
Unit 1 Cultural relics

Period 1 Warming Up,Pre-reading & Reading



1.The design of the room was________the fancy style popular in those days.

2.It was also a treasure decorated________gold and jewels.

3.The Amber Room was designed________the palace of Frederick I.

4.Frederick William I,________whom the amber room belonged,decided not to keep it.

5.________return,the Czar sent him a troop of his best soldiers.

6.This was a time when the two countries were______war.

7.After that,what happened________the Amber Room is remains a mystery.

8.________studying old photos,they have made the new one look like the old one. 答案 1.in 2.with 3.for 4.to 5.In 6.at 7.to 8.By


1.brown colour like honey.

2.3.4.Before the Nazis arrived,the Russians were able to______(搬走)some furniture and small art objects.

5.6.By studying old photos of the ______(以前的) Amber Room,they had made a new one look like the old one.

答案 1.selected 2.docorated 3.reception 4.remove 5.doubt 6.former Ⅲ.翻译与仿写

1.Frederick William Ⅰ,the King of Prussia,could never have imagined that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such an amazing history.

[翻译] __________________________________________________________

[仿写] 昨天他不可能完成了作业,因为今早上他还在做。


2.However,the next King of Prussia,Frederick William Ⅰ,to whom the amber room belonged,decided not to keep it.

[翻译] ___________________________________________________________

[仿写] 在漆黑的街上她没有人可以求助。


3.Later,Catherine Ⅱ had the Amber Room moved to a palace outside St Petersburg where she spent her summer.

[翻译] ___________________________________________________________

[仿写] 你通常在哪里剪发?


4.In 1770 the room was completed the way she wanted.

[翻译] ____________________________________________________________

[仿写] 他用同样的方法做这工作。


5.There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for Konigsberg,which was at that time a German city on the Baltic Sea.

[翻译] _______________________________________________________

[仿写] 毫无疑问,你母亲在这件事上会同意你的意见。


6.Is it worth rebuilding lost cultural relics?

[翻译] ___________________________________________________________

[仿写] 这部电影值得再看一遍。


答案 1.普鲁士国王腓特烈·威廉一世绝不可能想到他送给俄罗斯人民的厚礼会有这样一段令人惊讶的历史。

He couldn't have finished his homework,because he was doing it this morning.


There was no one to whom she could turn in the dark street.

3.后来,叶卡捷琳娜二世派人把琥珀屋搬到了圣彼得堡郊外她避暑的宫殿中。 Where do you normally have your hair cut?


He did the job the same way.


There is no doubt that your mother will agree with you on this matter.


Is this film worth seeing again?

Ⅳ.语篇填词 Ⅰ,the King of Prussia gave to Peter the ,the Czar sent him his best soldiers.The Amber Room which took the country's ten years to make was a gold and jewels.So it served as a small for important visitors.Later it was moved to a palace outside St Petersburg where Catherine Ⅱ told September 1941,when the two countries were was missing.Where the 答案 1.gift 2.return 3.troop 4.artists 5.decorated

6.reception 7.details 8.wonders 9.war 10.mystery


1.It was reported that eight policemen were sent to the forest________the missing girl.

A.in need of

C.in charge of B.in search of D.in time of

答案 B [in search of搜寻,寻找。]

2.As is known to us all,America is a developed country________the First World.


C.belonging to B.belonged D.belonged to

答案 C [belong to的现在分词形式作定语。]

3.—Did Peter fix the computer himself?

—He________,because he doesn't know much about computers.

A.has it fixed

C.had it fixed B.had fixed it D.fixed it

答案 C [由后文知是让别人修的电脑,考查have sth done结构。]

4.Eight girl students were________from 1,000 students to perform an English dance at the concert.


C.looked B.left D.selected

答案 D [从1 000名学生中挑选出8名女学生在音乐会上表演英格兰舞蹈。select意为“挑选;选择”,符合题意。pick“采摘(水果)”;leave“离开”;look“看”。]

5.This kind of bike________for children,with a red light on the front.

A.was being designed

C.has been designing B.has designed D.has been designed

答案 D [这种自行车是专为儿童设计的,它前面有个红灯。bike和design是动宾关系,且动作已经完成,用现在完成时态的被动语态,D项符合题意。A项是过去进行时态,缺少特定的过去时间状语;B项和C项是主动语态,故排除。]

6.On Children's Day,the classroom was________with colorful balloons and red flags,which made children excited.


