



张 三1, 李四五2,欧阳六七1(小四号仿宋,居中)

(1. 浙江大学管理学院,浙江 杭州 310058;2.北京大学光华管理学院,北京 100871)(小五号楷体,居



摘要:(小五黑) 技术获取模式是企业技术战略的重要组分,对企业竞争力及可持续发展具有深远影响。本文以我国的IT企业为研究对象,将技术的获取模式按照企业研发力量的参与程度划分为内部研发、合作研发和外部购买,通过问卷调查分析企业技术获取模式的选择对企业绩效产生的影响。(小五楷) 关键词:(小五黑)技术获取;技术战略;新产品开发;IT产业(小五楷体)

中图分类号:(小五黑) F273(小五楷体,请作者提供该文中图分类号!) 文献标识码:(小五黑)A 文章编号:


0 引言(五黑)

当今世界,全球的竞争越来越体现在经济和科技实力的竞争,而技术创新则日益成为促进经济增长和提高科技竞争力的关键。技术获取模式作为企业技术战略的重要一环,对企业长远发展意义重大。 (小五宋) (空一行)

1 技术获取的相关研究回顾(五黑)

1.1 技术获取模式的分类研究(小五黑)

1.1.1 技术获取模式的分类 (小五楷体)

中外学者对于技术的获取模式有不同的分类方法。Dussauge 和 Hart曾将技术获取模式划分为内部研发、合资公司、外部契约研发、技术授权、直接购买最终产品五种形式[2]。(小五宋)




收稿日期:(六黑)2007-12-01(六宋) 修回日期:(六黑)2008-01-23(六宋)

基金项目:(六黑)国家社会科学基金资助项目(07BJY03***);浙江省哲学社会科学基金资助项目(0700123456)(六宋) 作者简介:(六黑)张三(1968-),男,汉,浙江省杭州市人。浙江大学管理学院教授,博士生导师,研究方向:战略管理。(六宋)


参 考 文 献

(参考文献小五黑,居中. 注意:文中出现的参考文献在此处应均有体现)

[1] Artzner P, Delbacn F, Eber JM, et al. Thinking coherently [J]. Risk, 1997, 10: 68-71.(六宋)([序号]主要责任者. 文献题名[J].期刊题名,年(期):起止页码. 或(需要标注卷号的)——[序号]主要责任者. 文献题名[J]. 期刊题名,年,卷(期):起止页码. )

[2] 崔雪松,王玲.企业技术获取的方式及选择依据[J].科学学与科学技术管理,2005,31(2):141-144.

[3] Dussauge P, Hart S, Ramanantsoa BG. Strategic technology management[M].New York: John Wiley,1992.

[4] 技术进步与产业结构选择[M].北京:经济科学出版社,1998.(人名后不加“著”、“编”、“主编”、“合编”)



(专著M,论文集C,报纸文章N,期刊文章J,学位论文D,报告R,专利P) (空一行)

121 The Relationship between IT Firms’ Technological Acquisition Modes and their performance in Chinese (小四黑粗体) ZHANG San, LI Si-wu, OUYANG Liu-qi (小五黑体)

(1. School of Management, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China;

2. School of International Business and Management, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, China) (小



Abstract(小五加粗):In the 21st century, the trend of globalization expands widely and rapidly. As one of the most important drives, foreign direct investment (FDI) has been paid more and more attention for its effects on constructing the technological innovation capability and sustainable strategic competitiveness in the less developed countries. Now there are two different points of view on the effect from the entering FDI to the technological development in China: positive spillovers or negative spillovers. In fact the final result in the most of the empirical researches is an output mixed the two-sided effects. We can not only judge FDI by the final result, but also anatomize it. ……

The research uses production function model based on panel data from 37 industrial enterprises in China from year 1998 to 2003. Most data comes from the yearbook of Chinese Industry and the yearbook of science and technology of China. It supposes that the technological spillovers follows the path from the FDI to the industrial innovative input which includes “input structure”, “input intensity”, then to the industrial innovative output which includes “innovative effect”, “innovative efficiency”, “export competitive ability”, “marginalization risk”. ……

In the first part, the direct model discusses the relationship between innovative output and FDI. There are positive relationships between the entering of FDI and innovation effect, innovation efficiency and export in short time. But from the view of technological marginalization, FDI has strong influences on local companies’ market reduction, technological dependence in the long run, and R&D capabilities’ shrinking. ……

In the second part, the indirect model discusses the relationship of the two innovative output variables mediated by innovative input intensity and innovative input structure. FDI impacts

indirectly on innovative efficiency through influencing on innovative input intensity of the industry. And the structure of innovative fund source influences the usage efficiency of the fund and the innovative efficiency. It also partly moderates the relationship between FDI and innovative efficiency. In further study, it finds out that market growth, market competition and technological appropriation have partial mediating effects on the relationship between FDI and innovative input intensity of the industry.……

In summary, more and more technologies of the industries in China will come from outward sources in the future. The globalization of manufacturing has opened the opportunity window of learning for Chinese companies. And it brings big challenges at the same time.(小五正)„„

Key words(小五加粗):industrial technological innovation; foreign direct investment; technological spillover; mediation effect(小五正)


进入21世纪,经济一体化趋势日益高涨,作为科技全球化的重要推动力之一,外商直接投资(Foreign Direct Investment,FDI)因其对发展中国家的技术创新能力构建和可持续性战略竞争力的形成具有基础性作用,而引起越来越多的研究关注。目前FDI进入对中国技术进步的影响也存在着两种截然不同的观点——正溢出和负溢出。在实证中所最后观测到的结果,实际上是正负效应相互抵消掉之后的结果,而我们不能仅从结果上判断FDI带给的好与坏,更应该将溢出的结果加以解剖。……









