


Ballast Point Park



项目委托:悉尼港海岸管理处景观设计:McGregor Coxal设计时间:2006年建成时间:2009年


McGregor Coxall事务所 / McGregor Coxall



府拨给威廉姆·巴尔曼(William Balmain)550hm2土地中的一部分。1864年,托马斯·帕


金斯(Thomas Perkins)在该地构建了名为

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经委托,悉尼港海岸管理委员会(SHFA)负责将这块已受污染的土地变为公共公园。2004年,SHFA委托Context景观设计事务所,安顿·詹姆斯(Anton James)设计公司和


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2006年,McGregor Coxall和其咨询团队赢得了为该公园进行设计发展、文案、场地监督等工作的机会。设计理念即在保留场地历史的同时也为未来营造一座公园。新建公园有以下特点:



·收集了34 000株乡土植物的种子进行栽种,该地区最终将会完全由绿色覆盖。





(苏博 译,周明艳 校)

5. 西阶梯悬岩连接了公园2个主要的水平面6. 传统设计的座椅可供欣赏迷人的远景7. 东阶梯长提墙

5. Cliff Stair West connects the two main levels of the park

6. Custom designed seating are provided to appreciate the fantastic vistas

7. Bund Wall Stair East

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The iconic former Caltex site on Ballast Point, Sydney Harbour has been officially opened as a public park to overwhelming positive feedback. This much anticipated 2.5ha headland park is the culmination of years of community action, consultation, site remediation, design, implementation and construction. Ballast Point Park's true triumph, however, is that community action wrestled the site from developers to preserve it as a valuable piece of Sydney Harbour for the people of Sydney.

The site originally existed as a sandstone heath / woodland and formed part of the lands of the Darug-speaking people of the Eora tribe. The headland's name is derived from the early colony's use of the site as a sandstone quarry to supply ballast for returning ships. Ballast Point was part of a 550 acre land grant to William Balmain. In 1864, Thomas Perkins built a stately maritime villa on the site called 'Menevia' but this fell into decline in the late 19th Century. The Texan Oil Company purchased the site in 1928 and demolished the villa to make way for an oil storage facility, dominating the site with massive tanks and sheds. An economic shift in focus away from the city saw Caltex de-camp the site in the latter part of the 20th Century. The site was slated for residential development but staunch community action supported by political will saw the park returned to public ownership in 2002 when the State Government acquired the site and announced that it would become a public headland park.

Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority (SHFA) were entrusted with the management of



the polluted site to a public park. In 2004 SHFA commissioned landscape architects Context, Anton James Design and CAB Consulting to develop a masterplan in consultation with local community groups. In 2006, McGregor Coxall and their consultant team were awarded the design contract for design development, documentation and site supervision for the park. The design philosophy was to acknowledge the site’s past history while providing a park for the future. The new park features:

•on-site energy production generated by 8 vertical axis wind turbines on a contemporary structure replacing one of the old site's larger fuel storage tanks.

•concrete, brick and crushed building material provide the fill to sculpted gabion walls which retain a sequence of stepped viewing terraces with sweeping panorama views.

•34,000 plants grown from seeds collected locally will eventually clothe this headland in green.

•elegant reinterpretations of the old Caltex site staircases provide dramatic access between the various site levels.

•water ponds with wetland plants clean all the site water prior to entering the harbour and provide a habitat for

local birds and frogs.

Ballast Point Park is an inspirational park conveying an optimism for the future of Sydney. For here, in an area that was once blanketed with the grit of one of Australia's heaviest industrialised areas, now exists a

significant new addition to the Sydney experience.

8. 从公园最北面的

9. 环形草地代替原有的大型储油罐,提供阴凉的野餐地点10. “从摇篮到摇篮图表”(意为循环再利用)—公园设计

建设关注减少生态足迹11. 从整个公园眺望城市

12. 新的石笼墙装置和原有保存下来的墙面相结合的入口令人


13. 公园的3D模型被用来开发和测试设计构件细部

8. View from 'The Point', the northern end of the park

towards the Cliff terraces

9. Grass rings retrace the location of the former oil tanks,

providing shady picnic spots

10. The 'Cradle to Cradle Diagram' - The park has been

designed and built with care to reduce the ecological footprint

11. Park entry looking towards the City

12. Dramatic Access is provided between new gabion walls

and the original retaining walls

13. Detailed 3D modelling of the park was used to develop

and test the design components

Landscape Architecture China




Ballast Point Park



项目委托:悉尼港海岸管理处景观设计:McGregor Coxal设计时间:2006年建成时间:2009年


McGregor Coxall事务所 / McGregor Coxall



府拨给威廉姆·巴尔曼(William Balmain)550hm2土地中的一部分。1864年,托马斯·帕


金斯(Thomas Perkins)在该地构建了名为

108Landscape Architecture China



经委托,悉尼港海岸管理委员会(SHFA)负责将这块已受污染的土地变为公共公园。2004年,SHFA委托Context景观设计事务所,安顿·詹姆斯(Anton James)设计公司和