C.painted B.decorated D.showed

答案 B [儿童节这天,教室用彩色气球和红旗装饰起来,这让孩子们很兴奋。be decorated with意为“用„„装饰、点缀”,符合题意。be made with“用„„制造”;be painted with“用„„涂抹”;be showed“被展示”。]

7.—Why do you look so upset?

—There are so many troublesome problems________.

A.remaining to settle

B.remained settled

C.remaining to be settled

D.remained to be settled

答案 C [remain to be settled“有待于解决”。]

8.My friend gives me much help,and________,I help him when he is in trouble.

A.in turn

C.in return B.in return for D.by turns

答案 C [in turn“反过来,依次”;in return for“作为对„„的回报”;in return“作为报答”;by turns“依次,轮流”。]

9.Do you have any doubt________my son's honesty?

A.at B.in C.about D.for

答案 C [have doubt about/of sth“对„„有所怀疑”。]

10.—Where did you meet him?

—It was in the hotel________I was staying.

A.that B.when C.where D.which

答案 C [句意:“你在哪儿碰到他的?”“在我住的旅馆里。”hotel后的部分是定语从句,引导词在从句中作地点状语,故选where。答语是it was in the hotel where I was staying that I met him的省略。that一般不在句中作成分;when常作时间状语;which常作主语、宾语、表语等成分。]

11.—Do you think England will win?

—I________it.They behaved badly.


C.guess B.believe D.tell

答案 A [句意:“你认为英格兰队会赢吗?”“我表示怀疑。他们表现不好。”doubt意为“怀疑;不信”,符合题意。believe“相信”;guess“猜测”;tell“告诉”。]

12.—How do you like this English book?

—I think it is_________reading.

A.worth B.excited C.rare D.happy

答案 A [句意:“你认为这本英语书怎么样?”“我认为它值得一读。”worth意为“值得的;相当于„„的价值”,后常接动名词,符合题意。excited“兴奋的”;rare“稀罕的;珍贵的”;happy“高兴的”。]

13.—Ted,don't________the radio by yourself.You might not fix it up again. —Let me have a try.

A.take around

C.take apart B.take after D.take away

答案 C [“托德,不要自己拆收音机,你会装不起来的。”“让我试试吧。”take apart意为“拆开”,符合题意。take around“领(某人)四处参观”;take after“(在外貌、性格等方面)与(父母等)相像”;take away“拿走”。]

14.It was reported that a chemical factory had________last night,which killed thirty workers.

A.exploded B.cracked C.ruined D.burst

答案 A [句意:据报道,昨夜有一家化工厂发生爆炸,造成30名工人死亡。explode意为“爆炸”,符合题意。crack“(水管等)开裂;破裂”;ruin“毁灭;使破产”,常用被动语态;burst“爆裂;爆发”,常指气球等爆裂。]

15.Remember not to________the dishes from the table before the customers leave.

A.fetch B.remove C.get D.bring

答案 B [“记住,客人离开之前,不要从桌子上端走碟子。”remove...from...意为“把某物从某物上移开”,符合题意。fetch“去取”;get“得到”;bring“带来”。]



China's “Cultural Heritage Day” falls on the second Saturday of June every for free to the public on the day.There is different kinds of the country will arouse(唤醒the importance of the motherland. ,Heritage Education is one of our main approaches(方法).the past seven years,研究会)to

different groups,schools,government offices,general public.Many people have attended CHP seminars.Typically,each seminar lasts two to three hours an informative presentation,a longer question-and-answer session and discussion.Each knowledge of cultural to be just the Forbidden City(紫禁城)and the Great Wall.People often think that the duty the government.So“Cultural Heritage Day”will be a welcome__educate a wide public on world heritage protection.

