

班别 姓名 学号 成绩

听 力 部 分


( ) 1.A. carrot B. color C. corner

( ) 2.A. bread B. break C. bag

( ) 3.A. father B.brother C. blanket

( ) 4.A. clap quietly B. walk slowly C. run quickly

( ) 5.A. play soccer B. see a movie C. take a taxi

二、 听录音,判断句子的对错, 在括号里打 “√”或 “×” (本题共10分,每小


( ) 6. What animal do you like best? I like bears.

( ) 7. The girl with a purple wallet is my sister.

( ) 8. There is a horse and four sheep on the farm.

( ) 9. He always goes to the shopping mall by bike.

( ) 10.When is Children’s Day ? It’s in June.

( ) 11.Last Tuesday, they practiced the guitar.

( ) 12.I will take my parents to many places.

( ) 13.Her hobbies are hiking , dancing and siging.

( ) 14.Can your brother ride a skateboard?

( ) 15.Gogo can dig a hole very quickly.


( ) 16.A. He’s in the park. B. At the zoo. C. She was at home.

( ) 17.A. Thanks. B. That’s OK. C. Don’t say that.

( ) 18.A. There’re 3 dollars. B. They’re 3 dollars. C. It’s 3 dollars.

( ) 19.A. Basketball. B. Fish. C. Spring.

( ) 20.A. You’re welcome. B. All right. C. Thank you.

( ) 21.A. He’s my little brother. B. She’s my aunt. C. He’s my uncle.

( ) 22.A. I like vegetables. B. Not really. C. I had too much cake.

( ) 23.A. It’s seven. B. At seven o’clock. C. It’s seven o’clock.

C.Sorry, I don’t know.

( ) 25.A. Eat enough water. B. Get plenty of exercise.

C. Read books in bed.


共5分,每小题1分) ( ) 24.A. I was doing my homework. B. I was in the park.

Last Friday , (26). There was a big typhoon there. Many (27 )and the (28)away my hat. What a ( 29 )day! Lots of (30)the street.



( )31.Where do Peter and Betty come from? A. England B. America C. China

( )32. How do they go to work?

A. By bike B. By taxi C. By car

( )33. When do they finish their work every day? A. At 4:30 B. At 5:30. C. Sorry, I don’t know.

( )34. What do they do in the evening?

A. Take English lessons. B. Take Chinese lessons.

C. Take math lessons.

( )35. Do they like to talk with Chinese people? A. No, they don’t. B. Yes, they do. C. Not really.

笔 试 部 分


( ( ( ( ( 七、单词拼写。根据句子意思和括号里的中文提示写出恰当形式的英语单词。每条横线上只填一个单词。(本题共10分,每小题1分)

41. I was 兴奋), because I got a good mark.

42. He 寄)some letters to Jim two weeks ago.

43. There are two football 比赛)next Friday.

44. My father (乘 ) a subway to Xi’an last Sunday.

45. We drink 许多)water every day.

46. John (完成)his homework before ten every night.

(放下)his club.

48. His brother is (忙)than my uncle.

49. Peter usually goes to 探望)his grandparents on Sunday.

50. Tonny is good at )the mountains.


( )51. It is cold now, please _____________ when you go out.

A.put away the coat B. put on the coat

C. take the umbrella out

( )52. Look! There are many __________ on the tree.

A. peaches B. peachs C. peach

( )53. The box is , he carry it.

A. light…can’t B. heavy…can C. heavy…can’t

( ? ---Yes, here you are.

A.May I have a bread B.Can I have two bunch of flowers

C. May I have a bottle of shampoo

( )55. What ________ Jenny _______ for her father yesterday?

A.does…buy B. did…bought C. did…buy


A. the most expensive B. more expensive C. the cheaper

( )57. ---:What will the weather this afternoon? ---: will be snowy.

A. be like…there B. like…It C. be like…It

( some photos tomorrow.

A. taking B. take C. will take

( )59. It’s twelve o’clock. It’s time

A. for have lunch B. to have lunch C.have lunch

( )60. She dancing, and dances very .

A. likes…well B. like…well C.likes…good



Ben:Hello, Jim. Jim:Hello, Ben. I don’t know.

Ben:I’m going to go ice skating. Why don’t you go with me?


Ben: Did you ever go ice skating?

Jim: No, I never go. I would love to.

Ben: OK. ( 63)at the school gate.

Jim: (64)?

Ben: At 8:30 in the morning.

Jim: (65)?

Ben: By bike. Bye bye.