张 三1, 李四五2,欧阳六七1(小四号仿宋,居中)

(1. 浙江大学管理学院,浙江 杭州 310058;2.北京大学光华管理学院,北京 100871)(小五号楷体,居



摘要:(小五黑) 技术获取模式是企业技术战略的重要组分,对企业竞争力及可持续发展具有深远影响。本文以我国的IT企业为研究对象,将技术的获取模式按照企业研发力量的参与程度划分为内部研发、合作研发和外部购买,通过问卷调查分析企业技术获取模式的选择对企业绩效产生的影响。(小五楷) 关键词:(小五黑)技术获取;技术战略;新产品开发;IT产业(小五楷体)

中图分类号:(小五黑) F273(小五楷体,请作者提供该文中图分类号!) 文献标识码:(小五黑)A 文章编号:


0 引言(五黑)

当今世界,全球的竞争越来越体现在经济和科技实力的竞争,而技术创新则日益成为促进经济增长和提高科技竞争力的关键。技术获取模式作为企业技术战略的重要一环,对企业长远发展意义重大。 (小五宋) (空一行)

1 技术获取的相关研究回顾(五黑)

1.1 技术获取模式的分类研究(小五黑)

1.1.1 技术获取模式的分类 (小五楷体)

中外学者对于技术的获取模式有不同的分类方法。Dussauge 和 Hart曾将技术获取模式划分为内部研发、合资公司、外部契约研发、技术授权、直接购买最终产品五种形式[2]。(小五宋)




收稿日期:(六黑)2007-12-01(六宋) 修回日期:(六黑)2008-01-23(六宋)

基金项目:(六黑)国家社会科学基金资助项目(07BJY03***);浙江省哲学社会科学基金资助项目(0700123456)(六宋) 作者简介:(六黑)张三(1968-),男,汉,浙江省杭州市人。浙江大学管理学院教授,博士生导师,研究方向:战略管理。(六宋)


参 考 文 献

(参考文献小五黑,居中. 注意:文中出现的参考文献在此处应均有体现)

[1] Artzner P, Delbacn F, Eber JM, et al. Thinking coherently [J]. Risk, 1997, 10: 68-71.(六宋)([序号]主要责任者. 文献题名[J].期刊题名,年(期):起止页码. 或(需要标注卷号的)——[序号]主要责任者. 文献题名[J]. 期刊题名,年,卷(期):起止页码. )

[2] 崔雪松,王玲.企业技术获取的方式及选择依据[J].科学学与科学技术管理,2005,31(2):141-144.

[3] Dussauge P, Hart S, Ramanantsoa BG. Strategic technology management[M].New York: John Wiley,1992.

[4] 技术进步与产业结构选择[M].北京:经济科学出版社,1998.(人名后不加“著”、“编”、“主编”、“合编”)



(专著M,论文集C,报纸文章N,期刊文章J,学位论文D,报告R,专利P) (空一行)

121 The Relationship between IT Firms’ Technological Acquisition Modes and their performance in Chinese (小四黑粗体) ZHANG San, LI Si-wu, OUYANG Liu-qi (小五黑体)

(1. School of Management, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China;

2. School of International Business and Management, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, China) (小



Abstract(小五加粗):In the 21st century, the trend of globalization expands widely and rapidly. As one of the most important drives, foreign direct investment (FDI) has been paid more and more attention for its effects on constructing the technological innovation capability and sustainable strategic competitiveness in the less developed countries. Now there are two different points of view on the effect from the entering FDI to the technological development in China: positive spillovers or negative spillovers. In fact the final result in the most of the empirical researches is an output mixed the two-sided effects. We can not only judge FDI by the final result, but also anatomize it. ……

The research uses production function model based on panel data from 37 industrial enterprises in China from year 1998 to 2003. Most data comes from the yearbook of Chinese Industry and the yearbook of science and technology of China. It supposes that the technological spillovers follows the path from the FDI to the industrial innovative input which includes “input structure”, “input intensity”, then to the industrial innovative output which includes “innovative effect”, “innovative efficiency”, “export competitive ability”, “marginalization risk”. ……

In the first part, the direct model discusses the relationship between innovative output and FDI. There are positive relationships between the entering of FDI and innovation effect, innovation efficiency and export in short time. But from the view of technological marginalization, FDI has strong influences on local companies’ market reduction, technological dependence in the long run, and R&D capabilities’ shrinking. ……

In the second part, the indirect model discusses the relationship of the two innovative output variables mediated by innovative input intensity and innovative input structure. FDI impacts

indirectly on innovative efficiency through influencing on innovative input intensity of the industry. And the structure of innovative fund source influences the usage efficiency of the fund and the innovative efficiency. It also partly moderates the relationship between FDI and innovative efficiency. In further study, it finds out that market growth, market competition and technological appropriation have partial mediating effects on the relationship between FDI and innovative input intensity of the industry.……

In summary, more and more technologies of the industries in China will come from outward sources in the future. The globalization of manufacturing has opened the opportunity window of learning for Chinese companies. And it brings big challenges at the same time.(小五正)„„

Key words(小五加粗):industrial technological innovation; foreign direct investment; technological spillover; mediation effect(小五正)


进入21世纪,经济一体化趋势日益高涨,作为科技全球化的重要推动力之一,外商直接投资(Foreign Direct Investment,FDI)因其对发展中国家的技术创新能力构建和可持续性战略竞争力的形成具有基础性作用,而引起越来越多的研究关注。目前FDI进入对中国技术进步的影响也存在着两种截然不同的观点——正溢出和负溢出。在实证中所最后观测到的结果,实际上是正负效应相互抵消掉之后的结果,而我们不能仅从结果上判断FDI带给的好与坏,更应该将溢出的结果加以解剖。……







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