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2006年,McGregor Coxall和其咨询团队赢得了为该公园进行设计发展、文案、场地监督等工作的机会。设计理念即在保留场地历史的同时也为未来营造一座公园。新建公园有以下特点:



·收集了34 000株乡土植物的种子进行栽种,该地区最终将会完全由绿色覆盖。





(苏博 译,周明艳 校)

5. 西阶梯悬岩连接了公园2个主要的水平面6. 传统设计的座椅可供欣赏迷人的远景7. 东阶梯长提墙

5. Cliff Stair West connects the two main levels of the park

6. Custom designed seating are provided to appreciate the fantastic vistas

7. Bund Wall Stair East

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The iconic former Caltex site on Ballast Point, Sydney Harbour has been officially opened as a public park to overwhelming positive feedback. This much anticipated 2.5ha headland park is the culmination of years of community action, consultation, site remediation, design, implementation and construction. Ballast Point Park's true triumph, however, is that community action wrestled the site from developers to preserve it as a valuable piece of Sydney Harbour for the people of Sydney.

The site originally existed as a sandstone heath / woodland and formed part of the lands of the Darug-speaking people of the Eora tribe. The headland's name is derived from the early colony's use of the site as a sandstone quarry to supply ballast for returning ships. Ballast Point was part of a 550 acre land grant to William Balmain. In 1864, Thomas Perkins built a stately maritime villa on the site called 'Menevia' but this fell into decline in the late 19th Century. The Texan Oil Company purchased the site in 1928 and demolished the villa to make way for an oil storage facility, dominating the site with massive tanks and sheds. An economic shift in focus away from the city saw Caltex de-camp the site in the latter part of the 20th Century. The site was slated for residential development but staunch community action supported by political will saw the park returned to public ownership in 2002 when the State Government acquired the site and announced that it would become a public headland park.

Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority (SHFA) were entrusted with the management of



the polluted site to a public park. In 2004 SHFA commissioned landscape architects Context, Anton James Design and CAB Consulting to develop a masterplan in consultation with local community groups. In 2006, McGregor Coxall and their consultant team were awarded the design contract for design development, documentation and site supervision for the park. The design philosophy was to acknowledge the site’s past history while providing a park for the future. The new park features:

•on-site energy production generated by 8 vertical axis wind turbines on a contemporary structure replacing one of the old site's larger fuel storage tanks.

•concrete, brick and crushed building material provide the fill to sculpted gabion walls which retain a sequence of stepped viewing terraces with sweeping panorama views.

•34,000 plants grown from seeds collected locally will eventually clothe this headland in green.

•elegant reinterpretations of the old Caltex site staircases provide dramatic access between the various site levels.

•water ponds with wetland plants clean all the site water prior to entering the harbour and provide a habitat for

local birds and frogs.

Ballast Point Park is an inspirational park conveying an optimism for the future of Sydney. For here, in an area that was once blanketed with the grit of one of Australia's heaviest industrialised areas, now exists a

significant new addition to the Sydney experience.

8. 从公园最北面的

9. 环形草地代替原有的大型储油罐,提供阴凉的野餐地点10. “从摇篮到摇篮图表”(意为循环再利用)—公园设计

建设关注减少生态足迹11. 从整个公园眺望城市

12. 新的石笼墙装置和原有保存下来的墙面相结合的入口令人


13. 公园的3D模型被用来开发和测试设计构件细部

8. View from 'The Point', the northern end of the park

towards the Cliff terraces

9. Grass rings retrace the location of the former oil tanks,

providing shady picnic spots

10. The 'Cradle to Cradle Diagram' - The park has been

designed and built with care to reduce the ecological footprint

11. Park entry looking towards the City

12. Dramatic Access is provided between new gabion walls

and the original retaining walls

13. Detailed 3D modelling of the park was used to develop

and test the design components

Landscape Architecture China



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