
关键字:公安信息化 科技强警 技能培训 长效机制




Public Security Informationazition; Strengthening Public Security Through Sci-Tech; Skill Training; Long-effect Mechanism.

Public security informationazition construction is to promote the ornerstone of long-term development of the Public security undertakings. Since the “Three Constructions”, the public security organ of Guizhou province grasps firmly the target to strengthening public security, and set a “Intelligence-led Policing” concept. Police system formed a sense of crisis that if we does not grasp information work, police work will necessarily backward, and we should put the public security informationazition construction on the strategic priority position to develop.

Advance information application ability in all public security organ, we must scratch public security informationazition technology application training work. Currently, there still exists understanding un-deeply, application un-proficient, effect un-notability problem etc.

The key is information professional talent team lack and information popularization insufficiently.

In order to solve the problem, the author through investigation ,questionnaires and interviews , Guizhou public security organ in the overall condition of information talents training made a basic understanding, during the public security informationazition training process ,I saw there was some

problems and the insufficiency in concept, training methods, strength of teachers ,hardware and software environment of information etc. and the reasons of problems were discussed. On this basis ,we think that the public security work that ,under the current information level under the pressure of constantly increasing demand ,public security organs should be in the information training consciousness ,public security demand ,training equipment and teacher staff ,the training methods and means ,training long-effect mechanism and rewards and punishments and assessment system to realize again or further improvement and innovation ,make public security informationazition training work get into a new level, for Guizhou public security informationazition the diversity of training development to giving some advices. for the advance of Public security Informationazition construction and application ability to afford rescue in the human complication .there is certain practical significance in strengthening the reform and development, embody the age spirit and professional characteristics of the public security education training .

关键字:公安信息化 科技强警 技能培训 长效机制




Public Security Informationazition; Strengthening Public Security Through Sci-Tech; Skill Training; Long-effect Mechanism.

Public security informationazition construction is to promote the ornerstone of long-term development of the Public security undertakings. Since the “Three Constructions”, the public security organ of Guizhou province grasps firmly the target to strengthening public security, and set a “Intelligence-led Policing” concept. Police system formed a sense of crisis that if we does not grasp information work, police work will necessarily backward, and we should put the public security informationazition construction on the strategic priority position to develop.

Advance information application ability in all public security organ, we must scratch public security informationazition technology application training work. Currently, there still exists understanding un-deeply, application un-proficient, effect un-notability problem etc.

The key is information professional talent team lack and information popularization insufficiently.

In order to solve the problem, the author through investigation ,questionnaires and interviews , Guizhou public security organ in the overall condition of information talents training made a basic understanding, during the public security informationazition training process ,I saw there was some

problems and the insufficiency in concept, training methods, strength of teachers ,hardware and software environment of information etc. and the reasons of problems were discussed. On this basis ,we think that the public security work that ,under the current information level under the pressure of constantly increasing demand ,public security organs should be in the information training consciousness ,public security demand ,training equipment and teacher staff ,the training methods and means ,training long-effect mechanism and rewards and punishments and assessment system to realize again or further improvement and innovation ,make public security informationazition training work get into a new level, for Guizhou public security informationazition the diversity of training development to giving some advices. for the advance of Public security Informationazition construction and application ability to afford rescue in the human complication .there is certain practical significance in strengthening the reform and development, embody the age spirit and professional characteristics of the public security education training .


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