
广州现代信息工程职业技术学院试卷(A 卷)


课程 商务英语听说实训 开课班级 11商英1.2.3 年级 11级 班级 学号 学生姓名 考试教室

本试卷共 6 页,满分 100 分;考试时间: 90 分钟;考试方式:考试(查)



---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------一、单项选择题1(本大题共 5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 1.What does B2B stand for? A Business to Buyers. B Business to Business C. Business to Consumers. D Business to Sellers. 2.What does it mean when one is involved in B2B? A A Business sells its products to the end user. B A Business sells its products to another business. C Customers buy products from a business. D Customers do deals with a business. 3.What are referred to as B2C? A Transactions between a business and a company. B Transactions between a business and a shop. C Transactions between a business and the retailer. D Transactions between a business and the end user. 4.What does the difference between B2B and B2C marketing lie in?

A The difference between customers’ demand for comfort.

B The difference between company’s increasing profitability.

C The difference between emotional perspectives of the buyers.

D The difference between the quality of the business.

5.How should marketing strategies be designed?

A According to the type of marketing one chooses.

B According to the need of the marketing.

C According to the change of the marketing.

D According to the amount of profits one gains.

试卷第1页(共 6 页)















































































--单项选择题2(本大题共 5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 1.According to the passage, what do you have to do before you get to the departure gate? A To have something to drink. B To be seated in the waiting room. C To check in your bags. D To have a short sleep. 2.Which of the following is NOT included in the things that you’re required to show when you check in? A Passport B Ticket C Travel check D Airport-tax receipt 3.What will the attendant give you when you check in? A A tourist map. BA boarding pass. CA travel petal store. D A guide book. 4. Where can you buy something cheaper according to the passage? A. At the snack bar . B . At the duty-free shop. C. At the retail store. D. At the coffee shop. 5. What is the most important thing of traveling by plane? A. to buy something cheap. B. to pay the airport tax. C. to give yourself plenty of time. D. to weigh your luggage 单项选择题3(本大题共 5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 1.According to the passage, what should be developed for every exhibition success? A An exhibition space. B A new plan. C Banner stands. D literature holders. 2. What should be done first in the list of Do’s ? A Planning in advance. B Setting achievable goals. C Booking a booth for exhibition. D Looking into the history of an exhibition. 3. Which of the following statements is NOT mantioned in creating a buzz? A Understanding which products to take. B Understanding the number of visitors.

C Knowing how much stock to have.

D Knowing how many literature holders are needed.

4.What shouldn’t you be afraid to do at an exhibition?

A To use negative body language.

B To use mobile phones.

C To ask questions.

D To argue with competitors.

试卷第2页(共 6 页) -----------






































































--5.Which kind of body language is unacceptable at an exhibition? A .Folder arms. B .Proper eye contact. C Smiling faces. D .Polite gestures. 单项选择题4(本大题共 5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 1.Which of the following statements is TRUE about a sales secretary? A It is difficult. B It is demanding. C It is easy. D It is challenging. 2.What is the first thing that sales secretary needs to learn? A Basic office skills. B Skills about sales. C Marketing strategies. D Personnel management. 3.Which is NOT mentioned as a sales secretary’s primary role? A Providing clerical speed and a accuracy to the documents. B Filling copies of letters and reports. C Filling out and processing forms. D Keeping a calendar of her own schedule. 4.How will a sales secretary become a member of the sales force? A By finding out about the company’s products. B By becoming familiar with the company’s benefits. C By understanding the company’s drawbacks. D By managing clerical tasks and keeping track of important information. 5.According to the passage, what aspect might a sales secretary’s job include? A .A political aspect . B. A social aspect. aspect . C .A scientific aspect . D .A cultural aspect . 单项选择题5(本大题共 5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 1.What will you discover when you communicate with customers? A How they feel about your service and products. B What good service is . C The advantages of your products.

D How to sell the products.

2.What should you decide on from the communication with the customers.

A The quality of your products.

B What they want from your company.

C What to get from the company.

D How to produce the goods.

3.Whom should you extend your relationship with?

A Your best and most influential customers.

B The best director of the company.

C The most influential media.