1.A.forbidden B.suggested C.made D.designed

答案 D [forbid的含义是“禁止”;suggest的含义是“建议”;make表示“制作,使”;design表示“计划,筹划”。此处表示“„„这些文化遗迹计划在‘文化遗产日’免费向公众开放”。]

2.A.need B.doubt C.wonder D.reason

答案 B [There is no need...的含义是“没有必要„„”;There is no doubt...的含义是“毫无疑问„„”;wonder和reason则不与There is no...搭配。]

3.A.parties B.activities C.actions D.ways

答案 B [party的含义是“聚会”;activity的含义是“活动”;action表示“所做的事情,行为”;way的含义是“方式,方法”。句意:毫无疑问,全国各种各样的庆祝活动会唤起文化遗产保护重要性的公众意识并激励年轻人热爱祖国美好的传统文化。]

4.A.awareness B.knowledge C.affairs D.opinion

答案 A [awareness的含义是“意识”;knowledge的含义是“知识”;affair的含义是“事件”;opinion的含义是“看法”。public awareness的含义是“公众意识”。]

5.A.inform B.advise C.persuade D.inspire

答案 D [inform的含义是“通知”;advise表示“建议”;persuade的含义是“说服”;inspire的含义是“激励,鼓舞”。词组inspire sb to do sth的含义是“激励某人做某事”。]

6.A.natural B.modern C.traditional D.ancient

答案 C [natural的含义是“自然的”;modern的含义是“现代的”;traditional


7.A.discoveries B.treasures C.relics D.wonders

答案 C [由短文第一段第一句中的“Culture Heritage Day(文化遗产日)”可知此处应该为cultural relics(文化遗产)。discovery的含义是“发现”;treasure表示“宝藏”;relic的含义是“遗产”;wonder表示“奇迹”。]


C.meaning B.record D.importance

答案 A [harm的含义是“危害,损害”;record的含义是“记录”;meaning的含义是“意思”;importance的含义是“重要”。下半句的“缺少文化遗产保护意识”应是一种危害,可知答案为harm。]

9.A.So B.Instead C.And D.Thus

答案 D [上文提到“我们要认真考虑缺少文化遗产保护意识的危害”与下一句的“遗产教育是主要的解决办法之一”可知上下句之间存在因果关系,排除instead(相反)和and(而且);so表示“因此”,但不与逗号连用,排除A项;thus表示“因此”,后可以接逗号。]

10.A.properly B.simply C.carefully D.entirely

答案 A [properly的含义是“适当地”;simply表示“简单地,仅仅”;carefully表示“小心地,仔细地”;entirely表示“完全地”。此处表示“适当地重视文化遗产”。]

11.A.what B.why C.how D.when

答案 B [根据句意及语境,此处用why(为什么),表达“如果人们不知道这件事为什么是重要的”。]


C.insisted B.read D.presented

答案 D [think的含义是“认为”,不与介词to连用;read表示“读”;insist的含义是“坚持”;present表示“赠与,介绍”,与介词to构成短语“present sth to sb”表示“向某人介绍某事或给某人某物”。]

13.A.so B.very C.such D.quite

答案 C [在四个选项中,such可以和as连用表示“例如”。so可以与as构成

so as to结构。]

14.A.as well as

C.as good as B.as much as D.as long as

答案 A [as well as表示“以及,和„„一样好”;as much as的含义是“和„„一样多”;as good as表示“和„„一样好”;as long as表示“只要,和„„一样长”。此处用as well as表示“以及”。]

15.A.consists B.becomes C.lies D.forms

答案 A [四个选项中become,form和lie不和of连用;consist of表示“由„„构成”,与be made up of同义。]


C.answered B.asked D.followed

答案 D [recognize表示“认出”;ask表示“询问”;answer表示“回答”;follow表示“跟随”。此处用followed by表示“接下来是„„”。句意:„„接下来是一个较长时间的问答会议和讨论。]


C.for B.with D.at

答案 B [表示“具备”应用介词with。此处with介词短语作定语。]

18.A.considered B.understood

C.realized D.concluded

答案 A [consider表示“认为,考虑”;understand的含义是“明白”;realize的含义是“意识到”;conclude的含义是“得出结论”。consider常用于consider sth/sb to be结构,意思是“认为某事/某人是„„”。]


C.belongs B.stands D.calls

答案 C [belong和空后的to构成短语,含义是“属于”。句意:人们常常认为保护文物是政府的责任。]


C.opportunity B.matter D.chance

答案 C [possibility的含义是“可能”;matter的含义是“事情”;opportunity和chance都有“机会”的含义,但chance侧重偶然的机会,含有“侥幸”的意


Unit 1 Cultural relics

Period 1 Warming Up,Pre-reading & Reading



1.The design of the room was________the fancy style popular in those days.