Jim: See you.


(一) 根据短文判断句子是否正确,正确的打“√”,错的打“×”

Mary has some friends. They are Betty, Peter, Alice and Mike. Mary is the oldest of the five. Betty is thirteen years old. She is younger than Mary and older than Peter. Alice is nine and Mike is seven.

Betty and Peter are good runners. But Peter runs faster. Mary and Betty like to play basketball. Mary plays better than Betty. Alice sings bset of them.

Mary and Betty study in a middle school. Peter, Alice and Mike study in a primary school. They all work hard at school. But Betty works hardest. Her handwriting is also the best of the five.

( )66. Mary has five friends.

( )67. Mike is the the youngest of them.

( )68. They are all good at running.

( )69. Mary likes to play soccer best.

( )70. Alice is a good singer.


A young boy is playing with a ball in the street. Suddenly the ball breaks the window of a house and falls inside. A lady comes to the window with his ball and shouts at the boy. So the boy runs away, but he wants to get back the ball. A few minutes later he returns to that house and knocks at the door. When the lady opens the door, he says, “My father is going to come and fix your window very soon.”

After a few minutes, a man comes with tools in his hand. So the lady let the boy take his ball away.

When the man fiishes fixing the window, he says to the lady,” That will cost you ten dollars.”

“But aren’t you the boy’s father?” the woman asks . “ Of course not,”

the man answers. “ Aren’t you his mother?”

( )71. Who breaks the window of the lady’s house?

A. A man B. A young boy C. An old man

( )72. What does the boy want to do after he runs away?

A.Get back the ball B. Say hello to the lady

C.Sorry, I don’t know.

( )73. Does the boy ask his father to fix the window for the lady?

A. Yesm he does. B. No, he doesn’t. C. Yes, he is.

( )74. How much will the window cost the lady?

A. 100 dollars B. 5 dollars C. 10 dollars.

( )75. How do you think about the boy?

A. He is kind. B. He’s a good boy. C. He’s a bad boy. 十一、根据提示写一篇小短文(10分)






1. corner 2. break 3. blanket 4. clap quietly 5. see a movie

二、听录音,判断句子的对错, 在括号里打 “√”或 “×”(本题共10分,每小题1分)

6. What fruit do you like best? I like pears.

7. The girl with a yellow purse is my sister.

8. There is a horse and four sheep on the farm.

9. He always goes to the bookstore on foot.

10.When is Children’s Day ? It’s in June.

11.Last Thursday, they practiced the piano.

12.I will take my parents to many places.

13.Her hobbies are hiking , dancing and siging.

14.Can his brother ride a scooter?

15.Gogo can dig a hole very quickly.



16.Where’s Tom’s sister now?

17.How beautiful your skirt is !

18.How much are your books?

19.What’s your favorite sport?

20.Let’s go to the park.

21.Who’s that man?

22.What’s wrong with you?

23.What time does your father go to work?

24.What were you doing at 8:00 yesterday evening?

25.A. What’ s bad for us?



Last Friday , I went to Harbin by plane with my family . There was a big typhoon there. Many trees fell and the wind blew away my hat. What a messy day! Lots of people were sweeping the street.


Peter and Betty are from U.S.A. Now they are working in Shanghai. Every morning they get up very early. Then they drive to work . They start their work at 8:30. They are very busy. They have lunch at 12:30. After an hour they work again. They finish their work at 4:30. In the evening they take Chinese lessons. They want to learn Chinese. They often say “ Chinese people are very friendly”. They like to stay in China and they like to work with Chinese people.


一、1.C. 2. B 3.C. 4.A 5.B

二、6.× 7.√ 8.√ 9.× 10.√ 11. ×12. √ 13. √14. ×15. √ 三、16.B 17. A 18. B 19. A 20. B

21.C 22. C 23. B 24. A 25. C

四. 26.family 27.fell 28.blew 29.messy 30. sweeping

五、31. B 32.C 33.A 34.B 35.B

六、36.B 37. C 38. A 39. C 40. B

七、41. excited 42.sent 43.match 44.took 45.much 46.finishes

47.dropping 48.busier 49.countries 50.climbing

八、51.B 52.A 53.C 54.C 55.C 56.A 57.C 58.B 59.B 60.A 九、61. What will you do 62.That’s good idea 63.Let’s meet

64. When will we meet 65. How will we go there

十、 66. × 67. √ 68. × 69. × 70. √

71. B 72. A 73. B 74.C 75. C


班别 姓名 学号 成绩

听 力 部 分


( ) 1.A. carrot B. color C. corner

( ) 2.A. bread B. break C. bag

( ) 3.A. father B.brother C. blanket

( ) 4.A. clap quietly B. walk slowly C. run quickly

( ) 5.A. play soccer B. see a movie C. take a taxi

二、 听录音,判断句子的对错, 在括号里打 “√”或 “×” (本题共10分,每小


( ) 6. What animal do you like best? I like bears.