试卷第3页(共 6 页)







































































--D The best salesmen. 4.Why should you extend your relationship with your best customers? A Because they are rich. B Because they want to buy your products. C Because they know well about your products and want to help you. D Because they have many advantages. 5.What can you rely on your customers for when you are doing market research? A For useful information. B For useful research. C For a promise. D For useful market. 单项选择题6(本大题共 5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 1.What is one of the best skills to have in any corporate setting? A The ability to persuade clients. B The ability to entertain clients. C The ability to win clients’ support. D The ability to get along well with clients. 2.What does it mean if you impress your clients? A Your business and other benefits will be repeated. B You’ll have more business than any other companies. C Your company will be more famous. D More and more clients will support you. 3.What is the trick to entertaining clients.? A Satisfying their enjoyment. B Accompanying them at the dinner. C Amusing them with jokes. D Taking them to a movie. 4.Which of the following statements is NOT the way to entertain clients? A Taking clients out to a nice dinner. B Taking clients to a sporting event. C Showing clients around the city. D Talking business with clients in the office. 5.What is disappointing when you take a business to another city? A Not dining in the best restaurant. B Not taking in some of the local flavor. C Not tasting the delicious food.

D Not sunbathing on the beach.

试卷第4页(共 6 页)








































































二、填空题1(本大题共 5小题,前2小题1分,后三题2分,共8分) 1 what is the greatest advantage of e-commerce? Global _________ is the the greatest advantage of e-commerce? 2 what markets can businesses carter to? Businesses can cater to local, national as well as ___________markets. 3 What opportunity can e-commerce give people? E-commerce gives people the opportunity to look for the _____________. 4 What chance can customers also get before deciding on the buying? Customers also get the change to read __________posted by previous shoppers. 5 How does e-commerce reduce the costs of a business? By reducing the costs associated with marketing, ________________and inventory management. 填空题2(本大题共 5小题,每小题 2分,共10分) 1.To avoid confusion and waste of the time ,what should an email be like ? It should be -_________________. 2.If nothing would happen when you didn’t send the email, what is suggested to do? You should __________________________________your email. 3.What should you do if your email requires action? You should _________________________________. 4.Why shouldn’t capital letters be used in an email? Because it’s like shouting and__________________________________. 5.What is suggested to do if the material is confidential? You should _______________________________________instead. 填空题3(本大题共 5小题,每小题 2分,共10分) 1. What does a trade show booth enhance? It enhances the _________________________________________of your company. 2. What is the way to make your exhibition booth visited most? Through making ______________________________________graphics. 3. Why should you make sure that the designs will not overshadow your product? Because the product is the ___________________________________________of your display. 4. What’s another thing that you should make sure? Another thing is that you need to make sure that___________________________________________. 5.Why is it necessary for you to keep an eye on your laptop? Because you will need one for your multimedia__________________________________.

填空题4(本大题共 5小题,每小题 2分,共10分)

1.What remains a key mode of communication in the business world?

The _______________________________.

2.What is conducted by telephone contact?

A majority of global business and _________________________is conducted by telephone contact.

3.On what days are you advised to contact your customers?

In the _________________________________of the week.

4.Why are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday better than Monday or Friday?

Because office staff members are busy getting started at the beginning of the week and ______________________at the end.

试卷第5页(共 6 页) -----------








































































-- 5.On what days are you advised NOT to contact your customers. 填空题5(本大题共 5小题,每小题2分,共10分) 1.What do customer service representatives use extensively in their work? They use computers ,telephone ,and _____________________-extensively in their work. 2.When will a representative open his or her file in the company’s computer system? When the customer has an ________________________________with the company. 3.Who may provide assistance if the representative fails to solve a specific problem? A supervisor or other____________________________. 4.What do we know about call centers? It is a place where customer service workers spend the entire day ___________________________on the phone. 5.How do supervisors ensure customers are getting quality service?

三.短文填空(本大题共 10小题,每小题 2分,共22分) With the start of BBC World Service Television, millions of viewers in Asia and America can now watch the Corporation’s news (1) ________. And of course in Britain listeners and viewers can (2) ________ into two BBC television channels, five BBC national radio services and dozens of local radio stations. They are brought sport, comedy, drama, music, news and current affairs, education, religion, parliamentary coverage, children’s programs and films for an (3) ________ license fee of £83 per household. It is a remarkable record, (4) ________ back over 70 years — yet the BBC’s future is now in (5) ________. The Corporation will survive as a publicly-funded broadcasting organization, at least for the time being, but its role, its size and its programs are now the subject of a (6) ________ debate in Britain. The debate was (7) ________ by the Government, which invited anyone with an opinion of the BBC — (8) ________ ordinary listeners and viewers — to say what was good or bad about the Corporation. (9)


Defenders of the Corporation of whom there are many are fond of quoting the American slogan “If it isn’t broke, don’t fix it.” The BBC “isn’t broke”, they say, by which they mean it is not broken, so why bother to change it? (10) ________________________________________________________________. The commercial TV channels were required by the Thatcher Government’s Broadcasting Act to become more commercial, competing with each other for advertisers, and cutting costs and jobs. (11) ________________________________________________________________.