2.It was also a treasure decorated________gold and jewels.

3.The Amber Room was designed________the palace of Frederick I.

4.Frederick William I,________whom the amber room belonged,decided not to keep it.

5.________return,the Czar sent him a troop of his best soldiers.

6.This was a time when the two countries were______war.

7.After that,what happened________the Amber Room is remains a mystery.

8.________studying old photos,they have made the new one look like the old one. 答案 1.in 2.with 3.for 4.to 5.In 6.at 7.to 8.By


1.brown colour like honey.

2.3.4.Before the Nazis arrived,the Russians were able to______(搬走)some furniture and small art objects.

5.6.By studying old photos of the ______(以前的) Amber Room,they had made a new one look like the old one.

答案 1.selected 2.docorated 3.reception 4.remove 5.doubt 6.former Ⅲ.翻译与仿写

1.Frederick William Ⅰ,the King of Prussia,could never have imagined that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such an amazing history.

[翻译] __________________________________________________________

[仿写] 昨天他不可能完成了作业,因为今早上他还在做。


2.However,the next King of Prussia,Frederick William Ⅰ,to whom the amber room belonged,decided not to keep it.

[翻译] ___________________________________________________________

[仿写] 在漆黑的街上她没有人可以求助。


3.Later,Catherine Ⅱ had the Amber Room moved to a palace outside St Petersburg where she spent her summer.

[翻译] ___________________________________________________________

[仿写] 你通常在哪里剪发?


4.In 1770 the room was completed the way she wanted.

[翻译] ____________________________________________________________

[仿写] 他用同样的方法做这工作。


5.There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for Konigsberg,which was at that time a German city on the Baltic Sea.

[翻译] _______________________________________________________

[仿写] 毫无疑问,你母亲在这件事上会同意你的意见。


6.Is it worth rebuilding lost cultural relics?

[翻译] ___________________________________________________________

[仿写] 这部电影值得再看一遍。


答案 1.普鲁士国王腓特烈·威廉一世绝不可能想到他送给俄罗斯人民的厚礼会有这样一段令人惊讶的历史。

He couldn't have finished his homework,because he was doing it this morning.


There was no one to whom she could turn in the dark street.

3.后来,叶卡捷琳娜二世派人把琥珀屋搬到了圣彼得堡郊外她避暑的宫殿中。 Where do you normally have your hair cut?


He did the job the same way.


There is no doubt that your mother will agree with you on this matter.


Is this film worth seeing again?

Ⅳ.语篇填词 Ⅰ,the King of Prussia gave to Peter the ,the Czar sent him his best soldiers.The Amber Room which took the country's ten years to make was a gold and jewels.So it served as a small for important visitors.Later it was moved to a palace outside St Petersburg where Catherine Ⅱ told September 1941,when the two countries were was missing.Where the 答案 1.gift 2.return 3.troop 4.artists 5.decorated

6.reception 7.details 8.wonders 9.war 10.mystery


1.It was reported that eight policemen were sent to the forest________the missing girl.

A.in need of

C.in charge of B.in search of D.in time of

答案 B [in search of搜寻,寻找。]

2.As is known to us all,America is a developed country________the First World.


C.belonging to B.belonged D.belonged to

答案 C [belong to的现在分词形式作定语。]

3.—Did Peter fix the computer himself?

—He________,because he doesn't know much about computers.

A.has it fixed

C.had it fixed B.had fixed it D.fixed it

答案 C [由后文知是让别人修的电脑,考查have sth done结构。]

4.Eight girl students were________from 1,000 students to perform an English dance at the concert.


C.looked B.left D.selected

答案 D [从1 000名学生中挑选出8名女学生在音乐会上表演英格兰舞蹈。select意为“挑选;选择”,符合题意。pick“采摘(水果)”;leave“离开”;look“看”。]

5.This kind of bike________for children,with a red light on the front.

A.was being designed

C.has been designing B.has designed D.has been designed

答案 D [这种自行车是专为儿童设计的,它前面有个红灯。bike和design是动宾关系,且动作已经完成,用现在完成时态的被动语态,D项符合题意。A项是过去进行时态,缺少特定的过去时间状语;B项和C项是主动语态,故排除。]

6.On Children's Day,the classroom was________with colorful balloons and red flags,which made children excited.


