
Cellular Automata Approach to Durability Analysis of Concrete

Structures in Aggressive Environments

Abstract: This paper presents a novel approach to the

problem of durability analysis and lifetime assessment of concrete structures (under the diffusive attack from external aggressive agents.

The proposed formulation mainly refers to beams and frames, but it can be easily extended also to other types of structures. The diffusion process is modeled by using cellular automata. The mechanical damage coupled to diffusion is evaluated by introducing suitable material degradation laws. Since the rate of mass diffusion usually depends on the stress state, the interaction between the diffusion process and the mechanical behavior of the damaged structure is also taken into account by a proper modeling of the stochastic effects in the mass transfer To this aim , the nonlinear structural analyses during time are performed within the framework of the finite element method by means of a deteriorating reinforced concrete beam element . The effectiveness of the proposed methodology in handling complex geometrical and mechanical boundary

conditions is demonstrated through some applications. Firstly ,

a reinforced concrete box girder cross section is considered and the damaging process is described by the corresponding evolution of both bending moment-curvature diagrams and axial force-bending moment resistance domains . Secondly, the

durability analysis of a reinforced concrete continuous T - beam is developed. Finally, the proposed approach is applied to the analysis of an existing arch bridge and to the

identification of its critical members.


Satisfactory structural performance is usually described with reference to a specified set of limit states, which

separate desired states of the structure from the undesired ones. In this context, the main objective of the structural design is to assure an adequate level of structural performance for each specified limit state during the whole service life of the structure.

From a general point of view, a structure is safe when the effects of the applied actions S are no larger than the

corresponding resistance R. However , for concrete structures the structural performance must be considered as time

dependent , mainly because of the progressive deterioration of

the mechanical properties of materials which makes the

structural system less able to withstand the applied actions . As a consequence, both the demand

IResearch Associate , Dept of structural Engineeng , Politecnico dilano , Piazza L da Vinci 32 , 20133 Milan , llaly ( corresponding author ) E 一mail : biondini @ strupolimiit

ZProssor , Dept ofstructuralandGeotec ica1Enginee 五ng , univof Rome " La Sapienza , , , Via Eudossiana 18 , 00184 Rome , llalyE 一mail : cobontempi @ tmiromalit

3Prossor , Dept ofcivil , Environmental ,

andArchitectura1Engineer - ing , Univ of Colorado , CB 428 , Boulder , CO 80309 一0428E 一mail : danfrangopol @ coloradoedu

4Pro 企ssor , Dept of structural Enginee 五ng ,

Politecnico di Milano , Piazza L da Vinci 32 , 20133 Milan , llalyE 一mail : malerba @ strupollmiit Note Associate Editor : Sashi K Ktmnath Discussion open until April l , 2005 Separe

discussions must be submitted for individual

papers.To extend the closing date by one month , a written request must be filed with the ASCE Managing Editor The manuscript for this paper was subtted for review and

possible publication on August 20 , 2002 ; approved on Jtme 23 , 2004 This paper 15 paTt of thejournal

StructuralEngineer , Vol 130 , No 11 , Novemberl , 2004 ⑥ ASCE , ISSN 0733 一9445 / 2004 / 11 一1724 一1737 / 51800

Sand the resistance R may vary during time and a durability analysis leading to a reliable assessment of the actual structural lifetime Ta should be able to account for such variability (Sa1Ja and Vesikari 1996; Enright and Frangopol 1998a, 1998b). In this way, the designer can address the

conceptual design process or plan the rehabilitation of the structure in order to achieve a prescribed design value Td of the structural lifetime.In the following , the attention will be mainly focused on the damaging process induced by the diffusive attack of environmental aggressive agents , like sulfate and chloride , which may lead to deterioration of concrete and corrosion of reinforcement ( CEB 1992 ) . Such process involves several factors, including temperature and

humidity . Its dynamics is governed by coupled diffusion

process of heat, moisture, and various chemical substances. In addition, damage induced by mechanical loading interacts with the environmental factors and accelerates the deterioration process( Saetta et al. 1993 , Xi and Bazant 1999 ; Xi et al . 2000 ; Kong et al . 2002 ) .

Based on the previous considerations, a durability

analysis of concrete structures in aggressive environments should be capable to account for both the diffusion process and the corresponding mechanical damage, as well as for the coupling effects between diffusion, damage and structural behavior. However, the available information about

environmental factors and material characteristics is often very limited and the unavoidable uncertainties involved in a detailed and complex modeling may lead to fictitious results. For these reasons , the assessment of the structural lifetime can be more reliably carried out by means of macroscopic models which exploit the power and generality of the basic laws of diffusion to predict the quantitative time-variant response of damaged structural systems .

