

DUE DATE: Aug.21 1016


Greed ,ambition, guilty-three points lead them to lose their minds

In Macbeth , Shakespeare uses three witches to as beginning to make a darkness ,horrible atmosphere ,also pave way for the whole story .It is a tragic novel about how Lady Macbeth and Macbeth lose their minds over the course of the play and describe Macbeth is a good brave and strong man, become a acquire more power - his ambition - ultimately leads to his downfall. As a result of his guilty ,greed and ambition Macbeth loses his mind over the course of play.

The first point is Macbeth and Lady Macbeth because of they have a blind ambition to lose their minds over the course of the play. Because after received her husband‟s letter ,she keeps persuade on his husband to killing the king .And the dagger is a another symbol of ambition ,because before the first witch achieved ,Macbeth is a strong, valiant warrior who has won in battle and brought victory to Scotland. However, Macbeth‟s quest to acquire more power - his ambition - ultimately leads to his downfall .For example from the “is this a dagger which I see before me, the handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch thee ”“I see thee yet, in form as palpable as this ‟‟(II,43-45).So ambition could let Macbeth lose his mind. After kill the king, Macbeths‟ actions are clearly motivated by his overpowering ambition and his unquenchable thirst for power, before he is relies on his wife ,but kill the Banquo without tells his wife ,he wants to always be the king.„„be innocent of the knowledge ,dearest chuck, till thou applaud the deed”“scarf up the tender eye of

pitiful day, and with thy bloody and invisible hand cancel and tear to pieces that great bond which keeps me pale! light thickens and the crow makes wing to the rooky wood”(p95-96)

The second point is Macbeth and Lady Macbeth because of guilty to lose their minds over the course of the play .Macbeth did things against the morality After killing so he felt very nervous and scared ,also he always saw the ghost of Banquo. Also his behavior become abnormal and other felt very strange .„„ay ,my good lord safe in ditch he bides ,with twenty trenched gashes on his head ,the least a death to nature. ”(III,p103)In this example ,we could see Macbeth felt very nervous and scared ,also he always saw the ghost of Banquo .Also his behavior become abnormal and other felt very strange .Also after Macbeth killed the king ,Lady Macbeth becomes abnormal Before keep persuades on his husband to killing the king ,Lady Macbeth has a huge power to control his husband also she is very smart ,but after his husband really kill the king ,she feels very scared and nervous, ,could wash hands many times a day and also think her hand with some blood. At the very beginning, After Lady Macbeth had read the letter that Macbeth wrote to her, telling her about the three prophecies that three witches gave and one of them had come true, she began to be filled up with the desire of splendor. It was turned out to be the trend of her that going the wrong way. Macbeth was the heroic warrior, who together with Banquo, fight loyally for their king. He didn‟t dare to murder the humane monarch for the higher position, thought he was eager to get what the witches had predicted. His heart was so hesitated. However, Lady Macbeth had been persuading Macbeth to murder

the throne and said that he wasn‟t a man if he do not make it in the end. She is so ambitious, even more ambitious than her husband. In her egged on, Macbeth took the king of the emperor. Thus, their dream of being the head of the country and enjoying the luxury of the royal came true. For example “Here‟s the small of the blood still .All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand .Oh ,oh, oh‟‟(v,p160)In this example we could know Macbeth and Lady Macbeth lose their minds transparently .Also Lady Macbeth thinks she is too nervous and scared ,at least he commits suicide .In this way we could see because of guilty Lady Macbeth lose sher minds over the course of the play.

The third point is they have a blind ambition so Macbeth and Lady Macbeth loses their minds over the course of the play .At the begin, He is the strong, valiant warrior who has won in battle and brought victory to Scotland ,but after met the witch ,Macbeth becomes greedy .Because the witch tells him three prophecies, one of the prophecy has achieved .So he believes the witch prophecy ,then comes up with some dark ideals, Before Duncan‟s murdered, Macbeth questions and second guesses his ambitious tendencies and actions. Despite his anxiety, he succumbs to these tendencies and finds himself be in more trouble than he anticipated. His guilty conscience haunts him and his unforgiving deeds come back to trouble him. Macbeths‟ actions are clearly motivated by his overpowering ambition and his unquenchable thirst for power; at the beginning of the play his ambition is channeled into positive deeds, but ultimately it results in his tragic demise. Also Lady Macbeth is too greedy ,and she is very smart, she uses a ring and marriage to threat his husband to

killed the king. “Our honored hostess .Where‟s the thane of cawdor? Give me your hand-conduct me to mine host.‟‟ “We love him highly-and shall continue our graces toward him.‟‟(p27)From these examples, we could see Lady Macbeth is too greedy ,because she wants her husband to be a king .After Macbeth kills the king ,he also have a blind ambition ,and wants to be a king forever, also believes the witches prophecy that “Your children shall be king‟‟ So he comes up some dark idals to kill the Banquo, in this way we can see Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are both very greedy..

As a result of his guilty ,greed and ambition ,Macbeth loses his mind over the course of the play.

Sexton, Adam., Grandt, E., Chow, C.

Shakespeare’s Macbeth. Hoboken: New Jersey , Wiley Publishing, Inc., 2008.


