
两分钟做个小测试,看看你的英语水平 http://m.meten.com/test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0 美联英语提供:中英文运动会加油稿 中英文运动会加油稿一

你用行动述说着过程的重要,没有无尽的终点,没有无法攀登的险峰,希望载着终点在向你微笑,拼搏吧! 经历是一种精彩,迸发你全部的能量,成功是你汗水的写照。 Use your action about important processes, endless finish, not to climb the mountains, like carrying end to smile at you, to struggle! Experience is a wonderful, that all your energy, your success is the portrayal of sweat. 中英文运动会加油稿二

年轻的我们自信飞扬,青春的气息如同出生的朝阳,蓬勃的力量如同阳光的挥洒。此时此刻,跑道便是我们精彩的舞台,声声加油便是我们最高的奖项! 论何成功,谈何荣辱,心中的信念只有一个:拼搏! 萧瑟的秋风,挡不住你们破竹的锐气。

Young we confidence float in the sky, the youth breath as born in chaoyang, vigorous power like sunshine scattering. At this moment, the runway is our wonderful stage, sound come on is our highest award! Theory of He Chenggong, talk about any blame, the faith of the heart is only one: the struggle! Bleak autumn wind, stop you to break the bamboo's momentum.



Some people say that boys running on the playground, is a black horse horse. Some people say that the playground is active, is the beautiful scenery. I said, you are the hero in my heart, you are brave, you fought tenaciously, you never give in, self challenge, you are deeply branded in everyone's heart, and your spirit in you heart condensed into a powerful force, the strength, only because you are the hero in my heart.


加油吧,运动健儿们! 阵阵有力的步伐,声声有劲的呐喊,运动场上洒下我们青春的点点滴滴。旗摇摇,鼓声声,这里挡不助的是青春活力; 枪声响起,“预备起跑”,挡不助的是健儿们如火般的气势。英雄舍我其谁,胜利当仁不让,声声誓言浸透着健儿们的昂扬斗志。朋友们,为运动健儿们喝彩,为运动喝彩吧! 场上精彩纷呈,空气里的每一个分子浸透着自信。我要高喊一声:“这里无限精彩!

Come on, athletes! With strong pace, sound strong cry, sports field in dribs and drabs of our youth. Flag shake, drum sound, here do not help is youthful vitality; Shots ring out, "ready to start", not to help athletes like fire. Hero, the world is victory, sound vow with the high morale of athletes. My friends, cheer

for athletes, cheer for sport! On the field, every molecule in the air is saturated with confidence. I want to shout: "here is an exciting! 中英文运动会加油稿四


Is the stadium walk upstream flame is always in the footsteps of come and go, is the wind leaves, golden glow of refraction, thereby, can interpret athletes excited face. The lightsome pace is like the wings of the birds, the ringing of gunfire rang out, and it rises beaming the vigor and the desire to start, acceleration, beyond, the sprint, step by step to the victory of the dawn. That is the force of competition, the quality of the contest, is the pomegranate tree, heart moving.



In the passage of time, the track in the stretch, success in front of you heart beat, blood is boiling, brilliant at your feet cast. Come on, young heroes!


坚定,执着,耐力与希望,在延伸的白色跑道中点点凝聚! 力量,信念,拼搏与奋斗,在遥远的终点线上渐渐明亮! 时代的强音正在你的脚下踏响。

Strong, persistent, endurance and hope, in the extension of the runway of the little white condensation! Power, faith, hard work and struggle, in the distant finish line gradually bright! Voice of the age you are at the foot of the riding ring.



A heroic display pride, at the foot of pace in gallop. Are you proud, you are proud of, because of your face red lights runway, runway, you write and draw freely as one wishes, in spite of all towards the end! 中英文运动会加油稿八

有多少次挥汗如雨,伤痛曾添满记忆,只因为始终相信,去拼搏才能胜利。总在鼓舞自己,要成功就得努力。热血在赛场沸腾,巨人在赛场升起。相信自己,你将赢得胜利,创造奇迹; 相信自己,梦想在你手中,这是你的天地。当一切过去,你们将是第一。相信自己,你们将超越极限,超越自己! 相信自己,加油吧,健儿们,相信你自己。 How many times sweat profusely, injury had full memory, just because always believe, to strive to win. Always encourage yourself, to success have to work hard. Blood is on the pitch, the giant rises on the pitch. Believe in yourself,

you will win, create miracles; Believe in yourself, the dream is in your hands, this is your world. When all the past, you will be the first. Believe in yourself, you will be beyond the limit, beyond yourself! Believe in yourself, come on, athletes, believe in yourself.