( ) 7. The girl with a purple wallet is my sister.

( ) 8. There is a horse and four sheep on the farm.

( ) 9. He always goes to the shopping mall by bike.

( ) 10.When is Children’s Day ? It’s in June.

( ) 11.Last Tuesday, they practiced the guitar.

( ) 12.I will take my parents to many places.

( ) 13.Her hobbies are hiking , dancing and siging.

( ) 14.Can your brother ride a skateboard?

( ) 15.Gogo can dig a hole very quickly.


( ) 16.A. He’s in the park. B. At the zoo. C. She was at home.

( ) 17.A. Thanks. B. That’s OK. C. Don’t say that.

( ) 18.A. There’re 3 dollars. B. They’re 3 dollars. C. It’s 3 dollars.

( ) 19.A. Basketball. B. Fish. C. Spring.

( ) 20.A. You’re welcome. B. All right. C. Thank you.

( ) 21.A. He’s my little brother. B. She’s my aunt. C. He’s my uncle.

( ) 22.A. I like vegetables. B. Not really. C. I had too much cake.

( ) 23.A. It’s seven. B. At seven o’clock. C. It’s seven o’clock.

C.Sorry, I don’t know.

( ) 25.A. Eat enough water. B. Get plenty of exercise.

C. Read books in bed.


共5分,每小题1分) ( ) 24.A. I was doing my homework. B. I was in the park.

Last Friday , (26). There was a big typhoon there. Many (27 )and the (28)away my hat. What a ( 29 )day! Lots of (30)the street.



( )31.Where do Peter and Betty come from? A. England B. America C. China

( )32. How do they go to work?

A. By bike B. By taxi C. By car

( )33. When do they finish their work every day? A. At 4:30 B. At 5:30. C. Sorry, I don’t know.

( )34. What do they do in the evening?

A. Take English lessons. B. Take Chinese lessons.

C. Take math lessons.

( )35. Do they like to talk with Chinese people? A. No, they don’t. B. Yes, they do. C. Not really.

笔 试 部 分


( ( ( ( ( 七、单词拼写。根据句子意思和括号里的中文提示写出恰当形式的英语单词。每条横线上只填一个单词。(本题共10分,每小题1分)

41. I was 兴奋), because I got a good mark.

42. He 寄)some letters to Jim two weeks ago.

43. There are two football 比赛)next Friday.

44. My father (乘 ) a subway to Xi’an last Sunday.

45. We drink 许多)water every day.

46. John (完成)his homework before ten every night.

(放下)his club.

48. His brother is (忙)than my uncle.

49. Peter usually goes to 探望)his grandparents on Sunday.

50. Tonny is good at )the mountains.


( )51. It is cold now, please _____________ when you go out.

A.put away the coat B. put on the coat

C. take the umbrella out

( )52. Look! There are many __________ on the tree.

A. peaches B. peachs C. peach

( )53. The box is , he carry it.

A. light…can’t B. heavy…can C. heavy…can’t

( ? ---Yes, here you are.

A.May I have a bread B.Can I have two bunch of flowers

C. May I have a bottle of shampoo

( )55. What ________ Jenny _______ for her father yesterday?

A.does…buy B. did…bought C. did…buy


A. the most expensive B. more expensive C. the cheaper

( )57. ---:What will the weather this afternoon? ---: will be snowy.

A. be like…there B. like…It C. be like…It

( some photos tomorrow.

A. taking B. take C. will take

( )59. It’s twelve o’clock. It’s time

A. for have lunch B. to have lunch C.have lunch

( )60. She dancing, and dances very .

A. likes…well B. like…well C.likes…good



Ben:Hello, Jim. Jim:Hello, Ben. I don’t know.

Ben:I’m going to go ice skating. Why don’t you go with me?


Ben: Did you ever go ice skating?

Jim: No, I never go. I would love to.

Ben: OK. ( 63)at the school gate.

Jim: (64)?

Ben: At 8:30 in the morning.

Jim: (65)?

Ben: By bike. Bye bye.