C.painted B.decorated D.showed

答案 B [儿童节这天,教室用彩色气球和红旗装饰起来,这让孩子们很兴奋。be decorated with意为“用„„装饰、点缀”,符合题意。be made with“用„„制造”;be painted with“用„„涂抹”;be showed“被展示”。]

7.—Why do you look so upset?

—There are so many troublesome problems________.

A.remaining to settle

B.remained settled

C.remaining to be settled

D.remained to be settled

答案 C [remain to be settled“有待于解决”。]

8.My friend gives me much help,and________,I help him when he is in trouble.

A.in turn

C.in return B.in return for D.by turns

答案 C [in turn“反过来,依次”;in return for“作为对„„的回报”;in return“作为报答”;by turns“依次,轮流”。]

9.Do you have any doubt________my son's honesty?

A.at B.in C.about D.for

答案 C [have doubt about/of sth“对„„有所怀疑”。]

10.—Where did you meet him?

—It was in the hotel________I was staying.

A.that B.when C.where D.which

答案 C [句意:“你在哪儿碰到他的?”“在我住的旅馆里。”hotel后的部分是定语从句,引导词在从句中作地点状语,故选where。答语是it was in the hotel where I was staying that I met him的省略。that一般不在句中作成分;when常作时间状语;which常作主语、宾语、表语等成分。]

11.—Do you think England will win?

—I________it.They behaved badly.


C.guess B.believe D.tell

答案 A [句意:“你认为英格兰队会赢吗?”“我表示怀疑。他们表现不好。”doubt意为“怀疑;不信”,符合题意。believe“相信”;guess“猜测”;tell“告诉”。]

12.—How do you like this English book?

—I think it is_________reading.

A.worth B.excited C.rare D.happy

答案 A [句意:“你认为这本英语书怎么样?”“我认为它值得一读。”worth意为“值得的;相当于„„的价值”,后常接动名词,符合题意。excited“兴奋的”;rare“稀罕的;珍贵的”;happy“高兴的”。]

13.—Ted,don't________the radio by yourself.You might not fix it up again. —Let me have a try.

A.take around

C.take apart B.take after D.take away

答案 C [“托德,不要自己拆收音机,你会装不起来的。”“让我试试吧。”take apart意为“拆开”,符合题意。take around“领(某人)四处参观”;take after“(在外貌、性格等方面)与(父母等)相像”;take away“拿走”。]

14.It was reported that a chemical factory had________last night,which killed thirty workers.

A.exploded B.cracked C.ruined D.burst

答案 A [句意:据报道,昨夜有一家化工厂发生爆炸,造成30名工人死亡。explode意为“爆炸”,符合题意。crack“(水管等)开裂;破裂”;ruin“毁灭;使破产”,常用被动语态;burst“爆裂;爆发”,常指气球等爆裂。]

15.Remember not to________the dishes from the table before the customers leave.

A.fetch B.remove C.get D.bring

答案 B [“记住,客人离开之前,不要从桌子上端走碟子。”remove...from...意为“把某物从某物上移开”,符合题意。fetch“去取”;get“得到”;bring“带来”。]



China's “Cultural Heritage Day” falls on the second Saturday of June every for free to the public on the day.There is different kinds of the country will arouse(唤醒the importance of the motherland. ,Heritage Education is one of our main approaches(方法).the past seven years,研究会)to

different groups,schools,government offices,general public.Many people have attended CHP seminars.Typically,each seminar lasts two to three hours an informative presentation,a longer question-and-answer session and discussion.Each knowledge of cultural to be just the Forbidden City(紫禁城)and the Great Wall.People often think that the duty the government.So“Cultural Heritage Day”will be a welcome__educate a wide public on world heritage protection.

