
北京冬天十大传统美食英文怎么说 原创2015-11-25英语点津中国日报网双语新闻

When the weather gets chilly and the skies turn dark and gloomy, it's easy to feel down. There's nothing Beijingers can do about the bad weather, however, there are some foods that taste significantly better during the cold days which turns the winter frown upside down. Here are 10 Beijing specialties that make the winter merrier.



Tanghulu, sugarcoated haws on a stick, is a traditional winter snack in Beijing. Every year, as the weather cools down, tanghulu sales start heating up on almost every street corner in Beijing.

冰糖葫芦,用竹签串起来的山楂果上裹上一层厚厚的糖衣,是北京传统的冬季零食。每当天气变得寒冷,卖冰糖葫芦的小贩就开始走街串巷地叫卖。 糖炒栗子Roasted chestnut精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:https://gl.baidu.com

Roasted chestnut is a popular street snack during Beijing's winter. 糖炒栗子是北京冬天很受欢迎的一种街头小吃。

涮羊肉Mutton hot pot

While winter's chill takes hold in China, mutton becomes more popular. In Beijing, the traditional shuanyangrou (mutton hot pot) is a top family dinner choice.精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:https://gl.baidu.com


烤红薯Roasted sweet potato

A roasted sweet potato is a comfort street snack that will keep you warm during the cold Beijing winter.精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:https://gl.baidu.com



Lvdagun, a traditional Beijing sweet snack made from beans and rice flour, tastes especially good in winter and is a popular snack at Beijing's annual temple fairs.精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:https://gl.baidu.com



For Beijing seniors, storing up cabbage before the cold weather arrived was an annual tradition. The custom arose when Chinese cabbage was one of the few vegetables available in North China during the cold months. It's also cheap and easy to store. There are so many ways to use the green vegetables, from cabbage soup, steamed cabbage, cabbage salad to cabbage dumplings.精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:https://gl.baidu.com

对北京老一辈人而言,在天冷之前囤大白菜是一种传统。在过去,大白菜是中国北方每年冬天能吃到的为数不多的蔬菜之一,而且囤白菜既便宜又容易。大白菜能做成很多美食,白菜汤,蒸白菜,白菜沙拉,白菜饺子,等等。 卤煮火烧Luzhu huoshao

Luzhu huoshao, chopped-up pig intestines with wheat bread may sound repulsive, but it's a traditional local delicacy in Beijing, especially during the winter season.



Tangerduo literally means sugar ear. It's a fried sweet snack that gets its

name from its shape (it looks like an ear). The popular winter snack in Beijing is served cold and made of flour and sugar.精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:https://gl.baidu.com



Persimmon is a typical winter fruit in China's capital city. In the past, people often froze mature persimmons to keep them in storage. By putting the精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:https://gl.baidu.com

persimmons in slightly warm water to let the ice thaw, the flesh inside would become soft and sweet making them a delicious snack for any occasion.

Persimmon trees are still easy to find in Beijing. When matured, the fruits hanging on the trees look like red lanterns.


拔丝红薯Glazed sweet potato

Winter is the best season to enjoy a sweet potato. It's fun to dress up the sweet potatoes with a flavorful sugar glaze, as in Beijing's traditional basi hongshu (glazed sweet potato).


北京冬天十大传统美食英文怎么说 原创2015-11-25英语点津中国日报网双语新闻

When the weather gets chilly and the skies turn dark and gloomy, it's easy to feel down. There's nothing Beijingers can do about the bad weather, however, there are some foods that taste significantly better during the cold days which turns the winter frown upside down. Here are 10 Beijing specialties that make the winter merrier.



Tanghulu, sugarcoated haws on a stick, is a traditional winter snack in Beijing. Every year, as the weather cools down, tanghulu sales start heating up on almost every street corner in Beijing.

冰糖葫芦,用竹签串起来的山楂果上裹上一层厚厚的糖衣,是北京传统的冬季零食。每当天气变得寒冷,卖冰糖葫芦的小贩就开始走街串巷地叫卖。 糖炒栗子Roasted chestnut精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:https://gl.baidu.com

Roasted chestnut is a popular street snack during Beijing's winter. 糖炒栗子是北京冬天很受欢迎的一种街头小吃。

涮羊肉Mutton hot pot

While winter's chill takes hold in China, mutton becomes more popular. In Beijing, the traditional shuanyangrou (mutton hot pot) is a top family dinner choice.精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:https://gl.baidu.com


烤红薯Roasted sweet potato

A roasted sweet potato is a comfort street snack that will keep you warm during the cold Beijing winter.精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:https://gl.baidu.com



Lvdagun, a traditional Beijing sweet snack made from beans and rice flour, tastes especially good in winter and is a popular snack at Beijing's annual temple fairs.精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:https://gl.baidu.com



For Beijing seniors, storing up cabbage before the cold weather arrived was an annual tradition. The custom arose when Chinese cabbage was one of the few vegetables available in North China during the cold months. It's also cheap and easy to store. There are so many ways to use the green vegetables, from cabbage soup, steamed cabbage, cabbage salad to cabbage dumplings.精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:https://gl.baidu.com

对北京老一辈人而言,在天冷之前囤大白菜是一种传统。在过去,大白菜是中国北方每年冬天能吃到的为数不多的蔬菜之一,而且囤白菜既便宜又容易。大白菜能做成很多美食,白菜汤,蒸白菜,白菜沙拉,白菜饺子,等等。 卤煮火烧Luzhu huoshao

Luzhu huoshao, chopped-up pig intestines with wheat bread may sound repulsive, but it's a traditional local delicacy in Beijing, especially during the winter season.



Tangerduo literally means sugar ear. It's a fried sweet snack that gets its

name from its shape (it looks like an ear). The popular winter snack in Beijing is served cold and made of flour and sugar.精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:https://gl.baidu.com



Persimmon is a typical winter fruit in China's capital city. In the past, people often froze mature persimmons to keep them in storage. By putting the精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:https://gl.baidu.com

persimmons in slightly warm water to let the ice thaw, the flesh inside would become soft and sweet making them a delicious snack for any occasion.

Persimmon trees are still easy to find in Beijing. When matured, the fruits hanging on the trees look like red lanterns.


拔丝红薯Glazed sweet potato

Winter is the best season to enjoy a sweet potato. It's fun to dress up the sweet potatoes with a flavorful sugar glaze, as in Beijing's traditional basi hongshu (glazed sweet potato).



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