两分钟做个小测试,看看你的英语水平 http://m.meten.com/test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0 美联英语提供:中英文运动会加油稿 中英文运动会加油稿一

你用行动述说着过程的重要,没有无尽的终点,没有无法攀登的险峰,希望载着终点在向你微笑,拼搏吧! 经历是一种精彩,迸发你全部的能量,成功是你汗水的写照。 Use your action about important processes, endless finish, not to climb the mountains, like carrying end to smile at you, to struggle! Experience is a wonderful, that all your energy, your success is the portrayal of sweat. 中英文运动会加油稿二

年轻的我们自信飞扬,青春的气息如同出生的朝阳,蓬勃的力量如同阳光的挥洒。此时此刻,跑道便是我们精彩的舞台,声声加油便是我们最高的奖项! 论何成功,谈何荣辱,心中的信念只有一个:拼搏! 萧瑟的秋风,挡不住你们破竹的锐气。

Young we confidence float in the sky, the youth breath as born in chaoyang, vigorous power like sunshine scattering. At this moment, the runway is our wonderful stage, sound come on is our highest award! Theory of He Chenggong, talk about any blame, the faith of the heart is only one: the struggle! Bleak autumn wind, stop you to break the bamboo's momentum.



Some people say that boys running on the playground, is a black horse horse. Some people say that the playground is active, is the beautiful scenery. I said, you are the hero in my heart, you are brave, you fought tenaciously, you never give in, self challenge, you are deeply branded in everyone's heart, and your spirit in you heart condensed into a powerful force, the strength, only because you are the hero in my heart.


加油吧,运动健儿们! 阵阵有力的步伐,声声有劲的呐喊,运动场上洒下我们青春的点点滴滴。旗摇摇,鼓声声,这里挡不助的是青春活力; 枪声响起,“预备起跑”,挡不助的是健儿们如火般的气势。英雄舍我其谁,胜利当仁不让,声声誓言浸透着健儿们的昂扬斗志。朋友们,为运动健儿们喝彩,为运动喝彩吧! 场上精彩纷呈,空气里的每一个分子浸透着自信。我要高喊一声:“这里无限精彩!

Come on, athletes! With strong pace, sound strong cry, sports field in dribs and drabs of our youth. Flag shake, drum sound, here do not help is youthful vitality; Shots ring out, "ready to start", not to help athletes like fire. Hero, the world is victory, sound vow with the high morale of athletes. My friends, cheer

for athletes, cheer for sport! On the field, every molecule in the air is saturated with confidence. I want to shout: "here is an exciting! 中英文运动会加油稿四


Is the stadium walk upstream flame is always in the footsteps of come and go, is the wind leaves, golden glow of refraction, thereby, can interpret athletes excited face. The lightsome pace is like the wings of the birds, the ringing of gunfire rang out, and it rises beaming the vigor and the desire to start, acceleration, beyond, the sprint, step by step to the victory of the dawn. That is the force of competition, the quality of the contest, is the pomegranate tree, heart moving.



In the passage of time, the track in the stretch, success in front of you heart beat, blood is boiling, brilliant at your feet cast. Come on, young heroes!


坚定,执着,耐力与希望,在延伸的白色跑道中点点凝聚! 力量,信念,拼搏与奋斗,在遥远的终点线上渐渐明亮! 时代的强音正在你的脚下踏响。

Strong, persistent, endurance and hope, in the extension of the runway of the little white condensation! Power, faith, hard work and struggle, in the distant finish line gradually bright! Voice of the age you are at the foot of the riding ring.



A heroic display pride, at the foot of pace in gallop. Are you proud, you are proud of, because of your face red lights runway, runway, you write and draw freely as one wishes, in spite of all towards the end! 中英文运动会加油稿八

有多少次挥汗如雨,伤痛曾添满记忆,只因为始终相信,去拼搏才能胜利。总在鼓舞自己,要成功就得努力。热血在赛场沸腾,巨人在赛场升起。相信自己,你将赢得胜利,创造奇迹; 相信自己,梦想在你手中,这是你的天地。当一切过去,你们将是第一。相信自己,你们将超越极限,超越自己! 相信自己,加油吧,健儿们,相信你自己。 How many times sweat profusely, injury had full memory, just because always believe, to strive to win. Always encourage yourself, to success have to work hard. Blood is on the pitch, the giant rises on the pitch. Believe in yourself,

you will win, create miracles; Believe in yourself, the dream is in your hands, this is your world. When all the past, you will be the first. Believe in yourself, you will be beyond the limit, beyond yourself! Believe in yourself, come on, athletes, believe in yourself.




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