1.A.forbidden B.suggested C.made D.designed

答案 D [forbid的含义是“禁止”;suggest的含义是“建议”;make表示“制作,使”;design表示“计划,筹划”。此处表示“„„这些文化遗迹计划在‘文化遗产日’免费向公众开放”。]

2.A.need B.doubt C.wonder D.reason

答案 B [There is no need...的含义是“没有必要„„”;There is no doubt...的含义是“毫无疑问„„”;wonder和reason则不与There is no...搭配。]

3.A.parties B.activities C.actions D.ways

答案 B [party的含义是“聚会”;activity的含义是“活动”;action表示“所做的事情,行为”;way的含义是“方式,方法”。句意:毫无疑问,全国各种各样的庆祝活动会唤起文化遗产保护重要性的公众意识并激励年轻人热爱祖国美好的传统文化。]

4.A.awareness B.knowledge C.affairs D.opinion

答案 A [awareness的含义是“意识”;knowledge的含义是“知识”;affair的含义是“事件”;opinion的含义是“看法”。public awareness的含义是“公众意识”。]

5.A.inform B.advise C.persuade D.inspire

答案 D [inform的含义是“通知”;advise表示“建议”;persuade的含义是“说服”;inspire的含义是“激励,鼓舞”。词组inspire sb to do sth的含义是“激励某人做某事”。]

6.A.natural B.modern C.traditional D.ancient

答案 C [natural的含义是“自然的”;modern的含义是“现代的”;traditional


7.A.discoveries B.treasures C.relics D.wonders

答案 C [由短文第一段第一句中的“Culture Heritage Day(文化遗产日)”可知此处应该为cultural relics(文化遗产)。discovery的含义是“发现”;treasure表示“宝藏”;relic的含义是“遗产”;wonder表示“奇迹”。]


C.meaning B.record D.importance

答案 A [harm的含义是“危害,损害”;record的含义是“记录”;meaning的含义是“意思”;importance的含义是“重要”。下半句的“缺少文化遗产保护意识”应是一种危害,可知答案为harm。]

9.A.So B.Instead C.And D.Thus

答案 D [上文提到“我们要认真考虑缺少文化遗产保护意识的危害”与下一句的“遗产教育是主要的解决办法之一”可知上下句之间存在因果关系,排除instead(相反)和and(而且);so表示“因此”,但不与逗号连用,排除A项;thus表示“因此”,后可以接逗号。]

10.A.properly B.simply C.carefully D.entirely

答案 A [properly的含义是“适当地”;simply表示“简单地,仅仅”;carefully表示“小心地,仔细地”;entirely表示“完全地”。此处表示“适当地重视文化遗产”。]

11.A.what B.why C.how D.when

答案 B [根据句意及语境,此处用why(为什么),表达“如果人们不知道这件事为什么是重要的”。]


C.insisted B.read D.presented

答案 D [think的含义是“认为”,不与介词to连用;read表示“读”;insist的含义是“坚持”;present表示“赠与,介绍”,与介词to构成短语“present sth to sb”表示“向某人介绍某事或给某人某物”。]

13.A.so B.very C.such D.quite

答案 C [在四个选项中,such可以和as连用表示“例如”。so可以与as构成

so as to结构。]

14.A.as well as

C.as good as B.as much as D.as long as

答案 A [as well as表示“以及,和„„一样好”;as much as的含义是“和„„一样多”;as good as表示“和„„一样好”;as long as表示“只要,和„„一样长”。此处用as well as表示“以及”。]

15.A.consists B.becomes C.lies D.forms

答案 A [四个选项中become,form和lie不和of连用;consist of表示“由„„构成”,与be made up of同义。]


C.answered B.asked D.followed

答案 D [recognize表示“认出”;ask表示“询问”;answer表示“回答”;follow表示“跟随”。此处用followed by表示“接下来是„„”。句意:„„接下来是一个较长时间的问答会议和讨论。]


C.for B.with D.at

答案 B [表示“具备”应用介词with。此处with介词短语作定语。]

18.A.considered B.understood

C.realized D.concluded

答案 A [consider表示“认为,考虑”;understand的含义是“明白”;realize的含义是“意识到”;conclude的含义是“得出结论”。consider常用于consider sth/sb to be结构,意思是“认为某事/某人是„„”。]


C.belongs B.stands D.calls

答案 C [belong和空后的to构成短语,含义是“属于”。句意:人们常常认为保护文物是政府的责任。]


C.opportunity B.matter D.chance

答案 C [possibility的含义是“可能”;matter的含义是“事情”;opportunity和chance都有“机会”的含义,但chance侧重偶然的机会,含有“侥幸”的意



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