试卷第6页(共 6 页) -----------

广州现代信息工程职业技术学院试卷(A 卷)


课程 商务英语听说实训 开课班级 11商英1.2.3 年级 11级 班级 学号 学生姓名 考试教室

本试卷共 6 页,满分 100 分;考试时间: 90 分钟;考试方式:考试(查)



---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------一、单项选择题1(本大题共 5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 1.What does B2B stand for? A Business to Buyers. B Business to Business C. Business to Consumers. D Business to Sellers. 2.What does it mean when one is involved in B2B? A A Business sells its products to the end user. B A Business sells its products to another business. C Customers buy products from a business. D Customers do deals with a business. 3.What are referred to as B2C? A Transactions between a business and a company. B Transactions between a business and a shop. C Transactions between a business and the retailer. D Transactions between a business and the end user. 4.What does the difference between B2B and B2C marketing lie in?

A The difference between customers’ demand for comfort.

B The difference between company’s increasing profitability.

C The difference between emotional perspectives of the buyers.

D The difference between the quality of the business.

5.How should marketing strategies be designed?

A According to the type of marketing one chooses.

B According to the need of the marketing.

C According to the change of the marketing.

D According to the amount of profits one gains.

试卷第1页(共 6 页)















































































--单项选择题2(本大题共 5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 1.According to the passage, what do you have to do before you get to the departure gate? A To have something to drink. B To be seated in the waiting room. C To check in your bags. D To have a short sleep. 2.Which of the following is NOT included in the things that you’re required to show when you check in? A Passport B Ticket C Travel check D Airport-tax receipt 3.What will the attendant give you when you check in? A A tourist map. BA boarding pass. CA travel petal store. D A guide book. 4. Where can you buy something cheaper according to the passage? A. At the snack bar . B . At the duty-free shop. C. At the retail store. D. At the coffee shop. 5. What is the most important thing of traveling by plane? A. to buy something cheap. B. to pay the airport tax. C. to give yourself plenty of time. D. to weigh your luggage 单项选择题3(本大题共 5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 1.According to the passage, what should be developed for every exhibition success? A An exhibition space. B A new plan. C Banner stands. D literature holders. 2. What should be done first in the list of Do’s ? A Planning in advance. B Setting achievable goals. C Booking a booth for exhibition. D Looking into the history of an exhibition. 3. Which of the following statements is NOT mantioned in creating a buzz? A Understanding which products to take. B Understanding the number of visitors.

C Knowing how much stock to have.

D Knowing how many literature holders are needed.

4.What shouldn’t you be afraid to do at an exhibition?

A To use negative body language.

B To use mobile phones.

C To ask questions.

D To argue with competitors.

试卷第2页(共 6 页) -----------






































































--5.Which kind of body language is unacceptable at an exhibition? A .Folder arms. B .Proper eye contact. C Smiling faces. D .Polite gestures. 单项选择题4(本大题共 5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 1.Which of the following statements is TRUE about a sales secretary? A It is difficult. B It is demanding. C It is easy. D It is challenging. 2.What is the first thing that sales secretary needs to learn? A Basic office skills. B Skills about sales. C Marketing strategies. D Personnel management. 3.Which is NOT mentioned as a sales secretary’s primary role? A Providing clerical speed and a accuracy to the documents. B Filling copies of letters and reports. C Filling out and processing forms. D Keeping a calendar of her own schedule. 4.How will a sales secretary become a member of the sales force? A By finding out about the company’s products. B By becoming familiar with the company’s benefits. C By understanding the company’s drawbacks. D By managing clerical tasks and keeping track of important information. 5.According to the passage, what aspect might a sales secretary’s job include? A .A political aspect . B. A social aspect. aspect . C .A scientific aspect . D .A cultural aspect . 单项选择题5(本大题共 5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 1.What will you discover when you communicate with customers? A How they feel about your service and products. B What good service is . C The advantages of your products.

D How to sell the products.

2.What should you decide on from the communication with the customers.

A The quality of your products.

B What they want from your company.

C What to get from the company.

D How to produce the goods.

3.Whom should you extend your relationship with?

A Your best and most influential customers.

B The best director of the company.

C The most influential media.