Jim: See you.


(一) 根据短文判断句子是否正确,正确的打“√”,错的打“×”

Mary has some friends. They are Betty, Peter, Alice and Mike. Mary is the oldest of the five. Betty is thirteen years old. She is younger than Mary and older than Peter. Alice is nine and Mike is seven.

Betty and Peter are good runners. But Peter runs faster. Mary and Betty like to play basketball. Mary plays better than Betty. Alice sings bset of them.

Mary and Betty study in a middle school. Peter, Alice and Mike study in a primary school. They all work hard at school. But Betty works hardest. Her handwriting is also the best of the five.

( )66. Mary has five friends.

( )67. Mike is the the youngest of them.

( )68. They are all good at running.

( )69. Mary likes to play soccer best.

( )70. Alice is a good singer.


A young boy is playing with a ball in the street. Suddenly the ball breaks the window of a house and falls inside. A lady comes to the window with his ball and shouts at the boy. So the boy runs away, but he wants to get back the ball. A few minutes later he returns to that house and knocks at the door. When the lady opens the door, he says, “My father is going to come and fix your window very soon.”

After a few minutes, a man comes with tools in his hand. So the lady let the boy take his ball away.

When the man fiishes fixing the window, he says to the lady,” That will cost you ten dollars.”

“But aren’t you the boy’s father?” the woman asks . “ Of course not,”

the man answers. “ Aren’t you his mother?”

( )71. Who breaks the window of the lady’s house?

A. A man B. A young boy C. An old man

( )72. What does the boy want to do after he runs away?

A.Get back the ball B. Say hello to the lady

C.Sorry, I don’t know.

( )73. Does the boy ask his father to fix the window for the lady?

A. Yesm he does. B. No, he doesn’t. C. Yes, he is.

( )74. How much will the window cost the lady?

A. 100 dollars B. 5 dollars C. 10 dollars.

( )75. How do you think about the boy?

A. He is kind. B. He’s a good boy. C. He’s a bad boy. 十一、根据提示写一篇小短文(10分)






1. corner 2. break 3. blanket 4. clap quietly 5. see a movie

二、听录音,判断句子的对错, 在括号里打 “√”或 “×”(本题共10分,每小题1分)

6. What fruit do you like best? I like pears.

7. The girl with a yellow purse is my sister.

8. There is a horse and four sheep on the farm.

9. He always goes to the bookstore on foot.

10.When is Children’s Day ? It’s in June.

11.Last Thursday, they practiced the piano.

12.I will take my parents to many places.

13.Her hobbies are hiking , dancing and siging.

14.Can his brother ride a scooter?

15.Gogo can dig a hole very quickly.



16.Where’s Tom’s sister now?

17.How beautiful your skirt is !

18.How much are your books?

19.What’s your favorite sport?

20.Let’s go to the park.

21.Who’s that man?

22.What’s wrong with you?

23.What time does your father go to work?

24.What were you doing at 8:00 yesterday evening?

25.A. What’ s bad for us?



Last Friday , I went to Harbin by plane with my family . There was a big typhoon there. Many trees fell and the wind blew away my hat. What a messy day! Lots of people were sweeping the street.


Peter and Betty are from U.S.A. Now they are working in Shanghai. Every morning they get up very early. Then they drive to work . They start their work at 8:30. They are very busy. They have lunch at 12:30. After an hour they work again. They finish their work at 4:30. In the evening they take Chinese lessons. They want to learn Chinese. They often say “ Chinese people are very friendly”. They like to stay in China and they like to work with Chinese people.


一、1.C. 2. B 3.C. 4.A 5.B

二、6.× 7.√ 8.√ 9.× 10.√ 11. ×12. √ 13. √14. ×15. √ 三、16.B 17. A 18. B 19. A 20. B

21.C 22. C 23. B 24. A 25. C

四. 26.family 27.fell 28.blew 29.messy 30. sweeping

五、31. B 32.C 33.A 34.B 35.B

六、36.B 37. C 38. A 39. C 40. B

七、41. excited 42.sent 43.match 44.took 45.much 46.finishes

47.dropping 48.busier 49.countries 50.climbing

八、51.B 52.A 53.C 54.C 55.C 56.A 57.C 58.B 59.B 60.A 九、61. What will you do 62.That’s good idea 63.Let’s meet

64. When will we meet 65. How will we go there

十、 66. × 67. √ 68. × 69. × 70. √

71. B 72. A 73. B 74.C 75. C


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