This paper presents a novel approach to the durability analysis of concrete structures under the environmental attack of aggressive agents





这个被提到的假说主要用于梁和框架,但是它也很容易扩展到其它结构类型。通过使用蜂窝式无线通讯系统自动控制来模仿这个散乱的过程。通过采用合适的材料降解法来评价散乱的机械损伤。由于质量扩散的速度通常取决于应力状态,已坏结构的扩散过程和力学特性也通过建立一个合适的质量传递中的随机效应模型来考虑。为了这个目的,在这段时间的非线性结构分析在有限元框架中通过一个不断恶化的钢筋混凝土梁单元的方法来完成。在处理复杂的几何和力学边界条件方面,所提到的一套方法的效果被证明是有用的。首先,钢筋混凝土箱形梁横截面被考虑,所造成的破坏性进程通过相应的弯矩—曲率图和轴力—弯矩抵抗域来描述。其次,钢筋混凝土连续T - 梁的




一般来说,作用效应S 小于或等于结构抗力R 时,结构是安全的。 然而,对于混凝土结构,结构性能必须被认为是不定常的,主要是因为 材料力学性能的逐步恶化,这使结构系统不足以承担施加的荷载。因此,所需的作用效应S 和结构抗力R 可能随时间而变,并且导致实际寿命的可靠评估的结构耐久性分析 Ta 应该能够 需要这种 变异。如此,设计者能够解决概念设计过程或者设计结构修复以使结构寿命达到规定的设计值。



能够包括扩散过程和相应的机械损伤,以及在扩散、破坏、结构状态之间的耦合效应。然而,关于环境因素和材料特性的可用信息通常是非常有限的,并且在详细和复杂的模型中不可避免的不确定性可能导致虚构的结果。基于这些原因,结构寿命的评估可以通过宏观模型来进行而变得更可靠,模型是用来开发扩散基本规律的影响力和通用性而用于定量预测损坏结构体系的时变反应。这篇文章描述了一个在环境侵袭下混凝土结构耐久性分析的新颖方法。 这个被提到的假说主要用于梁和框架,但是它也很容易扩展到其它结构类型。扩散过程的分析通过使用一类被称作细胞自动机的特殊进化算法来进行,这种方法把实际系统数学理想化,在这种方法中,空间和时间是彼此分离的,物质的量来源于一个有限集分离的价值。原则上,任何满足不同平衡的物理系统通过引入离散坐标系和变量,以及离散的时间步骤可近似为一个细胞自动机。然而,值得指出的是基于细胞自动机的模型提供了一个物理模型而不是一个近似可供选择的方法。值得注意的是, 在混凝土中,典型物理过程的元胞自动机模型的例子在水泥复合材料领域可以发现。事实上,它们表述了一个复杂的性能,类似于与微分方程相关联,但是由于它们简单的公式化的表述更有潜力适用于更复杂,更完整的系统,提供给整个系统一些突发的性质,只有通过它的本身动态自我包括。

基于这个演化模型,耦合扩散的机械损伤 通过引入混凝土和钢筋有效抵抗区的降级理论,依据合适的损伤指数来评估的。由于扩散的比率通常取决于应力状态,损坏结构的扩散过程和机械性能之间的


在处理复杂的几何和力学边界条件方面,所提到的一套方法的效果被证明是有用的。首先,钢筋混凝土箱形梁横截面被考虑,所造成的破坏性进程通过相应的弯矩—曲率图和轴力—弯矩抵抗域来描述。其次,钢筋混凝土连续T - 梁的耐久性分析被发展了。最后,所提到的方法应用于已建拱桥的分析和它的重要构件的鉴定。

固体中化学成分扩散的动力学过程通常通过把大规模扩散率与造成网状系统质量传递原因的浓度梯度联系起来的数学关系来表述(Glicksman 2000) 。 最简单的模型是由Fick 第一定律来描述的,这个定律假定质量转移与扩散梯度之间是线性关系。Fick 的模型与质量守恒定律的结合产生了Fick 第二定律,这个定律在各向同性介质中单个组合的情况下可以写成一下形式:


C=C(x , t)=该组件的质量浓度

D=(x , t)=扩散系数

x=(x, y , z)

时间 t

▽C=grad C.