试卷第3页(共 6 页)







































































--D The best salesmen. 4.Why should you extend your relationship with your best customers? A Because they are rich. B Because they want to buy your products. C Because they know well about your products and want to help you. D Because they have many advantages. 5.What can you rely on your customers for when you are doing market research? A For useful information. B For useful research. C For a promise. D For useful market. 单项选择题6(本大题共 5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 1.What is one of the best skills to have in any corporate setting? A The ability to persuade clients. B The ability to entertain clients. C The ability to win clients’ support. D The ability to get along well with clients. 2.What does it mean if you impress your clients? A Your business and other benefits will be repeated. B You’ll have more business than any other companies. C Your company will be more famous. D More and more clients will support you. 3.What is the trick to entertaining clients.? A Satisfying their enjoyment. B Accompanying them at the dinner. C Amusing them with jokes. D Taking them to a movie. 4.Which of the following statements is NOT the way to entertain clients? A Taking clients out to a nice dinner. B Taking clients to a sporting event. C Showing clients around the city. D Talking business with clients in the office. 5.What is disappointing when you take a business to another city? A Not dining in the best restaurant. B Not taking in some of the local flavor. C Not tasting the delicious food.

D Not sunbathing on the beach.

试卷第4页(共 6 页)








































































二、填空题1(本大题共 5小题,前2小题1分,后三题2分,共8分) 1 what is the greatest advantage of e-commerce? Global _________ is the the greatest advantage of e-commerce? 2 what markets can businesses carter to? Businesses can cater to local, national as well as ___________markets. 3 What opportunity can e-commerce give people? E-commerce gives people the opportunity to look for the _____________. 4 What chance can customers also get before deciding on the buying? Customers also get the change to read __________posted by previous shoppers. 5 How does e-commerce reduce the costs of a business? By reducing the costs associated with marketing, ________________and inventory management. 填空题2(本大题共 5小题,每小题 2分,共10分) 1.To avoid confusion and waste of the time ,what should an email be like ? It should be -_________________. 2.If nothing would happen when you didn’t send the email, what is suggested to do? You should __________________________________your email. 3.What should you do if your email requires action? You should _________________________________. 4.Why shouldn’t capital letters be used in an email? Because it’s like shouting and__________________________________. 5.What is suggested to do if the material is confidential? You should _______________________________________instead. 填空题3(本大题共 5小题,每小题 2分,共10分) 1. What does a trade show booth enhance? It enhances the _________________________________________of your company. 2. What is the way to make your exhibition booth visited most? Through making ______________________________________graphics. 3. Why should you make sure that the designs will not overshadow your product? Because the product is the ___________________________________________of your display. 4. What’s another thing that you should make sure? Another thing is that you need to make sure that___________________________________________. 5.Why is it necessary for you to keep an eye on your laptop? Because you will need one for your multimedia__________________________________.

填空题4(本大题共 5小题,每小题 2分,共10分)

1.What remains a key mode of communication in the business world?

The _______________________________.

2.What is conducted by telephone contact?

A majority of global business and _________________________is conducted by telephone contact.

3.On what days are you advised to contact your customers?

In the _________________________________of the week.

4.Why are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday better than Monday or Friday?

Because office staff members are busy getting started at the beginning of the week and ______________________at the end.

试卷第5页(共 6 页) -----------








































































-- 5.On what days are you advised NOT to contact your customers. 填空题5(本大题共 5小题,每小题2分,共10分) 1.What do customer service representatives use extensively in their work? They use computers ,telephone ,and _____________________-extensively in their work. 2.When will a representative open his or her file in the company’s computer system? When the customer has an ________________________________with the company. 3.Who may provide assistance if the representative fails to solve a specific problem? A supervisor or other____________________________. 4.What do we know about call centers? It is a place where customer service workers spend the entire day ___________________________on the phone. 5.How do supervisors ensure customers are getting quality service?

三.短文填空(本大题共 10小题,每小题 2分,共22分) With the start of BBC World Service Television, millions of viewers in Asia and America can now watch the Corporation’s news (1) ________. And of course in Britain listeners and viewers can (2) ________ into two BBC television channels, five BBC national radio services and dozens of local radio stations. They are brought sport, comedy, drama, music, news and current affairs, education, religion, parliamentary coverage, children’s programs and films for an (3) ________ license fee of £83 per household. It is a remarkable record, (4) ________ back over 70 years — yet the BBC’s future is now in (5) ________. The Corporation will survive as a publicly-funded broadcasting organization, at least for the time being, but its role, its size and its programs are now the subject of a (6) ________ debate in Britain. The debate was (7) ________ by the Government, which invited anyone with an opinion of the BBC — (8) ________ ordinary listeners and viewers — to say what was good or bad about the Corporation. (9)


Defenders of the Corporation of whom there are many are fond of quoting the American slogan “If it isn’t broke, don’t fix it.” The BBC “isn’t broke”, they say, by which they mean it is not broken, so why bother to change it? (10) ________________________________________________________________. The commercial TV channels were required by the Thatcher Government’s Broadcasting Act to become more commercial, competing with each other for advertisers, and cutting costs and jobs. (11) ________________________________________________________________.

试卷第6页(共 6 页) -----------


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