Jugular Foramen Masses 颈静脉孔区占位

Paraganglioma副神经节瘤(Glomus Jugulare Tumor颈静脉球瘤)Schwannoma 神经鞘瘤Chondrosarcoma 软骨肉瘤High Jugular Bulb 颈静脉球高位Meningiomas 脑膜瘤Metastasis 转移瘤

Jugular paragangliomas are the most common tumors of the jugular foramen (JF) withan incidence of 1 per 1.3 million people per year (250 cases in the United States peryear).Paragangliomas are not, however, the only tumors found in the JF. Schwannomas, meningiomas, and other tumors also grow in this location, although each israre.



Glomus Jugulare Tumor is also called paraganglioma(副神经节瘤).Paraganglioma consists of glomus jugulare, glomus tympanicum and glomus vagale. These tumors are three times more common in females and are often multiple. MRI shows “salt-and-pepper” (胡椒盐)inhomogeneity and arborizing(分支状)  flow voids in tumors larger than 2cm. They tend to extend from the jugular foramen into the hypotympanum(下鼓室) superolaterally.



The jugular foramen(颈静脉孔) is traditionally divided into a large posterolateral compartment (pars venosa静脉部 ) and a smaller anteromedial compartment (pars nervosa神经部). The ninth cranial nerve goes through the pars nervosa, whereas the tenth and eleventh cranial nerve go through the pars venosa along with jugular vein.

Schwannomas of the cranial nerve IX, X, XI, when arising from jugular foramen, enhance homogeneously or contain cystic components on MRI. They show only mild to moderate vascularity on angiography with small scattered “puddles' of contrast in midarterial, capillary, and venous phases, and no early draining veins(引流静脉). Schwannomas of the jugular foramen are rare and tend to extend superomedially toward the medulla(延髓) along the course of the cranial nerve from which they arise.


Chondrosarcoma 软骨肉瘤

Chondrosarcomas are cartilaginous(软骨) tumors that make up approximately 11% of all bone tumors.Although these tumors are most commonly found in long bones, they involve the head and neck in approximately 10% of cases.They have been reported in a wide range of ages but tend to favor younger patients with no significant gender predilection. When chondrosarcomas involve the skull base they are most likely to arise at the petroclival junction(岩斜区) and rarely involve the JF(颈静脉孔区.According to a 2008 review by Sanna and colleagues,only 11 cases of chondrosarcoma arising from the JF were reported in the worldwide literature



The jugular bulb is the dilated portion of the upper portion of jugular vein, at its junction with the sigmoid sinus. A high jugular bulb extends into the middle ear, above the level of the bony annulus(环) of temporal bone . A protruding(突出的) jugular bulb on CT is seen as a dehiscence of the bony floor of the hypotympanum with a soft tissue mass in the middle ear. A dehiscent(开裂的) high jugular bulb is visible at otoscopy(耳镜检查) as a smooth, convex, bluish mass, different from the pulsating reddish mass of a glomus tumor.



Meningiomas arising from the jugular foramen are characterized by diffuse, centrifugal(离心的) skull base infiltration. They may involve the foramen itself as well as the hypotempanum, the posterior fossa, the jugular tubercle(颈静脉结节), occipital condyle, clivus, and extracranial carotid space of the suprahyoid neck. On MRI, they exhibit isointensity on both T1-weighted and T2-weighted images and are homogeneous with moderate enhancement.



Cerebral metastasis occurs in approximately 15% to 35% of patients withcancer.In a series of 212 patients with primary nondisseminated(无播散性) malignantneoplasms, 22.2% of the patients were identified to have histopathologic evidence of temporal bone metastasis.Involvement of the skull base has been estimated tooccur in approximately 4% of cases of systemic malignancy.Adenocarcinomas(腺癌) that are metastatic to the JF usually originate from the prostate, breast, kidney, orlung.


Paraganglioma副神经节瘤(Glomus Jugulare Tumor颈静脉球瘤)Schwannoma 神经鞘瘤Chondrosarcoma 软骨肉瘤High Jugular Bulb 颈静脉球高位Meningiomas 脑膜瘤Metastasis 转移瘤

Jugular paragangliomas are the most common tumors of the jugular foramen (JF) withan incidence of 1 per 1.3 million people per year (250 cases in the United States peryear).Paragangliomas are not, however, the only tumors found in the JF. Schwannomas, meningiomas, and other tumors also grow in this location, although each israre.



Glomus Jugulare Tumor is also called paraganglioma(副神经节瘤).Paraganglioma consists of glomus jugulare, glomus tympanicum and glomus vagale. These tumors are three times more common in females and are often multiple. MRI shows “salt-and-pepper” (胡椒盐)inhomogeneity and arborizing(分支状)  flow voids in tumors larger than 2cm. They tend to extend from the jugular foramen into the hypotympanum(下鼓室) superolaterally.



The jugular foramen(颈静脉孔) is traditionally divided into a large posterolateral compartment (pars venosa静脉部 ) and a smaller anteromedial compartment (pars nervosa神经部). The ninth cranial nerve goes through the pars nervosa, whereas the tenth and eleventh cranial nerve go through the pars venosa along with jugular vein.

Schwannomas of the cranial nerve IX, X, XI, when arising from jugular foramen, enhance homogeneously or contain cystic components on MRI. They show only mild to moderate vascularity on angiography with small scattered “puddles' of contrast in midarterial, capillary, and venous phases, and no early draining veins(引流静脉). Schwannomas of the jugular foramen are rare and tend to extend superomedially toward the medulla(延髓) along the course of the cranial nerve from which they arise.


Chondrosarcoma 软骨肉瘤

Chondrosarcomas are cartilaginous(软骨) tumors that make up approximately 11% of all bone tumors.Although these tumors are most commonly found in long bones, they involve the head and neck in approximately 10% of cases.They have been reported in a wide range of ages but tend to favor younger patients with no significant gender predilection. When chondrosarcomas involve the skull base they are most likely to arise at the petroclival junction(岩斜区) and rarely involve the JF(颈静脉孔区.According to a 2008 review by Sanna and colleagues,only 11 cases of chondrosarcoma arising from the JF were reported in the worldwide literature



The jugular bulb is the dilated portion of the upper portion of jugular vein, at its junction with the sigmoid sinus. A high jugular bulb extends into the middle ear, above the level of the bony annulus(环) of temporal bone . A protruding(突出的) jugular bulb on CT is seen as a dehiscence of the bony floor of the hypotympanum with a soft tissue mass in the middle ear. A dehiscent(开裂的) high jugular bulb is visible at otoscopy(耳镜检查) as a smooth, convex, bluish mass, different from the pulsating reddish mass of a glomus tumor.



Meningiomas arising from the jugular foramen are characterized by diffuse, centrifugal(离心的) skull base infiltration. They may involve the foramen itself as well as the hypotempanum, the posterior fossa, the jugular tubercle(颈静脉结节), occipital condyle, clivus, and extracranial carotid space of the suprahyoid neck. On MRI, they exhibit isointensity on both T1-weighted and T2-weighted images and are homogeneous with moderate enhancement.



Cerebral metastasis occurs in approximately 15% to 35% of patients withcancer.In a series of 212 patients with primary nondisseminated(无播散性) malignantneoplasms, 22.2% of the patients were identified to have histopathologic evidence of temporal bone metastasis.Involvement of the skull base has been estimated tooccur in approximately 4% of cases of systemic malignancy.Adenocarcinomas(腺癌) that are metastatic to the JF usually originate from the prostate, breast, kidney, orlung.



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