
红色,表示正方可能性大,蓝色,表示反方可能性大 请把红色和蓝色标注,安排到社团内部。敏感话题,将会用黄色标注,可视情况删除。

1:this house believes that we can cancel the CET4 AND CET6. 2:this house believes that cardic is more important than lungs.

3:This house would require medical examinations prior to marriage. 4:this house believes that only the examination can test your capability

5:this house supports luxurious consumption

6:this house would restrict the number of private cars in big cities. 7:this house believes that medical research should go beyongd ethics.


8:this house supports the amateur athletes to compete in the Olympic Games 9:This house would prohibit marriages between people with more than 30 years’ age difference.(应该禁止年龄差距大于30岁的人结婚)

10:this house thinks that china ban smoking in all public places is right.

11:this house believes that people can improve their appearance through plastic surgery

12:this house believes that public has the right to know when in crisis. 13:This house would raise substantially the price of railway tickets during the Spring Festival.(在春节期间应大幅提升铁路票价)

14:this house would abolish death penalty

15:this house would make suicide illegal

16:this house would estabilsh a global language.

17:this house believes the Olympic Games should not be commercialized 18:this house believes that the doctors should be protected by law 19:this house would restrict the number of private cars in big cities. 20:this house would legalize the sale of argans.

21:this house thinks gay should be legal in society.

22:this house thinks the doctor of 哈尔冰 medical college should be murder. 23:this house thinks FANGZHOUZI should be arrested.

红色,表示正方可能性大,蓝色,表示反方可能性大 请把红色和蓝色标注,安排到社团内部。敏感话题,将会用黄色标注,可视情况删除。

1:this house believes that we can cancel the CET4 AND CET6. 2:this house believes that cardic is more important than lungs.

3:This house would require medical examinations prior to marriage. 4:this house believes that only the examination can test your capability

5:this house supports luxurious consumption

6:this house would restrict the number of private cars in big cities. 7:this house believes that medical research should go beyongd ethics.


8:this house supports the amateur athletes to compete in the Olympic Games 9:This house would prohibit marriages between people with more than 30 years’ age difference.(应该禁止年龄差距大于30岁的人结婚)

10:this house thinks that china ban smoking in all public places is right.

11:this house believes that people can improve their appearance through plastic surgery

12:this house believes that public has the right to know when in crisis. 13:This house would raise substantially the price of railway tickets during the Spring Festival.(在春节期间应大幅提升铁路票价)

14:this house would abolish death penalty

15:this house would make suicide illegal

16:this house would estabilsh a global language.

17:this house believes the Olympic Games should not be commercialized 18:this house believes that the doctors should be protected by law 19:this house would restrict the number of private cars in big cities. 20:this house would legalize the sale of argans.

21:this house thinks gay should be legal in society.

22:this house thinks the doctor of 哈尔冰 medical college should be murder. 23:this house thinks FANGZHOUZI should be arrested.


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