
Similarities and differences between Chinese and Japanese food culture Japan is to the north of China. The two countries are so close geographically. Chinese culture and Japanese culture interact and promote with each other. The following is to introduce the similarities and differences between Chinese and Japanese food culture.

In similar areas,firstly.the staple food of China and Japan is rice-based. Rice plays a important role in Chinese and Japanese food culture.The two countries both agree the view that rice is the staple of food of ideal.China is a large agricultural country.Southerners and northernrs bothe like to eat rice,especially southerners.This practice has a long history.Since ancient times,Japan has a abundant of water resources.And the climate and soil are also beneficial to the growth of the rice.So the Japanese has been eating rice.They improve the taste of rice.So Japanese love rice.Secondly,for the pasta,China is the first palce to grow wheat.A variety of pasta is from wheat.When wheat is brought to Japan,Japanese also like to eat pasta,especially noodles.Janpanese invent instant noodles.Both Chinese and Japanese like noodles.For the pasta,we must mention the dumplings.For the northerners in China,dumplings is essential food in the festival.Japanese also like to eat dumplings very much.

In difference areas,firstly,Chinese pay attention to a large amount of Food.When Chinese invent guests to have a dinner,Chinese usually

prepare a large amount of meals,so there are many meals to waste.Instead Japanese prepare right meals to invent guests.It is good to our health.Secondly,Chinese like to eat hot dishes and Janpanese like to eat cold dishes.This is due to the natural conditions between China and Japan.What is more,Chinese dishes is saltier and Japanese dishes is sweet.Savory dishes is suitable for the continental climate in China.It is mild and wet in Japan,so sweet dishes is suitable for Japanese appetite.Finally,Chinese pay more attention to the taste of the dishes instead of the outward appearance.But Japanese have a opposite view. They pay more attention to the outward appearance.

In the history of baptism,Chinese and Japanese culture with the progress of time is constantly changing.With the different historical development of China and Japan, their culture will have a lot of similarities and differences.But there is a word.Culture knows no boundaries.There is no best culture but developing culture.

Similarities and differences between Chinese and Japanese food culture Japan is to the north of China. The two countries are so close geographically. Chinese culture and Japanese culture interact and promote with each other. The following is to introduce the similarities and differences between Chinese and Japanese food culture.

In similar areas,firstly.the staple food of China and Japan is rice-based. Rice plays a important role in Chinese and Japanese food culture.The two countries both agree the view that rice is the staple of food of ideal.China is a large agricultural country.Southerners and northernrs bothe like to eat rice,especially southerners.This practice has a long history.Since ancient times,Japan has a abundant of water resources.And the climate and soil are also beneficial to the growth of the rice.So the Japanese has been eating rice.They improve the taste of rice.So Japanese love rice.Secondly,for the pasta,China is the first palce to grow wheat.A variety of pasta is from wheat.When wheat is brought to Japan,Japanese also like to eat pasta,especially noodles.Janpanese invent instant noodles.Both Chinese and Japanese like noodles.For the pasta,we must mention the dumplings.For the northerners in China,dumplings is essential food in the festival.Japanese also like to eat dumplings very much.

In difference areas,firstly,Chinese pay attention to a large amount of Food.When Chinese invent guests to have a dinner,Chinese usually

prepare a large amount of meals,so there are many meals to waste.Instead Japanese prepare right meals to invent guests.It is good to our health.Secondly,Chinese like to eat hot dishes and Janpanese like to eat cold dishes.This is due to the natural conditions between China and Japan.What is more,Chinese dishes is saltier and Japanese dishes is sweet.Savory dishes is suitable for the continental climate in China.It is mild and wet in Japan,so sweet dishes is suitable for Japanese appetite.Finally,Chinese pay more attention to the taste of the dishes instead of the outward appearance.But Japanese have a opposite view. They pay more attention to the outward appearance.

In the history of baptism,Chinese and Japanese culture with the progress of time is constantly changing.With the different historical development of China and Japan, their culture will have a lot of similarities and differences.But there is a word.Culture knows no boundaries.There is no best culture but developing culture.


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