

指导老师: 姓 名: 班 级: 学 号:

My favourite TOP10:

1、all hell broke loose


例句:All hell broke loose when his wife discovered he was fooling around with another woman. 2、buck stops here 解释:责无旁贷

例句:Any problem must be dealt with in this department, because the buck stops here.

3、cry over spilt milk

解释:覆水难收,后悔莫及 例句:Don't cry over spilt milk. 4、fight tooth and nail 解释:全力以赴

例句:There is another election coming on next fall and he knows we are going to fight tooth and nail. 5、hell and high water


例句:They'll be there in time, come hell and high water. 6、 in the saddle 解释:掌权

例句:Carberry was in the saddle when Florida Pearl won this event in clear-cut fashion 12 months ago.

7、make ends meet 解释:量入为出

例句:As a result, households have had to dip into their savings to make ends meet. 8、neck and neck 解释:并驾齐驱

例句:Russia and the United States are neck and neck in the race to send a manned spacecraft to Mars. 9、out of the blue


例句:There are so many things out of the blue in our life. 10、see eye to eye


例句:We don't usually see eye to eye on many things.

Course Summary:


指导老师: 姓 名: 班 级: 学 号:

My favourite TOP10:

1、all hell broke loose


例句:All hell broke loose when his wife discovered he was fooling around with another woman. 2、buck stops here 解释:责无旁贷

例句:Any problem must be dealt with in this department, because the buck stops here.

3、cry over spilt milk

解释:覆水难收,后悔莫及 例句:Don't cry over spilt milk. 4、fight tooth and nail 解释:全力以赴

例句:There is another election coming on next fall and he knows we are going to fight tooth and nail. 5、hell and high water


例句:They'll be there in time, come hell and high water. 6、 in the saddle 解释:掌权

例句:Carberry was in the saddle when Florida Pearl won this event in clear-cut fashion 12 months ago.

7、make ends meet 解释:量入为出

例句:As a result, households have had to dip into their savings to make ends meet. 8、neck and neck 解释:并驾齐驱

例句:Russia and the United States are neck and neck in the race to send a manned spacecraft to Mars. 9、out of the blue


例句:There are so many things out of the blue in our life. 10、see eye to eye


例句:We don't usually see eye to eye on many things.

Course Summary:


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