散,化学反应,外部的应力场,内存和随机效应。例如,在混凝土结构而言,扩散系数取决于几个参数,如相对湿度,温度和机械应力,Fick ’s 方程, 必须与热和水分的流动方程, 以及力学问题构成原理相结合。然而,像所提到的,由于这些模型校准的不确定性,用宏观的方法评估结构寿命更容易进行,它利用Fick’s定律的力量和通用性预测进经受扩散的系统的定量反应。尤其,如果扩散系数D 被假定为一个常数,二阶非线性偏微分方程(1)被简化成以下线性形式,


细胞自动机首次是在1948–1950被Neumann and Ulam 首次引进的,接下来其他的研究人员在许多科学领域应用它。起初,涉及到对图灵机的自我复制问题的研究,细胞自动机在20世纪70年代离开实验室,并在学术界随着Conway 发明的著名游戏流行 。基本上,他们代表了简单的物质系统数学理想化,在这一系统,空间和时间是不分离的,物理量取自一个离散值的有限集合。事实上,如前所述, 通过引入离散坐标和变量,以及离散时间的步骤,任何满足微分方程的物理系统可近似作为细胞自动机。因此,合理地说,基于细胞自动机的模型提供了一个可供选择和更广泛的物理模型而不是近似值的方

法 。他们表现出复杂的行为,类似于复杂的微分方程,但是,在这种情况下,根据简单的规则从简单的实体之间的相互作用出现复杂性。

Cellular Automata Approach to Durability Analysis of Concrete

Structures in Aggressive Environments

Abstract: This paper presents a novel approach to the

problem of durability analysis and lifetime assessment of concrete structures (under the diffusive attack from external aggressive agents.

The proposed formulation mainly refers to beams and frames, but it can be easily extended also to other types of structures. The diffusion process is modeled by using cellular automata. The mechanical damage coupled to diffusion is evaluated by introducing suitable material degradation laws. Since the rate of mass diffusion usually depends on the stress state, the interaction between the diffusion process and the mechanical behavior of the damaged structure is also taken into account by a proper modeling of the stochastic effects in the mass transfer To this aim , the nonlinear structural analyses during time are performed within the framework of the finite element method by means of a deteriorating reinforced concrete beam element . The effectiveness of the proposed methodology in handling complex geometrical and mechanical boundary

conditions is demonstrated through some applications. Firstly ,

a reinforced concrete box girder cross section is considered and the damaging process is described by the corresponding evolution of both bending moment-curvature diagrams and axial force-bending moment resistance domains . Secondly, the

durability analysis of a reinforced concrete continuous T - beam is developed. Finally, the proposed approach is applied to the analysis of an existing arch bridge and to the

identification of its critical members.


Satisfactory structural performance is usually described with reference to a specified set of limit states, which

separate desired states of the structure from the undesired ones. In this context, the main objective of the structural design is to assure an adequate level of structural performance for each specified limit state during the whole service life of the structure.

From a general point of view, a structure is safe when the effects of the applied actions S are no larger than the

corresponding resistance R. However , for concrete structures the structural performance must be considered as time

dependent , mainly because of the progressive deterioration of

the mechanical properties of materials which makes the

structural system less able to withstand the applied actions . As a consequence, both the demand

IResearch Associate , Dept of structural Engineeng , Politecnico dilano , Piazza L da Vinci 32 , 20133 Milan , llaly ( corresponding author ) E 一mail : biondini @ strupolimiit

ZProssor , Dept ofstructuralandGeotec ica1Enginee 五ng , univof Rome " La Sapienza , , , Via Eudossiana 18 , 00184 Rome , llalyE 一mail : cobontempi @ tmiromalit

3Prossor , Dept ofcivil , Environmental ,

andArchitectura1Engineer - ing , Univ of Colorado , CB 428 , Boulder , CO 80309 一0428E 一mail : danfrangopol @ coloradoedu

4Pro 企ssor , Dept of structural Enginee 五ng ,

Politecnico di Milano , Piazza L da Vinci 32 , 20133 Milan , llalyE 一mail : malerba @ strupollmiit Note Associate Editor : Sashi K Ktmnath Discussion open until April l , 2005 Separe

discussions must be submitted for individual

papers.To extend the closing date by one month , a written request must be filed with the ASCE Managing Editor The manuscript for this paper was subtted for review and

possible publication on August 20 , 2002 ; approved on Jtme 23 , 2004 This paper 15 paTt of thejournal

StructuralEngineer , Vol 130 , No 11 , Novemberl , 2004 ⑥ ASCE , ISSN 0733 一9445 / 2004 / 11 一1724 一1737 / 51800

Sand the resistance R may vary during time and a durability analysis leading to a reliable assessment of the actual structural lifetime Ta should be able to account for such variability (Sa1Ja and Vesikari 1996; Enright and Frangopol 1998a, 1998b). In this way, the designer can address the

conceptual design process or plan the rehabilitation of the structure in order to achieve a prescribed design value Td of the structural lifetime.In the following , the attention will be mainly focused on the damaging process induced by the diffusive attack of environmental aggressive agents , like sulfate and chloride , which may lead to deterioration of concrete and corrosion of reinforcement ( CEB 1992 ) . Such process involves several factors, including temperature and

humidity . Its dynamics is governed by coupled diffusion

process of heat, moisture, and various chemical substances. In addition, damage induced by mechanical loading interacts with the environmental factors and accelerates the deterioration process( Saetta et al. 1993 , Xi and Bazant 1999 ; Xi et al . 2000 ; Kong et al . 2002 ) .