DUE DATE: Aug.21 1016


Greed ,ambition, guilty-three points lead them to lose their minds

In Macbeth , Shakespeare uses three witches to as beginning to make a darkness ,horrible atmosphere ,also pave way for the whole story .It is a tragic novel about how Lady Macbeth and Macbeth lose their minds over the course of the play and describe Macbeth is a good brave and strong man, become a acquire more power - his ambition - ultimately leads to his downfall. As a result of his guilty ,greed and ambition Macbeth loses his mind over the course of play.

The first point is Macbeth and Lady Macbeth because of they have a blind ambition to lose their minds over the course of the play. Because after received her husband‟s letter ,she keeps persuade on his husband to killing the king .And the dagger is a another symbol of ambition ,because before the first witch achieved ,Macbeth is a strong, valiant warrior who has won in battle and brought victory to Scotland. However, Macbeth‟s quest to acquire more power - his ambition - ultimately leads to his downfall .For example from the “is this a dagger which I see before me, the handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch thee ”“I see thee yet, in form as palpable as this ‟‟(II,43-45).So ambition could let Macbeth lose his mind. After kill the king, Macbeths‟ actions are clearly motivated by his overpowering ambition and his unquenchable thirst for power, before he is relies on his wife ,but kill the Banquo without tells his wife ,he wants to always be the king.„„be innocent of the knowledge ,dearest chuck, till thou applaud the deed”“scarf up the tender eye of

pitiful day, and with thy bloody and invisible hand cancel and tear to pieces that great bond which keeps me pale! light thickens and the crow makes wing to the rooky wood”(p95-96)

The second point is Macbeth and Lady Macbeth because of guilty to lose their minds over the course of the play .Macbeth did things against the morality After killing so he felt very nervous and scared ,also he always saw the ghost of Banquo. Also his behavior become abnormal and other felt very strange .„„ay ,my good lord safe in ditch he bides ,with twenty trenched gashes on his head ,the least a death to nature. ”(III,p103)In this example ,we could see Macbeth felt very nervous and scared ,also he always saw the ghost of Banquo .Also his behavior become abnormal and other felt very strange .Also after Macbeth killed the king ,Lady Macbeth becomes abnormal Before keep persuades on his husband to killing the king ,Lady Macbeth has a huge power to control his husband also she is very smart ,but after his husband really kill the king ,she feels very scared and nervous, ,could wash hands many times a day and also think her hand with some blood. At the very beginning, After Lady Macbeth had read the letter that Macbeth wrote to her, telling her about the three prophecies that three witches gave and one of them had come true, she began to be filled up with the desire of splendor. It was turned out to be the trend of her that going the wrong way. Macbeth was the heroic warrior, who together with Banquo, fight loyally for their king. He didn‟t dare to murder the humane monarch for the higher position, thought he was eager to get what the witches had predicted. His heart was so hesitated. However, Lady Macbeth had been persuading Macbeth to murder

the throne and said that he wasn‟t a man if he do not make it in the end. She is so ambitious, even more ambitious than her husband. In her egged on, Macbeth took the king of the emperor. Thus, their dream of being the head of the country and enjoying the luxury of the royal came true. For example “Here‟s the small of the blood still .All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand .Oh ,oh, oh‟‟(v,p160)In this example we could know Macbeth and Lady Macbeth lose their minds transparently .Also Lady Macbeth thinks she is too nervous and scared ,at least he commits suicide .In this way we could see because of guilty Lady Macbeth lose sher minds over the course of the play.

The third point is they have a blind ambition so Macbeth and Lady Macbeth loses their minds over the course of the play .At the begin, He is the strong, valiant warrior who has won in battle and brought victory to Scotland ,but after met the witch ,Macbeth becomes greedy .Because the witch tells him three prophecies, one of the prophecy has achieved .So he believes the witch prophecy ,then comes up with some dark ideals, Before Duncan‟s murdered, Macbeth questions and second guesses his ambitious tendencies and actions. Despite his anxiety, he succumbs to these tendencies and finds himself be in more trouble than he anticipated. His guilty conscience haunts him and his unforgiving deeds come back to trouble him. Macbeths‟ actions are clearly motivated by his overpowering ambition and his unquenchable thirst for power; at the beginning of the play his ambition is channeled into positive deeds, but ultimately it results in his tragic demise. Also Lady Macbeth is too greedy ,and she is very smart, she uses a ring and marriage to threat his husband to

killed the king. “Our honored hostess .Where‟s the thane of cawdor? Give me your hand-conduct me to mine host.‟‟ “We love him highly-and shall continue our graces toward him.‟‟(p27)From these examples, we could see Lady Macbeth is too greedy ,because she wants her husband to be a king .After Macbeth kills the king ,he also have a blind ambition ,and wants to be a king forever, also believes the witches prophecy that “Your children shall be king‟‟ So he comes up some dark idals to kill the Banquo, in this way we can see Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are both very greedy..

As a result of his guilty ,greed and ambition ,Macbeth loses his mind over the course of the play.

Sexton, Adam., Grandt, E., Chow, C.

Shakespeare’s Macbeth. Hoboken: New Jersey , Wiley Publishing, Inc., 2008.


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