. see the doctor

  ( ) 9. – Tim ______ draw, but he ______ skate

  A. can, can B. can , can’t C. can’t, can’t

  ( ) 10. ______ coat is this?

  A. Whose B. whose C. Who’s


  ( )1. I want seafood . A. to eat B.eat C. eats

  ( )2. Joy in Canada. A.live B. lives C. to live

  ( )3.I want to go to Hangzhou my parents . A. to B. for C.with

  ( )4.My hobby is chess . A. playing B.play C. to play

  ( )5. is the bookstore? A.How B.what C.Where.

  ( )6.别人第一次来中国时,你应该说: . A.Goodbye. B.Welcome to China. C.Yes, you are right.

  ( )7、你在打扰别人之前,应先说: . A.Excuse me . B.Ok C.Sorry .

  ( )8、-- Thank you . -- . A.Thank you. B.You’re welcome . C.That’s wrong .

  ( )9.Is there a gallery in your city? A.Yes ,there is. B.Yes, I do. C.Yes,I am .

  ( )10. can I get to the cinema ? Go straight and turn left the first crossroads .

  A.Where ,to B. How , to C. How ,at.


  I am Dick from the USA . I like visiting museums . I go to the museums in my city once a week .My friend (朋友), Bill,is from the UK .He likes playing chess .He plays it twice a week. He wants to plays chess with his teacher . My sister, Joy ,is from Australia .She likes traveling.She goes traveling twice a year (年)。

  Name From Hobby (爱好) How often

  Dick traveling

  the UK

  twice a year


  1.There is a gallery in the city.(变一般疑问句)

  2. want; visit ; to; the Mogao Caves ;I (连句)

  3.How ;to ; get ;the sports centre ; I ;can (连句)

  4. It’s between the bookstore and the grocery. (译成汉语)

  5. I like reading and dancing . (译成汉语)

  6. They are from Canada. (对划线部分提问) are you ?

  7. I want go to West Lake with my parents . (改错)


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