Based on the previous considerations, a durability

analysis of concrete structures in aggressive environments should be capable to account for both the diffusion process and the corresponding mechanical damage, as well as for the coupling effects between diffusion, damage and structural behavior. However, the available information about

environmental factors and material characteristics is often very limited and the unavoidable uncertainties involved in a detailed and complex modeling may lead to fictitious results. For these reasons , the assessment of the structural lifetime can be more reliably carried out by means of macroscopic models which exploit the power and generality of the basic laws of diffusion to predict the quantitative time-variant response of damaged structural systems .

This paper presents a novel approach to the durability analysis of concrete structures under the environmental attack of aggressive agents





这个被提到的假说主要用于梁和框架,但是它也很容易扩展到其它结构类型。通过使用蜂窝式无线通讯系统自动控制来模仿这个散乱的过程。通过采用合适的材料降解法来评价散乱的机械损伤。由于质量扩散的速度通常取决于应力状态,已坏结构的扩散过程和力学特性也通过建立一个合适的质量传递中的随机效应模型来考虑。为了这个目的,在这段时间的非线性结构分析在有限元框架中通过一个不断恶化的钢筋混凝土梁单元的方法来完成。在处理复杂的几何和力学边界条件方面,所提到的一套方法的效果被证明是有用的。首先,钢筋混凝土箱形梁横截面被考虑,所造成的破坏性进程通过相应的弯矩—曲率图和轴力—弯矩抵抗域来描述。其次,钢筋混凝土连续T - 梁的




一般来说,作用效应S 小于或等于结构抗力R 时,结构是安全的。 然而,对于混凝土结构,结构性能必须被认为是不定常的,主要是因为 材料力学性能的逐步恶化,这使结构系统不足以承担施加的荷载。因此,所需的作用效应S 和结构抗力R 可能随时间而变,并且导致实际寿命的可靠评估的结构耐久性分析 Ta 应该能够 需要这种 变异。如此,设计者能够解决概念设计过程或者设计结构修复以使结构寿命达到规定的设计值。



能够包括扩散过程和相应的机械损伤,以及在扩散、破坏、结构状态之间的耦合效应。然而,关于环境因素和材料特性的可用信息通常是非常有限的,并且在详细和复杂的模型中不可避免的不确定性可能导致虚构的结果。基于这些原因,结构寿命的评估可以通过宏观模型来进行而变得更可靠,模型是用来开发扩散基本规律的影响力和通用性而用于定量预测损坏结构体系的时变反应。这篇文章描述了一个在环境侵袭下混凝土结构耐久性分析的新颖方法。 这个被提到的假说主要用于梁和框架,但是它也很容易扩展到其它结构类型。扩散过程的分析通过使用一类被称作细胞自动机的特殊进化算法来进行,这种方法把实际系统数学理想化,在这种方法中,空间和时间是彼此分离的,物质的量来源于一个有限集分离的价值。原则上,任何满足不同平衡的物理系统通过引入离散坐标系和变量,以及离散的时间步骤可近似为一个细胞自动机。然而,值得指出的是基于细胞自动机的模型提供了一个物理模型而不是一个近似可供选择的方法。值得注意的是, 在混凝土中,典型物理过程的元胞自动机模型的例子在水泥复合材料领域可以发现。事实上,它们表述了一个复杂的性能,类似于与微分方程相关联,但是由于它们简单的公式化的表述更有潜力适用于更复杂,更完整的系统,提供给整个系统一些突发的性质,只有通过它的本身动态自我包括。

基于这个演化模型,耦合扩散的机械损伤 通过引入混凝土和钢筋有效抵抗区的降级理论,依据合适的损伤指数来评估的。由于扩散的比率通常取决于应力状态,损坏结构的扩散过程和机械性能之间的


在处理复杂的几何和力学边界条件方面,所提到的一套方法的效果被证明是有用的。首先,钢筋混凝土箱形梁横截面被考虑,所造成的破坏性进程通过相应的弯矩—曲率图和轴力—弯矩抵抗域来描述。其次,钢筋混凝土连续T - 梁的耐久性分析被发展了。最后,所提到的方法应用于已建拱桥的分析和它的重要构件的鉴定。

