

The procedure of monitoring and measuring the environment

1. 目的



Check the totality and judge whether the environmental quality is meet the standard of the regulation, assess and analyze the action that has big

environmental effect. Besides, carry out the countermeasure to rectify and improve some status which is not up to the standard.

2. 适用范围


Scope of application

Measure the environmental standard of the company’s waste and other source , such as liquid waste, polluted air, noise,solid waste, resource and energy. Besides, monitor and measure the behavior parameter of environment effect.

3. 职责



The environmental protection team is responsible for monitoring and measuring the environment standard of the document ,and monitor the improvement of environment effect behavior parameter


The environmental protection team is responsible for contacting with the external measure organization, preserve the environmental KPI data and certification .

4. 工作程序

Working Procedure


Monitor and measure the discharge of the liquid waste


Use the flowing meter to measure the water effluence ,install the flowing meter in the sewage inlet and outlet. Write down the discharge rate on time everyday and fill it in the 《water effluence discharge record》


The discharge rate must not exceed to the ability of the water effluence treatment pool.


Monitoring and measuring the liquid waste disposal


The sewage effluence must be disposal in full and up to the standard through the internal laboratory’ test before it was discharged. And the result must be write down in《The test record of sewage disposal 》。

4.2.2污水处理站化验室依据《污水处理检验规程》在不同出水口取水样,每日监测和检验污水PH 值、COD cr 值和色度,合乎标准值后方可排放,否则进入循环管道,再行往复处理。

The sewage disposal laboratory according to《The regulation of test the sewage disposal 》get water sample in different outlet, monitor and test the PH,COD cr and the

chroma. It can be discharge if is up to the standard ,or it must be flow into circulating water pipe. and redisposed.


The environmental protection team must supervise testing sewage, base on the water flow meter data, insure all the sewage are disposal and up to the standard


The Huizhou environmental protection bureau will monitor and measure the company’s sewage effluence, and the testing report will be one of the proof for company monitor and measure.


Monitor and measure the waste air of the boiler and generator .


The general affair dept of Stella group is responsible for monitoring and measuring the waste air of the boiler and the generator, keep and provide testing report to the company.


The monitor and measurement of solid waste must be act according to 《The regulation of disposal solid waste》, and the relate information can be gotten by the party who recycle the solid waste


The environmental protection team must monitor and measure noise pollution of factory area every month and write the result in the 《Monitoring record of factory noise pollution 》. It must act according to《The regulation of measuring and management the noise pollution 》.


Monitor and measurement of resource and energy


The financial dept is responsible for gathering and publicizing statistics of all water meters and electric meters in the company.


The procedure of monitoring and measuring the environment

1. 目的



Check the totality and judge whether the environmental quality is meet the standard of the regulation, assess and analyze the action that has big

environmental effect. Besides, carry out the countermeasure to rectify and improve some status which is not up to the standard.

2. 适用范围


Scope of application

Measure the environmental standard of the company’s waste and other source , such as liquid waste, polluted air, noise,solid waste, resource and energy. Besides, monitor and measure the behavior parameter of environment effect.

3. 职责



The environmental protection team is responsible for monitoring and measuring the environment standard of the document ,and monitor the improvement of environment effect behavior parameter


The environmental protection team is responsible for contacting with the external measure organization, preserve the environmental KPI data and certification .

4. 工作程序

Working Procedure


Monitor and measure the discharge of the liquid waste


Use the flowing meter to measure the water effluence ,install the flowing meter in the sewage inlet and outlet. Write down the discharge rate on time everyday and fill it in the 《water effluence discharge record》


The discharge rate must not exceed to the ability of the water effluence treatment pool.


Monitoring and measuring the liquid waste disposal


The sewage effluence must be disposal in full and up to the standard through the internal laboratory’ test before it was discharged. And the result must be write down in《The test record of sewage disposal 》。

4.2.2污水处理站化验室依据《污水处理检验规程》在不同出水口取水样,每日监测和检验污水PH 值、COD cr 值和色度,合乎标准值后方可排放,否则进入循环管道,再行往复处理。

The sewage disposal laboratory according to《The regulation of test the sewage disposal 》get water sample in different outlet, monitor and test the PH,COD cr and the

chroma. It can be discharge if is up to the standard ,or it must be flow into circulating water pipe. and redisposed.


The environmental protection team must supervise testing sewage, base on the water flow meter data, insure all the sewage are disposal and up to the standard


The Huizhou environmental protection bureau will monitor and measure the company’s sewage effluence, and the testing report will be one of the proof for company monitor and measure.


Monitor and measure the waste air of the boiler and generator .


The general affair dept of Stella group is responsible for monitoring and measuring the waste air of the boiler and the generator, keep and provide testing report to the company.


The monitor and measurement of solid waste must be act according to 《The regulation of disposal solid waste》, and the relate information can be gotten by the party who recycle the solid waste


The environmental protection team must monitor and measure noise pollution of factory area every month and write the result in the 《Monitoring record of factory noise pollution 》. It must act according to《The regulation of measuring and management the noise pollution 》.


Monitor and measurement of resource and energy


The financial dept is responsible for gathering and publicizing statistics of all water meters and electric meters in the company.


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