固体中化学成分扩散的动力学过程通常通过把大规模扩散率与造成网状系统质量传递原因的浓度梯度联系起来的数学关系来表述(Glicksman 2000) 。 最简单的模型是由Fick 第一定律来描述的,这个定律假定质量转移与扩散梯度之间是线性关系。Fick 的模型与质量守恒定律的结合产生了Fick 第二定律,这个定律在各向同性介质中单个组合的情况下可以写成一下形式:


C=C(x , t)=该组件的质量浓度

D=(x , t)=扩散系数

x=(x, y , z)

时间 t

▽C=grad C.


散,化学反应,外部的应力场,内存和随机效应。例如,在混凝土结构而言,扩散系数取决于几个参数,如相对湿度,温度和机械应力,Fick ’s 方程, 必须与热和水分的流动方程, 以及力学问题构成原理相结合。然而,像所提到的,由于这些模型校准的不确定性,用宏观的方法评估结构寿命更容易进行,它利用Fick’s定律的力量和通用性预测进经受扩散的系统的定量反应。尤其,如果扩散系数D 被假定为一个常数,二阶非线性偏微分方程(1)被简化成以下线性形式,


细胞自动机首次是在1948–1950被Neumann and Ulam 首次引进的,接下来其他的研究人员在许多科学领域应用它。起初,涉及到对图灵机的自我复制问题的研究,细胞自动机在20世纪70年代离开实验室,并在学术界随着Conway 发明的著名游戏流行 。基本上,他们代表了简单的物质系统数学理想化,在这一系统,空间和时间是不分离的,物理量取自一个离散值的有限集合。事实上,如前所述, 通过引入离散坐标和变量,以及离散时间的步骤,任何满足微分方程的物理系统可近似作为细胞自动机。因此,合理地说,基于细胞自动机的模型提供了一个可供选择和更广泛的物理模型而不是近似值的方

法 。他们表现出复杂的行为,类似于复杂的微分方程,但是,在这种情况下,根据简单的规则从简单的实体之间的相互作用出现复杂性。


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  • 杭州电子科技大学本科毕设外文翻译
  • 毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译要求 根据<普通高等学校本科毕业设计(论文)指导>的内容,特对外文文献翻译提出以下要求: 一.要求翻译2篇外文文献(每篇译文的中文字数一般要求2000-3000左右)或外文字符不少于1.5万. 二.翻 ...查看

  • 毕业论文如何翻译外文文献的经验
  • 毕业论文如何翻译外文文献的经验 一.具体操作过程如下 1.先打开金山词霸自动取词功能,然后阅读文献: 2.遇到无法理解的长句时,可以交给Google处理,处理后的结果猛一看,不堪入目,可是经过大脑的再处理后句子的意思基本就明了了: 3.如果 ...查看

  • 毕业论文和外文翻译要求
  • 沈阳农业大学本科生毕业论文(设计)撰写要求与格式规范 (2008年7月修订) 毕业论文(设计)是培养学生综合运用所学知识 分析和解决实际问题 提高实践能力和创造能力的重要教学环节 是记录科学研究成果的重要文献 也是学生申请学位的基本依据 为 ...查看

  • 论文及英文翻译格式
  • 六.毕业设计(论文)的撰写 1.内容与要求 毕业设计(论文)的内容一般依次由以下部分组成:封面.任务书.中文摘要.英文摘要.目录.(符号说明).前言.正文.结论.参考文献.致谢.(附录).外文资料译文.外文原文. 毕业设计(论文)应采用汉语 ...查看

  • 毕业论文翻译格式
  • 大 连 理 工 大 学 本 科 外 文 翻 译 专 业: 学 生 姓 名: 学 号: 指 导 教 师: 完 成 日 期: 大连理工大学 Dalian University of Technology 外文翻译要求: 1.毕业设计(论文)外文 ...查看

  • 本科生毕业设计手册
  • 中国石油大学胜利学院 本科生毕业设计(论文)手册 题目学生姓名学号专业班级指导教师 2016年3月4日 目录 本科生毕业设计(论文)任务书................................................... ...查看

  • 硬件课程设计论文模版
  • 附件2 湖北大学本科毕业论文(设计)文本规范 本科生毕业论文(设计)是检验学生专业素质和能力,训练学生科研技能的重要教育形式,也是学生毕业及学位资格认定的重要依据,其撰写在参照国家.各专业部门制定的有关标准及语法规范的同时,应遵照如下规范: ...查看
